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Teaching Experience

Undergraduate Course

Course Name: School Year: Semester: Required Class Hours: Credits: Course Number:
过程设备设计(1) 2020-2021 Spring Term 40 2.5 sd01630510
过程设备设计(1) 2018-2019 Spring Term 40 2.5 sd01630510
计算固体力学 2018-2019 Spring Term 32 2 0410080
过程装备数值模拟 2018-2019 Spring Term 32 2 0410072
Elasticity and Plasticity 2018-2019 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
过程设备设计(1) 2017-2018 Spring Term 40 2.5 sd01630510
过程装备数值模拟 2017-2018 Spring Term 32 2 0410072
计算固体力学 2017-2018 Spring Term 32 2 0410080
Elasticity and Plasticity 2017-2018 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
独立专题研究I 2017-2018 Autumn Term 32 2 0410095
独立专题研究I 2016-2017 Autumn Term 32 2 0410095

Postgraduate Course

Course Name: School Year: Semester: Required Class Hours: Credits: Course Number:
Elasticity and Plasticity 2023-2024 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
Elasticity and Plasticity 2022-2023 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
Elasticity and Plasticity 2021-2022 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
Elasticity and Plasticity 2020-2021 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
过程装备数值模拟 2019-2020 Spring Term 32 2 0410072
Elasticity and Plasticity 2019-2020 Spring Term 48 3 0410075
过程装备数值模拟 2019-2020 Spring Term 32 2 0410072
独立专题研究I 2017-2018 Spring Term 32 2 0410095