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联系方式:Email: zh_zhang@sdu.edu.cn, zh_zhang@email.sdu.edu.cn Phone:+86-531-88396978 Fax:+86-531-88396978

当前位置: Chinese homepage >> 科学研究
  • 1. 山东大学材料学院学科建设经费(多孔金属创新团队),40万,2019,负责人

    2. 山东大学杰出青年建设经费,75万,2018.1-2022.12,负责人

    3. 基于共晶体系低维纳米多孔金属材料的设计、结构调控与电催化性能,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万,2019.1-2022.12,负责人 51871133

    4. 第一批国家万人计划青年拔尖人才,2017年山东省人才建设资金,山东省科技厅其他计划,50万,2017.3.1-2020.6.30,负责人(鲁财教指[2017]13号)

    5. 化学/电化学条件下纳米多孔Pt基合金的去合金化机理及电催化性能研究 ,国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万,2017.1-2020.12,负责人 51671115

    6. 纳米能源材料,中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划(万人计划),国家级,180万,2014.1-2016.12,负责人

    7. 固态去合金化过程中纳米多孔金属的形成、结构及催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,80万,2014.1-2017.12,负责人 51371106

    8. 纳米多孔锡基材料的去合金化法制备、结构调控及储锂性能研究 ,教育部/2012年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类),12万,2013.1.1-2015.12.31,负责人 20120131110017

    9. 高比能直接甲醇燃料电池关键纳米材料与纳米结构研究(子课题-抗毒化、长寿命低铂纳米电催化剂的设计与可控制备),科技部重大科学研究计划, 829万,2012.1-2016.8,参加2012CB932800

    10. 块体纳米多孔金属的传感与激发行为研究,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,50万,2012.1-2014.12负责人NCET-11-0318

    11. 面向汽车尾气净化处理的纳米多孔金属催化材料的研制,上海大学上海市现代冶金与材料制备重点实验室开放课题,5万,2012.1-2013.12,负责人 SELF-2011-02

    12. 三元体系去合金化过程中组元间的相互作用及纳米多孔合金的设计与功能化研究, 山东大学自主创新基金自然科学类专项杰出青年培育项目,30万,2010.6-2012.12, 负责人2010JQ015

    13. 去合金化过程中合金/溶液的界面行为及纳米多孔金属的形成研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 37, 2010.1-2012.12,负责人 (50971079)

    14. 三元合金体系的去合金化机理及新型纳米多孔金属的形成、结构和性能研究, 第二批中国博士后特别资助,102009.1-2010.6, 负责人 200902555

    15. 二元铝合金熔体微观结构与脆性的相关性研究, 43批中国博士后科学基金一等,5万,2008.3-2010.2, 负责人

    16. 过热金属熔体行为与非晶形成能力,国家自然科学基金重点项目,190万,2009.1-2012.12,  第四位( 50801003

    17. Al-TM熔体的脆性特征与快凝过程中组织遗传的相关性研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金, 30, 2008.1-2010.12, 负责人 ( 50701028)

    18. 多元Al-Fe基熔体的微观不均匀结构及快凝过程中组织遗传效应研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(博士基金),6, 2008.1-2010.12, 负责人 ( 2007BS04024)

  •    课题组拥有真空电弧炉、磁控溅射仪、真空感应炉、真空甩带机、静电纺丝机等材料制备设备,X射线衍射仪、电化学工作站、旋转圆盘/环盘电极系统、电池测试系统、表面积及孔隙率分析仪、气相色谱仪、紫外可见分光光度计等测试表征设备,以及用于DFT计算的高性能服务器多台套。已形成较完备的多孔金属材料研究平台。













  • 发明专利:


    2.张忠华,祁振,赵长春,王孝广。一种纳米多孔铜/四氧化三铁复合材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0229985.4, 授权日 2011年8月31日

    3.张忠华,张弛,寇天一,孙俊哲。一种纳米多孔铜锡合金的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201210233788.1, 授权日 2013年10月16日

    4.王艳,张忠华。一种碳化钛纳米线的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0230712.1, 授权日,2011年6月8号

    5.王艳,祁振,张忠华。一种整体连续纳米多孔铜的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0016657.6, 授权日,2011年6月22号

