自博士毕业以来一直从事激素调控与子宫内膜癌发生发展相关性的研究,熟悉领域内的国内现状、国际前沿和重要的科学问题,掌握了利用现代分子生物学和细胞生物技术从事相关研究的方案和策略,并取得了系列成果,以第一作者或通讯作者,分别在 Development、Journal of Biological Chemistry、
Apoptosis、Cell Communication and Signaling、Journal of ovarian research 等 SCI 源刊物上发表研究性论文 10 余篇。主持国家自然科学青年项目1项,青岛市源头创新应用基础研究项目1项,青岛市科技计划科技惠民示范引导专项1项,累计科研经费100余万。
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
This is a real visible scene. In this scenario, what is the cause of work? Not everyone can immediately think of. Need guidance at this time, the product manager can use substitution method to inspire you, find the factors that play a role, namely some elements are replaced with other similar elements in the scene, look at the scene can also set up.
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Academic Titles : 山东大学齐鲁医院(青岛)检验科副主任
Gender : Female
Alma Mater : 山东大学
Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree : Doctor
Status : Employed
School/Department : 山东大学齐鲁医院
Date of Employment : 2014-08-01
Discipline:Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
Business Address : 山东省青岛市市北区合肥路758号
Contact Information : 0532-66850878
Honors and Titles:
青岛市医疗卫生临床优秀青年医学人才 2020-01-01
青岛市医疗卫生临床优秀青年医学人才 2018-01-01
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