Paper Publications
- [17] 魏广顺. iPUNet: Iterative Cross Field Guided Point Cloud Upsampling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , 2023.
- [18] 窦志扬. Top-Down Shape Abstraction Based on Greedy Pole Selection. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 3982, 2021.
- [19] 程景亮. Skeletonization via dual of shape segmentation. COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN Journal, 80, 2020.
- [20] 程俊皓. A new method for researching and constructing spherical bicentric polygons based on geometric mapping. Computer aided geometric design, 2023.
- [21] 王鹏飞. Robustly computing restricted Voronoi diagrams (RVD) on thin-plate models. COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN Journal, 2020.
- [22] 曹路明. Computing Smooth Quasi-geodesic Distance Field (QGDF) with Quadratic Programming. COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN Journal, 2020.
- [23] 辛士庆. Lightweight preprocessing and fast query of geodesic distance via proximity graph. COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN Journal, 128, 2018.
- [24] 窦志扬. Top-Down Shape Abstraction Based on Greedy Pole Selection. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 27, 3982, 2021.
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