Paper Publications
- [73] Zhou Yuanfeng , lifeng , zhangcaiming and panxiao. Superpixels of RGB-D Images for Indoor Scenes Based on Weighted Geodesic Driven Metric. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23, 2342, 2017.
- [74] Zhou Yuanfeng , Yilong Yin and zhangcaiming. Superpixels by Bilateral Geodesic Distance. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27, 2281, 2017.
- [75] Zhou Yuanfeng , zhangcaiming and BREKHNA . Robustness analysis of superpixel algorithms to image blur, additive Gaussian noise, and impulse noise. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 26, 2017.
- [76] zhangcaiming , Zhou Yuanfeng and liuyi. Global Contrast of Superpixels Based Salient Region Detection. 1st International Conference on Computational Visual Media, CVM 2012, 130, 2012.
- [77] Zhou Yuanfeng and zhangcaiming. Key-region-focusing Salient Region Detection. 《Journal of Information and Computational Science》, 9, 1723, 2012.
- [78] Zhou Yuanfeng , Li Xuemei and zhangcaiming. Surface Construction with Fewer Patches. 8th International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2012(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 7432 LNCS, 716, 2012.
- [79] Zhou Yuanfeng and zhangcaiming. 隐式曲面形状交互调整的新方法. 《计算机学报》, 2009.
- [80] Zhou Yuanfeng and zhangcaiming. Efficient tetrahedral mesh generation based on sampling optimization. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 26, 577, 2015.
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