    6.王艳,张忠华。一种纳米多孔钯的电化学制备方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 0230713.6, 授权日,2011年11月23号

    7.王艳,张忠华张倩。一种纳米多孔金的电化学制备方法,专利号:ZL 200910016655.7,授权日,2012年2月8号

    8.王艳,张忠华,寇天一。一种纳米多孔铜粉末的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0329429.1,授权日,2013年04月17日

    9.张忠华,董超群,程冠桦,徐俊岭。一种氧化铜基非对称型超级电容器及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0102347.7,授权日:2016年8月31日

    10.张忠华,程冠桦,徐俊岭。一种金属/金属氧化物纳米复合材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0705152.7,授权日:2016年8月31日

    11.张忠华,程冠桦,徐俊岭。一种草酸镍基非对称型超级电容器及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0705131.5,授权日:2017年1月11日

    12.张忠华,杨皖凤。一种层状结构过渡金属硫族化合物纳米片的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2015 1 0182674.2,授权日:2016年9月14日

    13.张忠华陈小婷。一种多组元纳米多孔钯基合金及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2015 1 0075526.0, 授权日:2017年3月1日

    14.张忠华,王祯斌。一种纳米结构过渡金属薄膜的制备方法,专利号:ZL2017 1 0653264.0授权日:2019年6月11日


  • 1.Z.H. Zhang, J. Frenzel, C. Somsen, J. Pesicka, K Neuking, G. Eggeler. On the formation of TiC crystals during processing of NiTi shape memory alloys. In: G.V. Karas (Ed.), Trends in Crystal Growth ResearchNova Science Publishers, New York,US, 2005, Chapter 4, 71-99.

    2.Yi Ding, Zhonghua Zhang. Nanoporous metals. In: R. Vajtai (Ed.), Springer Handbook of Nanomaterials. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, Chapter 21, 779-817.

    3.Yi Ding, Zhonghua ZhangNanoporous Metals for Advanced Energy Technologies. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, pp.223. (ISBN: 978-3-319-29747-7, ISBN: 978-3-319-29749-1 (eBook), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29749-1)

    4.Zhonghua Zhang, Ying Wang. Design and Fabrication of Dealloying-driven Nanoporous Metallic Electrocatalyst. In Electrocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and Recent Trends, First Edition. Edited by Saji S. Viswanathan and Thandavarayan Maiyalagan. 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Chapter 19, pp 533-555.

  • 课题组与德国波鸿鲁尔大学(Prof. Gunther Eggeler, Dr. Jan Frenzel)、汉堡工业大学材料物理所(Prof. Jörg Weissmüller)、美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校(Prof. Yat Li, Dr. Tianyi Kou)、美国宾西法尼亚大学(Prof. Eric Detsi)、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(Prof. Chuan Zhao)、荷兰莱顿大学、德国慕尼黑工业大学、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院、以色列巴伊兰大学(Prof. Doron Aurbach)、香港科技大学(Dr. Qing Chen),国内中科院长春应化所(彭章泉研究员)、中科院生态环境研究中心、吉林大学、天津理工大学、东南大学等单位开展相关交流合作。

  • 2020

    176. Operando X-ray diffraction analysis of the degradation mechanisms of a spinel LiMn2O4 cathode in different voltage windows

    Fakui Luo#, Congcong Wei#, Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Wensheng Ma, Zhangquan Peng, Yanwen Bai*, Zhonghua Zhang*

    Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2020, 44, 138-146



    175. Nanoporous iridium-based alloy nanowires as highly efficient electrocatalysts toward acidic oxygen evolution reaction

    Ying Wang,# Lei Zhang,# Kuibo Yin,# Jie Zhang, Hui Gao, Na Liu, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang* 

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(43), 39728-39736


    174. Hybrid Ni (OH) 2/FeOOH@ NiFe nanosheet catalysts towards highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction with ultralong stability over 1000 hours.

