Weidong Zhao
Date of Birth:1962-12-06
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:Shandong University
Current position:
Research Projects
/ Result
- Weidong Zhao
- Date of Birth:1962-12-06
- Gender:Male
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Alma Mater:Shandong University
- Main positions:teaching and research
- Degree:Doctor
- Status:Employed
- School/Department:School of Mathematics
- Date of Employment:1987-07-01
- Discipline:Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Computational Mathematics - Business Address:No. 27 Shanda Nanlu,
Shandong university
Jinan, Shandong, China - Honors and Titles:
- 2009 elected: “金融数学高级人才培养体系的创建和实践”国家级教学成果二等奖
- 2009 elected: “金融数学高级人才培养体系的创建和创新实践” 山东省高等教育教 学成果一等奖
- 2009 elected: “创新型金融数学研究生培养体系的创建和实践” 山东大学教学成果 一等奖
- 2008 elected: “金融数学高级人才培养体系的创建和创新实践” 山东大学教学成果 特等奖
- 2003 elected: “多层油资源运移聚集定量数值模拟技术研究”,山东省科学技术三等 奖
- 2002 elected: “多层油资源定量数值模拟技术研究”获胜利油田科技进步一等奖
- 1998 elected: “二次运移定量模拟研究”获胜利油田科技进步一等奖