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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [341] 郑利强. Removal of anionic zao dyes from aqueous solution by functional ionic liquid cross-linked polymer. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2013.
- [342] 郑利强. Aggregation behavior of 1-dodyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide in aqueous solution: Effect of ionic liquids with aromatic anions. Langmuir, 2013.
- [343] 郑利强. Nanostructured Aqueous Lithium-ion Conductors formed by the Self-Assemblied imidazolium Type Zwitterions. ACS applied materials and interfaces, 2013.
- [344] 郑利强. Preparation and characterization of nonaqueous proton conducting membranes with protic ionic liquids. ACS applied materials and interfaces, 2013.
- [345] 郑利强. First observation of rich lamellar structures formed by a single-tailed amphiphilic ionic liquid in aqueous solutions. ChemComm, 2013.
- [346] 郑利强. Ultrafast Preparation of Three-Dimensional Dendritic Gold Nanostructures in Aqueous Solution and Their Applications in Catalysis and SERS. J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 14641, 2011.
- [347] 郑利强. Template-free synthesis of CdS hollow nanospheres based on an ionic liquid assisted hydrothermal process and their application in photocatalysis. J. Solid State Chem., 183, 1423, 2010.
- [348] 郑利强. Temperature-Induced Microstructural Changes in Ionic Liquid-Based Microemulsions. . Langmuir, 25, 1360, 2009.
- [349] 郑利强. Synthesis of silica nanoboxes via a simple hard-template method and their application in controlled release. Mater. Lett., 64, 990, 2010.
- [350] 郑利强. Siloxane surfactant induced self-assembly of gold nanoparticles and their application to SERS. CrystEngComm, 13, 6179, 2011.
- [351] 郑利强. Self-assembly of CdTe QDs into urchin-like microspheres by the assistance of a long-chain ionic liquid monolayer. CrystEngComm, 13, 3788, 2011.
- [352] 郑利强. Self-aggregation behavior of fluorescent carbazole-tailed imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutions. J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 340, 2010.
- [353] 郑利强. Salt effect on the complex formation between 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide and sodium carboxymethylcellulose in aqueous solution. Colloids Surf. A, 358, 93, 2010.
- [354] 郑利强. Role of solubilized water in micelles formed by Triton X-100 in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquid. Langmuir, 26, 9315, 2010.
- [355] 郑利强. Patterns of Gold Nanoparticles Formed at the Air/Water Interface: Effects of Capping Agents. Langmuir, 26, 14970, 2010.
- [356] 郑利强. Novel two-step synthesis of various gold nanostructures using Langmuir monolayers. Colloids Surf., A, 384, 75, 2011.
- [357] 郑利强. Microporous Silica Microspheres and Hollow Worm-like Materials: A Simple Method for Their Synthesis and Their Application in Controlled Release. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 6, 975, 2010.
- [358] 郑利强. Microemulsions Based on Ionic Liquids: Ionic Liquid Microemulsions. Scientia sinica Chimica, 40, 1266, 2010.
- [359] 郑利强. Micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide in ethylammonium nitrate. Colloids Surf., A, 392, 305, 2011.
- [360] 郑利强. Micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide in aqueous solution. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 1332, 2010.