Paper Publications
- [89] Zhou Yuanfeng and zhangcaiming. Superpixels by Bilateral Geodesic Distance. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2016.
- [90] Zhou Yuanfeng and zhangcaiming. 基于混合优化的快速隐式曲面采样方法. 《计算机学报》, 37, 1, 2014.
- [91] zhangcaiming , Zhou Yuanfeng and Li Xuemei. Surface Interpolation to Image with Edge Preserving. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014: 1055-1060瑞典, 2014.
- [92] zhangcaiming , Li Xuemei and Zhou Yuanfeng. Mesh resizing based on hierarchical saliency detection. Graphical Models, 2014.
- [93] Zhou Yuanfeng. Efficient Topology Preserving Triangular Remeshing Algorithm with Adaptive Vertices Insertion. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016.
- [94] Zhou Yuanfeng , zhangcaiming and Li Xuemei. Robust multi-level partition of unity implicits from triangular meshes. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 25, 115, 2014.
- [95] Zhou Yuanfeng. Graph Laplacian Based Visual Saliency Detection. 4th International Conference on Digital Home, ICDH 2012, 201, 2012.
- [96] Zhou Yuanfeng and 李雪梅. Color homogenization of the color cryosection images based on color transfer. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 4, 4761, 2012.
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