    Jie Zhang, Yanwen Bai,* Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Yujun Shi, Ying Zhang, Meijia Song, and Zhonghua Zhang*

    ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 14601−14610



    173. Composition- and size-modulated porous bismuth–tin biphase alloys as anodes for advanced magnesium ion batteries

    Jiazheng Niu, Kuibo Yin, Hui Gao, Meijia Song, Wensheng Ma, Zhangquan Peng and Zhonghua Zhang*

    Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 15279–15288



    172. Iron and Nickel Mixed Oxides Derived From NiIIFeII-PBA for Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis

    Zhuohong Xie, Chi Zhang, Xin He, Yi Liang, Dingding Meng, Jiaqi Wang, Ping Liang*, Zhonghua Zhang*

    Frontiers in Chemistry (open), 2019, 7, 00539


    171.  A self-healing CuGa2 anode for high-performance Li ion batteries

    Yujun Shi, Meijia Song, Ying Zhang, Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Wensheng Ma, Jingyu Qin, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Power Sources 437 (2019) 226889



    170. Understanding the boosted sodium storage behavior of nanoporous bismuth-nickel anode using operando X-ray diffraction and density functional theory calculations

    Hui Gao, Lin Song, Jiazheng Niu, Chi Zhang, Tianyi Kou, Yue Sun, Jingyu Qin, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 13602-13613


    169. Ternary mesoporous cobalt-iron-nickel oxide efficiently catalyzing oxygen/hydrogen evolution reactions and overall water splitting

    Lulu Han, Limin Guo,* Chaoqun Dong, Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Zhangquan Peng,* Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Research, 2019, 12(9): 2281–2287



    168. Transforming bulk metals into metallic nanostructures: a liquid metal-assisted top-down dealloying strategy with sustainability

    Zhenbin Wang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Chi Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7 (3), 3274–3281



    167. Self-supporting, eutectic-like, nanoporous biphase bismuth-tin film for high-performance magnesium storage

    Meijia Song#, Jiazheng Niu#, Kuibo Yin, Hui Gao, Chi Zhang, Wensheng Ma, Fakui Luo, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Research, 2019, 12(4), 801–808


    166. Theoretical Expectation and Experimental Implementation of In Situ Al-Doped CoS2 Nanowires on Dealloying-Derived Nanoporous Intermetallic Substrate as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Boosting Hydrogen Production

    Mei Wang, Wenjuan Zhang, Fangfang Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*, Bin Tang, Jinping Li*, and Xiaoguang Wang*.

    ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9 (2), 1489–1502


    165. A Self-supported, Three-Dimensional Porous Copper Film as Current Collector for Advanced Lithium Metal Batteries

    Yujun Shi, Zhenbin Wang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Wensheng Ma, Jingyu Qin, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 1092–1098



    164. A new defect-rich CoGa layered double hydroxide as efficient and stable oxygen evolution electrocatalyst

    Jie Zhang, Chaoqun Dong, Zhenbin Wang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Small Methods, 2019, 3(2), 1800286



    163. Ligament size-dependent electrocatalytic activity of nanoporous Ag network for CO2 reduction

    Wanfeng Yang, Wensheng Ma, Zhonghua Zhang*, Chuan Zhao*.

    Faraday Discuss., 2018, 210, 289–299



    162. Scalable Dealloying Route to Mesoporous Ternary CoNiFe Layered Double Hydroxides for Efficient Oxygen Evolution

    Chaoqun Dong#, Lulu Han#, Chi Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(12), 16096–16104



    161. Scalable Fabrication of Core-Shell Sb@Co(OH)2 Nanosheet Anode for Advanced Sodium Ion Batteries via Magnetron Sputtering

    Ying Zhang#, Hui Gao#, Jiazheng Niu, Wensheng Ma, Yujun Shi, Meijia Song, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 11678-11688


    160. Alloying boosting superior sodium storage performance in nanoporous tin-antimony alloy anode for sodium ion batteries

    Wensheng Ma, Kuibo Yin, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Energy, 2018, 54, 349–359



    159. Transforming bulk alloys into nanoporous lanthanum-based perovskite oxides with high specific surface areas and enhanced electrocatalytic activities

    Conghui Si, Chi Zhang, Jaka Sunarso*, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 19979-19988



    158. Fabrication and characterization of nanoporous Cu-Sn intermetallics via dealloying of ternary Mg-Cu-Sn alloys

    Chi Zhang, Zhuohong Xie, Xin He, Ping Liang, Qingguang Zeng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 6900-6908



