所属院部: 化学与化工学院
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Zhang Jintao
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  • 博士生导师

张进涛 泰山学者特聘教授(博导)物理化学电化学研究所, 

入选海外高层次人才青年项目、山东省泰山学者工程青年专家-特聘专家、省杰青, 担任电化学、Nano Research、eScience、Chinese Chemical Letters等期刊青年编委

围绕界面电化学与原位电化学表征技术中的关键科学问题,开展新型电极材料表界面功能化设计与电化学能源转换机理方面的研究工作。至今已在Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications、J. Am. Chem. Soc.CCS Chem.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater.、Science Advances、Energy & Environmental Science等国内外期刊发表SCI论文120余篇,被引用18 000余次 (H-index 为74)。









1. 碳基功能材料电催化、储能机理与应用研究(如锌空气电池和锂碘电池);

2. 非贵金属催化剂设计及其二氧化碳还原、电解水催化性能研究;

3. 原位电化学方法与电催化储能机理研究


1. 具有良好的职业道德,较强的事业心和责任感,具有良好的人际沟通能力; 

2. 已获得博士学位或近期内能顺利完成博士论文答辩并获得博士学位者(不超过35岁);

3. 具有较高的科研能力和科研水平,在国际重要学术刊物发表高水平文章者优先;


1. 根据研究背景及成果,年薪20-40万,课题组将根据个人工作能力和科研成果给予科研奖励


2. 提供优良的工作环境,享受五险一金,其它福利待遇参照正式职工;

3. 作为负责人积极申请国家自然科学基金及省、市各级课题;

4. 表现优异且有意在山东大学继续发展者,可聘为助理研究员或副研究员。符合条件的可以申请山东大学齐鲁青年学者等获得相应人才补贴;


1. 学校现有四所附属医院及多家附属中小幼教(山大附中在初中部全国第二),能够为关系转入我校的博士后提供优质的医疗保健服务和基础教育服务;

2. 博士后在站期间按在职教师同等标准缴纳社会保险和住房公积金,与在职教师享有同等的图书及科研资源;

3. 学校为符合条件的博士后提供博士后公寓供优惠租住;

4. 学校提供科研启动经费,资助期限为两年;

5. 学校实施国际学术交流项目,支持在站博士后参加国际高水平学术活动;

6. 课题组协助应聘者申请国家和省部级各类博士后基金项目;

7. 济南校本部入选者且符合济南市相关政策的享受5000元/月资助;在济购房可申请相应的购房补贴。




2019-2-06: To celebrate the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, Nature Research is pleased to launch an interactive periodic table that brings together research articles, commentaries and multimedia from across Nature and the Nature-branded journals. It is my pleasure that our Nature Communications article entitled‘A rechargeable iodine-carbon battery that exploits ion intercalation and iodine redox chemistry’has been chosen to feature within, under Iodine. By clicking on the given element, you can find the research article highlighted in the ‘From the archive’ section.


13. 第五届电化学期刊优秀论文奖(2024年)

12. Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)(2024年)

11. Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM)(2023年)

10. 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2022-2023年)

9. 山东省泰山学者工程特聘教授(2022年)

8. 山东省自然科学技术奖贰等奖 (第壹位,2022年)

7. 科睿唯安 (Clarivate Analytics)全球高被引科学家(2020-2023年)

6. 山东省/山东大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(2021, 2023年)

5. 山东省/山东大学优秀博士论文指导教师(2020年)

4. 山东省高等学校科学技术奖贰等奖 (第壹位,2020年)

3. 山东省自然科学杰出青年基金 (2020年)

2. 海外高层人才引进计划青年项目 (2017年)

1. 山东省泰山学者工程青年专家 (2016年)


Book and Book Chapters:


1. Jintao Zhang (Ed) Chemically Derived Graphene: Functionalization methods, Properties, and Applications. RSC publisher, 2018. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/ebook/978178801282

Book Chapters

1. Kang Li, Si Chen, Song Chen, Xinxin Shu, Jintao Zhang. On the Functionalization of chemically derived graphene for high-performance supercapacitors Ed: Jintao Zhang, RSC publisher, 2018, Chapter 9.

2. Jintao Zhang, Sheng Zhang, Quanbin Dai, Qiuhong Zhang, and Liming Dai Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Advanced Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Nanocarbons for Advanced Energy Conversion. Ed: XinliangFeng, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015, 1-16.

