Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
2021.07, XJTU, Analytic theory of automorphic forms on GL(2). Notes
2021.07, HKU, Quantum variance for automorphic forms.
2021.06, Jintan, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2021.05, ZJU, Quantum variance for automorphic forms.
2020.04, XJTU, Sup-norm and nodal domains of dihedral Maass forms.
2018.07, QMUL, Sup-norm and nodal domains of dihedral Maass forms.
2018.06, SDU, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2018.05, Technion, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2018.04, HKU, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2017.08, SDUW, Kuznetsov trace formulas and their applications.
2017.06, AMSS, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2014.08, SDUW, Exponential sums over primes in short intervals.
2021.05, Westlake University, Sup-norms of automorphic forms.
2021.04, SDU, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2020.11, SDUW, Effective equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres.
2020,11, SDNU, Quantum variance for automorphic forms.
2020.05, XJTU, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2019.10, AMSS, Zeros of L-functions and random matrix theory.
2019.04, Technion, Equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres.
2019.03, TAU, Prime angles for quadratic fields.
2019.01, SDU, Quantum variance for Eisenstein series.
2018.05, TAU, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2018.04, IECL, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2018.01, TAU, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2017.11, TAU, Zero density theorems, I & II.
2017.09, HQU, Some analytic aspects of L-functions.
2017.06, XJTU, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2017.05, SDU, The subconvexity problem of L-functions and their applications.
2015.11, Columbia, Hybrid sup-norm bounds for Eisenstein series.