1. 张岚 , 侯琨 , 冯泓 and 肖尧. 口口相授、重复购买和饥渴营销. 经济学报, 9, 267-285, 2022.
2. Lan Zhang , Jianchen Wang and Yao Xiao. How Do Entrepreneurs' Characteristics Affect R&D Expenditure? Evidence from Small and Micro Chinese Firms. Applied Economics, 54, 6098-6107, 2022.
3. Jie Shuai , Huanxing Yang and Lan Zhang. Dominant Firm and Competitive Bundling in Oligopoly Markets. Games and Economic Behavior, 132, 421-447, 2022.
4. Michael Arnold , Eric Schmidbauer and Lan Zhang. Uniform and Targeted Informative Advertising with Asymmetric Customer Loyalty. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31, 90-114, 2021.
5. Lan Zhang and Michael Arnold. Competition with an Information Clearinghouse and Asymmetric Firms: Why More than Two Firms Compete (or not) for Shoppers. Games and Economic Behavior, 122, 55-82, 2020.
6. Hong Feng , Qiang Fu and Lan Zhang. How to Launch a New Durable Good: a Signaling Rationale for Hunger Marketing and Word of Mouth. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 70, 2020.
7. Youxin Hu , John Kagel , Huanxing Yang and Lan Zhang. The Effects of Pre-play Communication in a Coordination Game with Incomplete Information. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 176, 403-415, 2020.
8. Huanxing Yang and Lan Zhang. Communication and the Optimality of Hierarchy in Organizations. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 35, 154-191, 2019.
9. Zhuozheng Li , Huanxing Yang and Lan Zhang. Pre-Communication in a Coordination Game with Incomplete Information. International Journal of Game Theory, 48, 109-141, 2019.
10. 韦锋 , Jihui Chen and Lan Zhang. Demand Shocks, Airline Pricing, and High-Speed Rail Substitution. Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy, 51, pp1-24, 2017.
11. Michael Arnold and Lan Zhang. The Unique Equilibrium in a Model of Sales with Costly Advertising. Economics Letters, 124, 457-460, 2014.
12. 侯琨 , 卢远瞩 and 张岚. 总体努力水平约束下的Tullock竞赛与最优约束机制设计:总体约束,个体约束还是无努力水平约束?. 经济学(季刊), 14, 396-416, 2014.
13. Michael Arnold , Chenguang Li , Christine Saliba and Lan Zhang. Asymmetric Market shares, Advertising and Pricing: Equilibrium with an Information Gatekeeper. Journal of Industrial Economics, 59, 63-84, 2011.
1. 数据要素赋能企业创新研究, 2023/11/28-2026/12/31
2. 平台竞争策略对企业创新的影响及规制边界研究, 2023/09/22-2028/09/01