    157. A self-supported nanoporous PtGa film as an efficient multifunctional electrocatalyst for energy conversion

    Ying Wang, Zhenbin Wang, Jie Zhang, Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 17070-17079



    156. Flexible, self-supported hexagonal β-Co(OH)2 nanosheet arrays as integrated electrode catalyzing oxygen evolution reaction

    Jie Zhang, Chaoqun Dong, Zhenbin Wang, Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 284, 495-503


    155. Dual phase enhanced superior electrochemical performance of nanoporous bismuth-tin alloy anodes for magnesium-ion batteries

    Jiazheng Niu, Hui Gao, Wensheng Ma, Fakui Luo, Kuibo Yin,* Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 14, 351–360



    154. ‘Casting’ nanoporous nanowires: revitalizing the ancient process for designing advanced catalysts

    Ying Wang, Tianyi Kou, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Jie Zhang, Lanfen Lv, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 10525-10534



    153. Hierarchically porous Mo-doped Ni-Fe oxide nanowires efficiently catalyzing oxygen/hydrogen evolution reactions

    Yangjia Chen#, Chaoqun Dong#, Jie Zhang, Chi Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 8430 – 8440



    152. ‘Painting’ nanostructured metals ---playing with liquid metal

    Zhenbin Wang, Ying Wang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Jie Zhang, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nanoscale Horizons, 2018, 3, 408-416



    151. A Dealloying Synthetic Strategy for Nanoporous Bismuth-Antimony Anodes for Sodium Ion Batteries

    Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Chi Zhang, Zhangquan Peng,* Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (4), 3568–3577



    150. A mesoporous antimony-based nanocomposite for advanced sodium ion batteries

    Wensheng Ma, Jiawei Wang, Hui Gao, Jiazheng Niu, Fakui Luo, Zhangquan Peng,* Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 13, 247–256



    149. Sodium storage mechanisms of bismuth in sodium ion batteries: an operando X-ray diffraction study

    Hui Gao, Wensheng Ma, Wanfeng Yang, Jiawei Wang, Jiazheng Niu, Fakui Luo, Zhangquan Peng,* Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 379, 1-9


    148. Self-supported porous NiSe2 nanowrinkles as efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting

    Jie Zhang, Ying Wang, Chi Zhang, Hui Gao, Lanfen Lv, Lulu Han, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(2), 2231–2239



    147. Eutectic-derived mesoporous Ni-Fe-O nanowire network catalyzing oxygen evolution and overall water splitting

    Chaoqun Dong, Tianyi Kou, Hui Gao, Zhangquan Peng,* Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8(5),1701347


    146. Well-dispersed palladium nanoparticles on nickel- phosphorus nanosheets as efficient three-dimensional platform for superior catalytic glucose electro-oxidation and non-enzymatic sensing

    Mei Wang, Zizai Ma, Jinping Li, Zhonghua Zhang, Bin Tang, Xiaoguang Wang*.

    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 511, 355–364



    145. Three-dimensional well-mixed/highly-densed NiS-CoS nanorod arrays: An efficient and stable bifunctional electrocatalyst for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions

    Zizai Ma, Qiang Zhao, Jinping Li, Bin Tang, Zhonghua Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang*.

    Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 260, 82-91



  • 2017

    144. Eutectic-directed self-templating synthesis of PtNi nanoporous nanowires with superior electrocatalytic performance towards oxygen reduction reaction: experiment and DFT calculation

    Ying Wang, Kuibo Yin, Lanfen Lv, Tianyi Kou, Chi Zhang, Jie Zhang, Hui Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 23651-23661



    143. Dealloying-directed synthesis of efficient mesoporous CoFe-based catalysts towards the oxygen evolution reaction and overall water splitting

    Lulu Han, Chaoqun Dong, Chi Zhang, Yulai Gao, Jie Zhang, Hui Gao, Ying Wang, Zhonghua Zhang *.

    Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 16467-16475



    142. Mesoporous nanostructured spinel-type MFe2O4 (M = Co, Mn, Ni) oxides as efficient bi-functional electrocatalysts towards oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution

    Conghui Si, Yelong Zhang, Changqin Zhang, Hui Gao, Wensheng Ma, Lanfen Lv, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 245, 829–838


    141. Dealloying Assisted High-Yield Growth of Surfactant-Free <110> Highly Active Cu-Doped CeO2 Nanowires for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation

    Tianyi Kou, Conghui Si, John Pinto, Chunyan Ma, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 8007 – 8014



    140. O22-/O- Functionalized Oxygen-deficient Co3O4 Nanorods as High Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes and Electrocatalysts towards Water Splitting

    Guanhua Cheng#, Tianyi Kou#, Jie Zhang, Conghui Si, Hui Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Energy, 38 (2017) 155–166



    139. Electrochemical actuation behaviors and mechanisms of bulk nanoporous Ni-Pd alloy

    Jie Zhang, Lanfen Lv, Hui Gao, Qingguo Bai, Chi Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Scripta Materialia, 137 (2017) 73–77



    138. Novel Flower-like PdAu(Cu) Anchoring on a 3D rGO-CNT Sandwich-stacked Framework for Highly Efficient Methanol and Ethanol Electro-oxidation

    Mei Wang, Zizai Ma, Ruixue Li, Bin Tang, Xiao-Qing Bao, Zhonghua Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang*.

    Electrochimica Acta, 227 (2017) 330–344


    137. Nanoporous Platinum/(Mn,Al)3O4 Nanosheet Nanocomposites with Synergistically Enhanced Ultrahigh Oxygen Reduction Activity and Excellent Methanol Tolerance

    Conghui Si, Jie Zhang, Ying Wang, Wensheng Ma, Hui Gao, Lanfen Lv, and Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (3), pp 2485–2494



    136. Tungsten diselenide nanoplates as advanced lithium/sodium ion electrode materials with different storage mechanisms

    Wanfeng Yang, Jiawei Wang, Conghui Si, Zhangquan Peng*, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Research, 2017, 10(8), 2584–2598



    135. Electrochemical actuation behaviors of bulk nanoporous palladium in acid and alkaline solutions

    Jie Zhang, Ying Wang, Conghui Si, Qingguo Bai, Wensheng Ma, Hui Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 220, 91–97



    134. Free-standing CuO nanoflake arrays coated Cu foam for advanced lithium ion battery anodes

    Wanfeng Yang, Jiawei Wang, Wensheng Ma, Chaoqun Dong, Guanhua Cheng, Zhonghua Zhang *.

    Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 333, 88-98



    133. A Nanoporous PtCuTi alloy with low Pt content and greatly enhanced electrocatalytic performance towards methanol oxidation and oxygen reduction

    Ying Wang, Kuibo Yin, Jie Zhang, Conghui Si, Xiaoting Chen, Lanfen Lv, Wensheng Ma, Hui Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 14657-14668



    132. Self-supporting nanoporous gold-palladium overlayer bifunctional catalysts towards oxygen reduction and evolution reactions

    Yan Wang, Wei Huang, Conghui Si, Jie Zhang, Xuejiao Yan, Chuanhong Jin, Yi Ding, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Research, 2016, 9 (12), 3781–3794



    131. New-type nickel oxalate nanostructures for ultrahigh sensitive electrochemical biosensing of glucose

    Chaoqun Dong, Xuejiao Yan, Conghui Si, Hui Gao, Wensheng Ma, Guanhua Cheng, Wanfeng Yang, Hua Zhong *, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600197 (1-8)


    130. Sign inversion of surface stress-charge response of bulk nanoporous nickel actuator with different surface states

    Qingguo Bai, Conghui Si, Jie Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 19798-19806



    129. Microstructural and compositional evolution of nanoporous silver during dealloying of rapidly solidified Mg65Ag35 alloy

    Yan Wang, Yingzi Wang, Hong Ji, Xuejiao Yan, Hui Gao, Wensheng Ma, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Intermetallics, 2016, 76, 49-55


    128. Lattice defects and oxide formation coupledly enhanced giant electrical resistance change in nanoporous silver

    Qingguo Bai, Jie Zhang, Conghui Si, Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 206, 26–35



    127. Modulation of compositions and electrocatalytic activities of quarternary nanoporous Pt-based alloys via controllable dealloying

    Junzhe Sun,* Xuejiao Yan, Bingge Zhao, Lei Liu, Yulai Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41,9476-9489


    126. Multicomponent platinum-free nanoporous Pd-based alloy as an active and methanol-tolerant electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction

