Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
杨旭. A Finite-Element Method of Flexoelectric effects on Nanoscale Beam. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR MULTISCALE COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING, 17, 29, 2024.
李海燕. 岩溶凹陷式露天矿山大流量涌水治理技术. Meitan Kexun Jishu/Coal Science and Technology (Peking), 52, 267-279, 2024.
杨磊. Propagation behavior of hydraulic fractures in shale under triaxial compression considering the influence of sandstone layers. GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2024.
张益杰. A preliminary investigation of the properties of potassium magnesium phosphate cement-based grouts mixed with fly ash, water glass and bentonite. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2023.
张益杰. A preliminary study of the properties of potassium phosphate magnesium cement-based grouts admixed with metakaolin,sodium silicate and bentonite. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2023.
张波. Influence of size and location of a pre-existing fracture on hydraulic fracture propagation path. Geomechanics and Engineering, 32, 321, 2023.
刘子豪. 含水率对土钉锚固土体抗剪性能影响. 山东大学学报(工学版, 2023.
张益杰. A preliminary study of the properties of potassium phosphate magnesium cement-based grouts admixed with metakaolin, sodium silicate and bentonite a. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2023.
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Research Projects
富水地层地面注浆加固技术与安全控制方法-3, 2022-06-07-2024-12-31
高速公路光伏边坡稳定性分析及优化设计与高速边坡光伏一体化(HIPV)关键技术研究, 2024-04-23-2024-08-31
地铁盾构高压射流辅助破岩技术实验及工程应用-2, 2023-10-18-2024-09-18
枣菏高速公路交能融合(源网荷储一体化)示范工程边坡自动化监测设备采购及边坡稳定性研究, 2023-09-01-2025-09-30
隧道掘进机高压射流辅助破岩与高效掘进关键技术与装备, 2023-01-01-2025-12-31
穿越富水地层热力双管同步顶进施工关键技术研究, 2023-05-01-2025-12-30
衢州市城市综合管理服务平台(一期)项目桥隧监测分析, 2022-12-12-2024-01-31
高压脉冲射流-TBM滚刀联合破超硬岩机制研究, 2022-09-07-2026-12-31
Research Team
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