3. Jintao Zhang and X. S. Zhao.,Graphene-based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage, in Two-dimensional carbon: Fundamental properties, synthesis, characterization, and applications. Ed: Yihong Wu, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, 2014,183-246.

4. Li Li Zhang, Zhibin Lei, Jintao Zhang, Xiaoning Tian, and X. S. Zhao., Supercapacitors: Electrode Materials Aspects, in Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry,   Ed: R. H. Orabtree, John wiley& Sons Limited Publisher, 2010, ia816.


Journal Papers:


6. Xinxin Shu, Xueying Cao, Bowen He, Xunyi Chen, Lanling Zhao, Chengdong Yang, Jizhen Ma and Jintao Zhang*

Coupling of Indium Clusters with Atomic Fe-N4 on Carbon for Long-term Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries

Energy Environ. Sci. 2025,18, 1262-1271. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ee04465g (32.4, 1, 2024.12.5)

5. Song Chen, Jizhen Ma, Qianwu Chen, Wenshuo, Shang, Jinshuai Liu, Jintao Zhang*

Exploring interfacial electrocatalysis for iodine redox conversion in zinc-iodine battery

Sci. Bull.‌‌ 2025, 70, 546-555. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2024.11.042 (18.8, 1, 2024.11.28)

4. Wenshuo Shang, Qianwu Chen, Song Chen, and Jintao Zhang*

Enhancing battery longevity by regulating the solvation chemistry of organic iodide

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2025,64, e202415589.  https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202415589 (16.1, 1, 2024.12.29

3. Jinshuai Liu, Song Chen, Wenshuo Shang, Jizhen Ma*, Jintao Zhang*

In Situ Formation of 3D ZIF-8/MXene Composite Coating for High-Performance Zinc-Iodine Batteries

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2025, 2422081.  https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202422081  (18.5, 1, 2025.1.5)

2. Ao Zhou1, Wenwen Cai1, Weijian Guo, Jizhen Ma, Yueqing Wang* , Jintao Zhang*

Interfacial coupling of Ce-CoSe2 nanoneedle arrays with MXene for efficient overall water splitting 

J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2025, 678, 970–978. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.08.222  (9.4, 2, 2024.8.28)

1. Junhao Shang,† Yanxu Wang,† Song Chen† and Jintao Zhang *

Solvation structure regulation of zinc ions with nitrogen-heterocyclic additives for advanced batteries

Nanoscale 2025, 17, 2121. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4NR03776F (5.8, 3, 2024.12.16)


7.Jizhen Ma, Xinxin Shu, Song Chen, Qianwu Chen, An-Liang Wang, Jintao Zhang*

Molten-salt-assisted preparation of porous carbon foams for efficient oxygen electrocatalysis in zinc–air batteries

Chem. Commun. 2024, 60, 8868-8871. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CC01793E (4.3, 2, 2024.7.24)

6. Ao Zhou1, Wenwen Cai1, Yuchao Fan , Weijian Guo , Jizhen Ma , Yueqing Wang*, Jintao Zhang*

Crystal phase engineering of CoBOx/NiCoP heterostructures as trifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting and urea electrolysis

Chem. Eng. J. 2024, 494, 152973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.152973  (13.3, 1, 2024.6.15)

5. Wenwen Cai, Xueying Cao, Yueqing Wang, Song Chen, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Spatial Structure of Electron Interactions in High-entropy Oxide Nanoparticles for Active Electrocatalysis of Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Adv. Mater. 2024, 36, 2409949.  https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202409949  (27.4, 1, 2024.9.2)

4. Weijian Guo, Xueying Cao, Dongxing Tan, Bari Wulan, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Thermal-driven Dispersion of Bismuth Nanoparticles among Carbon Matrix for Efficient Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202401333.  https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202401333  (16.1, 1, 2024.4.26)

3. Xinxin Shu, Dongxing Tan, Yueqing Wang, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Bimetal-bridging Nitrogen Coordination in Carbon-based Electrocatalysts for pH-universal Oxygen Reduction

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202316005. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202316005 (16.1, 1, 2023.12.8)

2. Xueying Cao,  Yadong Tian,  Jizhen Ma,  Weijian Guo,  Wenwen Cai, Jintao Zhang*

Strong p-d Orbital Hybridization on Bismuth Nanosheets for High Performing CO2 Electroreduction

Adv. Mater. 2024, 36, 2309648. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202309648  (27.4, 1, 2023.11.27)

1. Qianwu Chen, Song Chen, Jizhen Ma, Siyu Ding, Jintao Zhang*

Separation Effect of Graphene Sheets with N, O Co-doping and Molybdenum Clusters for Reversible Lithium-iodine Batteries

Adv. Func. Mater. 2024, 34, 2308272 (18.5, 2023. 9. 29).


