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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [321] 郑利强. π — π stacking interaction induced the assembly of gold nanorods. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014.
- [322] 郑利强. Facile control of the self-assembly of gold nanoparticles by changing the capping agent structures. 《COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS》, 2014.
- [323] 郑利强. Removing Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions using a functional ionic liquid-based cross-linked polymer. Journal of Environmental Management, 2014.
- [324] 郑利强. Photo-induced transformation from wormlike to spherical micelles based on pyrrolidinium ionic liquids. Soft Matter, 2013.
- [325] 郑利强. Preparation and characterization of directional conducting and lower methanol permeable ultrathin membrane based on poly (vinyl alcohol) and imidazolium compounds. International journal of hydrogen energy, 2014.
- [326] 郑利强. Highly efficient and selective photocatalytic hydrogenation of functionalized nitrobenzenes. Green Chemistry, 2013.
- [327] 郑利强. Facile one-step preparation of hierarchical α-Fe2O3 nanostructures with enhanced performance in energy and environmentally related applications . CrystEngComm, 2014.
- [328] 郑利强. Chemical modification of Nafion membranes by protic ionic liquids: the key role of ionomer–cation interactions. Soft Matter, 2014.
- [329] 郑利强. Spontaneous vesicle phase formation by pseudogemini surfactants in aqueous solutions. Soft Matter, 2014.
- [330] 郑利强. Aggregation behavior of dodecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide in aqueous solution: Effect of aromatic ionic liquids. 《COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS》, 2014.
- [331] 郑利强. Preparation and characterization of composite membranes with Br?nsted acidic ionic liquid. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2014.
- [332] 郑利强. Photocatalytic organic transformation by layered double hydroxides: highly efficient and selective oxidation of primary aromatic amines to their imines under ambient aerobic conditions . Chemical Communication, 2014.
- [333] 郑利强. Zwitterionic vesicles with AuCl4- counterions as soft templates for the synthesis of gold nanoplates and nanospheres. Chemical Communication, 2014.
- [334] 郑利强. Stereoselective photochemical reaction of cyclohexyl phenyl ketone within lytropic liquid crystals formed by chiral ionic liquids. Chin J Chem,, 2013.
- [335] 郑利强. Phase behavior of didecylpyrrolidium bromide in aqueous solution. 《COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS》, 2012.
- [336] 郑利强. Aggregation behavior of alkyl triphenyl phosphonium bromides in aprotic and protic ionic liquids. Colloid Polym Sci,, 2013.
- [337] 郑利强. Aggregation behavior of imidazolium-based chiral surfactant in aqueous solution. Colloid Polym Sci,, 2012.
- [338] 郑利强. Ionic liquid-induced changes in the properties of aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate solution:effect of acidic/basic functional groups. Colloid Polym Sci, 2013.
- [339] 郑利强. Removal of anionic zao dyes from aqueous solution using multi-wall carbon nanotube nanocomposite as adsorbent. chemical engineering journal, 2013.
- [340] 郑利强. Hydroxyl-functionalized ionic liquid-based cross-linked polymer as highly efficient adsorbent for anionic zao dyes removal. Chemical Engineering Journal,, 2013.