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- 董亚楠. A Deep-Learning Based Multiple Defect Detection Method for Tunnel Lining Damages. IEEE Access , 7, 182643, 2024.
- 安祺祎. Experimental study of temperature and pressure effects on rock damage caused by SC-CO2. GEOTHERMICS, 114, 2023.
- 刘衍顺. Strength deterioration of karst fillings under dry-wet cycles: Testing and modeling study. BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 82, 2023.
- 李术才. Protection against water or mud inrush in tunnels by grouting: A review. JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, 8, 753-766, 2023.
- 尹占超. A fractional-order damage creep model for grouting-reinforcement body under dry-wet cycle. 工程地质环境学报, 82, 2023.
- 安祺祎. Experiment on no-flow and flow CO2-water-rock interaction: A kinetics calculation method for rock pore evolution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 464, 2023.
- 安祺祎. Experiment on no-flow and flow CO2-water–rock interaction: A kinetics calculation method for rock pore evolution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 464, 2023.
- 安祺祎. Dynamic alteration damage to granite by SC-CO2: A proof of concept with an innovative apparatus design. 测量, 184, 2023.
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