15. Yueqing Wang, Jizhen Ma, Xueying Cao, Song Chen, Liming Dai*, Jintao Zhang*

Bionic Mineralization toward Scalable MOF Films for Ampere-Level Biomass Upgrading

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 37, 20624–20633 https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c07790.  (14.4, 1, 2023.9.11)

14. Song Chen, Deluo Ji, Qianwu Chen, Jizhen Ma, Shaoqi Hou, Jintao Zhang*

Coordination Modulation of Hydrated Zinc ions to Enhance Redox Reversibility of Zinc Batteries

Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 3526. (14.7, 1, 2023.6.14)

13. Xue Han, Lanling Zhao, Jun Wang,* Yanjie Liang, Jintao Zhang*

Delocalized Electronic Engineering of Ni5P4 Nanoroses for Durable Li-O2 Batteries

Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2301897. (27.4, 1, 2023.5.11)

12. Xueying Cao, Bari Wulan, Yueqing Wang, Jizhen Ma, Shaoqi Hou, Jintao Zhang*

Atomic bismuth induced ensemble sites with indium towards highly efficient and stable electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide

Sci. Bull.‌‌ 2023, 68(10), 1008-1016. (18.8, 1, 2023.5.30)

11. Bari Wulan, Xueying Cao, Dongxing Tan, Xinxin Shu, Jizhen Ma, Shaoqi Hou, Jintao Zhang*

Atomic bridging of Sn single atom with nitrogen and oxygen atoms for the selective electrocatalytic reduction of CO2

CCS Chem. 2023, 5, 2415–2425, https://doi.org/10.31635/ccschem.022.202202464 (11.2, 1, 2023.1.5)

10. Yadong Tian, Song Chen, Siyu Ding, Qianwu Chen, Jintao Zhang*

A highly conductive gel electrolyte with favourable ion transfer channels for long-lived zinc-iodine batteries

Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 331-337, https://doi.org/10.1039/D2SC06035C. (8.4, 2, 2022.11.29)

9. Xinxin Shu, Qianwu Chen, Maomao Yang, Miaomiao Liu, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Tuning Co Catalytic sites in Hierarchical Porous N-doped Carbon for High-performance Rechargeable and Flexible Zn-Air battery

Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 13, 2202871. (24.4, 1, 2022.11.6)

8. Bari Wulan, Xueying Cao, Dongxing Tan, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

To Stabilize Oxygen on In/In2O3 Heterostructure via Joule Heating for Efficient Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction

Adv. Func. Mater. 2023, 33, 2209114. (18.5, 1, 2022.10.26)

7. Dongxing Tan, Bari Wulan, Jizhen Ma, Xueying Cao, Jintao Zhang*

Electrochemical-driven reconstruction for efficient reduction of carbon dioxide into alcohols

Chem. Catal. 2023, 3, 100512. (9.4, 2023.1.30)

6. Qianwu Chen, Song Chen, Jizhen Ma, Shaoqi Hou, Jintao Zhang*

Synergic Anchoring of Fe2N Nanoclusters on Porous Carbon to Enhance Reversible Conversion of Iodine for High-temperature Zinc-iodine Battery

Nano Energy 2023, 117, 108897. (17.6, 1, 2023.9.12)

5. Siyu Ding, Qianwu Chen, Song Chen, Yadong Tian, Jintao Zhang* 

The dispersion of iron nitride among porous carbon fibers to enhance redox conversion for high-performance zinc-iodine batteries

Chin. Chem. Letters, 2023, 34, 108232. (9.1, 2, 2023.2.19)

4. Song Chen, Qianwu Chen, Siyu Ding, Yadong Tian, Jun Wang, Shaoqi Hou, Jintao Zhang* 

Rational design of carbon-based electrocatalysts for enhancing redox reactions in rechargeable metal batteries

Nano Research, 2023, 16, 4246–4276. (9.9, 2, 2022.12.15)