    Xiaoting Chen, Conghui Si, Ying Wang, Yi Ding, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nano Research, 2016, 9 (6), 1831-1843



    125. Highly electrocatalytic activity and excellent methanol tolerance of hexagonal spinel-type Mn2AlO4 nanosheets towards oxygen reduction reaction: Experiment and density functional theory calculation

    Conghui Si, Ying Wang, Jie Zhang, Hui Gao, Lanfen Lv, Lulu Han and Zhonghua Zhang*

    Nano Energy, 23 (2016) 105–113



    124. Enhanced anode performance of manganese oxides with petal-like microsphere structures by optimizing the sintering conditions

    Wei Yu, Xiaojian Jiang*, Fanhui Meng, Zhonghua Zhang, Houyi Ma, Xizheng Liu*

    RSC Advances, 2016, 6 (41), 34501-34506



    123. Dealloying-driven nanoporous palladium with superior electrochemical actuation performance

    Jie Zhang, Qingguo Bai, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 7287-7295



    122. Facile fabrication of cobalt oxalate nanostructures with superior specific capacitance and super-long cycling stability

    Guanhua Cheng, Conghui Si, Jie Zhang, Ying Wang, Wanfeng Yang, Chaoqun Dong, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 312, 184-191



    121. Hierarchically nanoporous nickel-based actuators with giant reversible strain and ultrahigh work density

    Qingguo Bai, Yan Wang, Jie Zhang, Yi Ding, Zhangquan Peng, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 45-52



    120. Three-Dimensional Cu Foam-Supported Single Crystalline Mesoporous Cu2O Nanothorn Arrays for Ultra-Highly Sensitive and Efficient Nonenzymatic Detection of Glucose

    Chaoqun Dong, Hua Zhong, Tianyi Kou, Jan Frenzel, Gunther Eggeler, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 20215−20223



    119. [001] preferentially-oriented 2D tungsten disulfide nanosheets as anode materials for superior lithium storage

    Wanfeng Yang, Jiawei Wang, Conghui Si, Zhangquan Peng, Jan Frenzel, Gunther Eggeler, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 17811–17819



    118. Ultrathin mesoporous NiO nanosheet-anchored 3D nickel foam as an advanced electrode for supercapacitors

    Guanhua Cheng, Wanfeng Yang, Chaoqun Dong, Tianyi Kou, Qingguo Bai, Hao Wang, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 17469–17478



    117. Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Performance of Multi-Component Nanoporous PtRuCuW Alloy for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

    Xiaoting Chen, Hao Wang, Ying Wang, Qingguo Bai, Yulai Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Catalysts 2015, 5, 1003-1015


    116. Atomic layer-by-layer construction of Pd on nanoporous gold via underpotential deposition and displacement reaction

    Xuejiao Yan, Haiyan Xiong, Qingguo Bai, Jan Frenzel, Conghui Si, Xiaoting Chen, Gunther Eggeler, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 19409–19417



    115. Nickel oxide nanopetal-decorated 3D nickel network with enhanced pseudocapacitive properties

    Guanhua Cheng, Qingguo Bai, Conghui Si, Wanfeng Yang, Chaoqun Dong, Hao Wang, Yulai Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 15042–15051



    114. Enhanced methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction performance of ultrafine nanoporous platinumecopper alloy: Experiment and density functional theory calculation

    Junzhe Sun, Jun Shi, Junling Xu, Xiaoting Chen, Zhonghua Zhang*, Zhangquan Peng*.

    Journal of Power Sources 279 (2015) 334-344



    113. Flexible and ultralong-life cuprous oxide microsphere-nanosheets with superior pseudocapacitive properties

    Chaoqun Dong, Qingguo Bai, Guanhua Cheng, Bingge Zhao, Hao Wang, Yulai Gao, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 6207–6214



    112. Multi-component nanoporous platinumerutheniumecoppereosmiumeiridium alloy with enhanced electrocatalytic activity towards methanol oxidation and oxygen reduction

    Xiaoting Chen, Conghui Si, Yulai Gao, Jan Frenzel, Junzhe Sun, Gunther Eggeler, Zhonghua Zhang*.

    Journal of Power Sources 273 (2015) 324-332
