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- [41] 李玉忠 , 张立强 , 崔琳 , 董勇 and 董言. Novel Method of Ultralow SO<inf>2</inf>Emission for CFB Boilers: Combination of Limestone Injection and Activated Carbon Adsorption. 《Energy Fuels》, 31, 11481, 2017.
- [42] 张立强 and 马春元. Effect of N-doping on NO2 adsorption and reduction over activated carbon:An experimental and computational study. Fuel, 258, 2019.
- [43] 董勇 , 崔琳 , 张立强 , 马春元 and 李林. 荷电水雾脱除超细颗粒物的研究进展. 《化工进展》, 2010.
- [44] 李玉忠 , 马春元 , 宋占龙 , 张立强 , 崔琳 , 陈桂芳 and 常景彩. Method of flash evaporation and condensation – heat pump for deep cooling of coal-fired power plant flue gas: Latent heat and water recovery. Applied energy, 2016.
- [45] 李玉忠 , 张立强 , 崔琳 , 董勇 and 董言. Novel Method of Ultralow SO2 Emission for CFB Boilers: Combination of Limestone Injection and Activated Carbon Adsorption. ENERGY & FUELS Journal, 31, 11481, 2017.
- [46] 李玉忠 , 陈桂芳 , 张立强 , 毛岩鹏 , 马春元 and 闫敏. A novel flue gas pre-treatment system of post-combustion CO<inf>2</inf>capture in coal-fired power plant. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 128, 331, 2017.
- [47] 史月涛 , 张立强 , 李玉忠 , 马春元 and 闫敏. A novel boiler cold-end optimisation system based on bypass flue in coal-fired power plants: Heat recovery from wet flue gas. Energy, 152, 84, 2018.
- [48] 崔琳 , 李玉忠 , 张立强 , 董勇 and 马春元. Electrolysis-electrodialysis process for removing chloride ion in wet flue gas desulfurization wastewater (DW): Influencing factors and energy consumption analysis. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, 123, 240, 2017.
- [49] 李玉忠 , 陈桂芳 , 张立强 , 毛岩鹏 , 马春元 and 闫敏. A novel flue gas pre-treatment system of post-combustion CO2 capture in coal-fired power plant. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, 128, 331, 2017.
- [50] 马春元 , 宋占龙 , 张立强 , 崔琳 , 陈桂芳 , 常景彩 and 李玉忠. Method of flash evaporation and condensation – heat pump for deep cooling of coal-fired power plant flue gas: Latent heat and water recovery. Applied energy, 2016.
- [51] 王鹏 , 董勇 , 崔琳 and 张立强. 煤中汞赋存形态及其热解时析出规律研究. 《燃料化学学报》, 42, 146, 2014.
- [52] 张立强 , 董勇 , 崔琳 and 王志强. Modification of activated carbon using microwave radiation and its effects on the adsorption of SO2. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 49, 52, 2016.
- [53] 马春元 , 张立强 and 王志强. 微波加热改性活性炭及其对SO2吸附性能的影响. 《中国电机工程学报》, 32, 2012.
- [54] 马春元 , 张立强 and 王志强. 粉末活性炭低温吸附氧化NO的动力学研究. 《煤炭学报》, 36, 2092-2096, 2011.
- [55] 崔琳 , 张立强 , 马春元 and 董勇. 荷电水雾脱除超细颗粒物的研究进展. 《化工进展》, 29, 1143, 2010.
- [56] 董勇 , 徐夕仁 , 马春元 , 王鹏 , 崔琳 and 张立强. CaCl2 添加对热解煤中汞析出规律影响的实验研究. 《燃料化学学报》, 42, 31, 2014.
- [57] 张立强 , 崔琳 , 王志强 and 董勇. 微波再生对活性炭循环吸附SO2的影响. 《燃料化学学报》, 42, 890, 2014.
- [58] 张立强 , 崔琳 , 王文龙 and 马春元. Experimental study of SO2 removal by powder activated carbon in fluidized bed reactor. APPEEC2010, 2010.
- [59] 张立强 , 陈磊 and 马春元. 微波辐照再生载硫活性炭的机理及动力学. 《煤炭学报》, 37, 1920, 2012.
- [60] 张立强 , 陈磊 and 马春元. 粉状活性炭流化床吸附SO2的实验研究及吸附动力学分析. 《煤炭学报》, 37, 1046, 2012.