3. Xueying Cao, Yueqing Wang, Dongxing, Bari Wulan, JizhenMa, Weijian Guo, Jintao Zhang* 

Stepwise Dispersion of Nickel Species for Efficient Coupling of Electrocatalytic Redox Reactions

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 140062. (15.1, 1, 2022.10.29)

2. Song Chen, Yulong He, Siyu Ding, Jintao Zhang* 

In Situ Formation of Tungsten Nitride among Porous Carbon Polyhedra for High Performance Zinc Iodine Batteries

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2023, In press (Invited contribution to a Special Issue “Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2”). (3.7, 3, 2023.4.27)

1. Qianwu Chen, Siyu Ding, Xinxin Shu, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang* 

Interface Engineering Enables Stable and Reversible Zinc Anode for high-performance Zn-I2 battery

J. Power Sources, 2023, 556, 232529 (Invited contribution to a Special Issue of Prof. Emanuel Peled's 80th birthday anniversary, focusing on interfacial phenomena in lithium batteries and beyond). (9.2, 2, 2023.2.1)


2022 (10 years) 

107. Ao Zhou, Weijian Guo, Yueqing Wang,* Jintao Zhang*

The Rapid Preparation of Efficient MoFeCo-Based Bifunctional Electrocatalysts via Joule Heating for Overall Water Splitting

Journal of Electrochemistry. 2022, 28, 9, 2214007. (xx, 2022.11.17)

106. Miaomiao Liu, ‡ Qianwu Chen, ‡ Xueying Cao, Dongxing Tan, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Physicochemical confinement effect enables high-performing zinc-iodine batteries

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 47, 21683–21691. (15.0, 1, 2022.11.17)

105. Xueying Cao, Lanling Zhao, Bari Wulan, Dongxing Tan, Qianwu Chen, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Atomic Bridging Structure of Nickel–Nitrogen-Carbon for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61(6), e202113918022 (Highlighted as back cover). (16.6, 1, 2021.12.14)

104. Bari Wulan, Lanling Zhao, Dongxing Tan, Xueying Cao, Lanling Zhao, Qianwu Chen, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Electrochemically driven interfacial transformation for high-performing solar-to-fuel electrocatalytic conversion

Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 12, 2103960 (Highlighted as back cover). (27.8, 1, 2022.3.16)

103. Bari Wulan, Xueying Cao, Dongxing Tan, XinxinShu, Jintao Zhang*

Atomic Bridging of Metal-nitrogen-carbon towards Efficient Integrated Electrocatalysis

Adv. Func. Mater. 2022, 32, 2203842. (19.0, 1, 2022.6.8)

102. Chao Meng, Weidong He, Liwen Jiang, Yuan Huang, Jintao Zhang,* Hong Liu,* Jian-Jun Wang *

Ultra-Stable Aqueous Zinc Batteries Enabled by β-Cyclodextrin: Preferred Zinc Deposition and Suppressed Parasitic Reactions

Adv. Func. Mater. 2022, 32, 2207732. (19.0, 1, 2022.9.14)

101. Yueqing Wang, Lanling Zhao, Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*

Confined interface transformation of metal–organic frameworks for highly efficient oxygen evolution reactions

Energy Environ. Sci. 2022, 15, 3830-3841 (Highlighted as inside front cover) (32.5, 1, 2022.6.14)

100. Dongxing Tan, Bari Wulan, Jizhen Ma, Xueying Cao, Jintao Zhang*

Interface Molecular Functionalization of Cu2O for Synchronous Electrocatalytic Generation of Formate

Nano Letters. 2022, 22, 15, 6298–6305. (10.8, 1, 2022.7.26)

99. Song Chen, Qianwu Chen, Jizhen Ma, Jianjun Wang, Kwan San Hui, Jintao Zhang*

Interface Coordination Stabilizing Reversible Redox of Zinc for High-Performance Zinc-Iodine Batteries

Small. 2022, 18, 2200168. (13.3, 1, 2022.6.2)

98.  Xinxin Shu, Maomao Yang, Miaomiao Liu, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang* The regulation of coordination structure between cobalt and nitrogen on graphene for efficient bifunctional electrocatalysis in Zn-air batteries

Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022, 68, 213-221. (13.1, 1, 2021.11.25)

97.  Yadong Tian, Song Chen, Yulong He, Qianwu Chen, Lili Zhang*, Jintao Zhang*

A highly reversible dendrite-free Zn anode via spontaneous galvanic replacement reaction for advanced zinc-iodine batteries

Nano Research Energy. 2022, 1: e9120025. (9.9, 1, 2022.9.14)

96. Qianwu Chen, Song Chen, Lanling Zhao, Jizhen Ma, Huaisheng Wang, Jintao Zhang* Interface coating of iron nitride on carbon cloth for reversible lithium redox in rechargeable battery

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 431, 1, 133961. (15.1, 1, 2021.12.4)

95. Yulong He, Miaomiao Liu, Song Chen, Jintao Zhang* Shapeable carbon fiber networks with hierarchical porous structure for high-performance Zn-I2 batteries

Science China Chemistry, 2022, 65, 391–398. (9.6, 1, 2021.12.21)

94. Xinxin Shu, Maomao Yang, Miaomiao Liu, Huaisheng Wang, Jintao Zhang* In-situ Formation of Cobalt Phosphide Nanoparticles Confined in Three-Dimensional Porous Carbon for High-performing Zinc-Air Batteries

Chinese J. Catal., 2022, 43, 3107–3115 (A special issue on Electrocatalysis and Electrosynthesis. Guest Editors: Profs. Yanguang Li & Yujie Sun). (16.5, 1, 2022.11.10)

93.Maomao Yang, Siyu Ding, Xinxin Shu, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang* Hollow CoOX nanoparticle-embedded N-doped porous carbon as an efficient oxygen electrocatalyst for rechargeable zinc–air batteries

Mater. Chem. Front., 2022, 6, 3706. (Invited contribution to Frontiers Emerging Investigators Series ). (7.0, 2, 2022.10.24)

 92. Qing Xia, Yanjie Zhai, Lanling Zhao, Jun Wang*, Deyuan Li, Lili Zhang*, Jintao Zhang* Carbon-supported single-atom catalysts for advanced rechargeable metal-air batteries

Energy Mater., 2022, 2, 200015 (Invited contribution, highlighted as Front cover).


91. Jizhen Ma, Miaomiao Liu, Yulong He, Jintao Zhang*

Iodine redox chemistry in rechargeable batteries.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60,12636–12647 (Dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Shandong University). (16.6, 1, 2020.9.17)

90. Maomao Yang, Xinxin Shu, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang*

Toward Flexible Zinc-air Batteries with Self-Supported Air Electrodes.

Small, 2021, 17(48): e2006773. (Invited contribution to the Special Issue of Nanoengineering Carbonaceous Materials for Energy, 100th anniversary of Xiamen University). (13.3, 1, 2021.6.4)

89. Hong Li, Xinxin Shu, Peiran Tong, Jihui Zhang, Pengfei An, Zhengxing Lv,* He Tian,* Jintao Zhang,* Haibing Xia*

Fe–Ni Alloy Nanoclusters Anchored on Carbon Aerogels as High-Efficiency Oxygen Electrocatalysts in Rechargeable Zn–Air Batteries.

Small, 2021, 17(36): e2102002. (13.3, 1, 2021.7.30)

88. Xueying Cao, Dongxing Tan, Bari Wulan, K.S. Hui, K.N. Hui, Jintao Zhang*

In situ characterization for boosting electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction.

Small Methods, 2021, 5(10), 2100700. (12.4, 2, 2021.9.9)

87.  Dongxing Tan, Bari Wulan, Xueying Cao, Jintao Zhang*

Strong interactions of metal-support for efficient reduction of carbon dioxide into ethylene.

Nano Energy, 2021, 2021, 89, 106460. (17.6, 1, 2021.8.26)

86. Xueying Cao, Bari Wulan, Baohua Zhang, Dongxing Tan and Jintao Zhang*

Defect evolution of hierarchical SnO2 aggregates for boosting CO2 electrocatalytic reduction

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 14741. (11.9, 2, 2021.6.1)

85. Jinjin Shi, Xinxin Shu, Chensheng Xiang, Hong Li, Yang Li, Wei Du, Pengfei An, He Tian,* Jintao Zhang* and Haibing Xia*

Fe ultra-small particles anchored on carbon aerogels to enhance the oxygen reduction reaction in Zn-air batteries.

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 6861. (11.9, 2, 2021.2.5)

84. Baohua Zhang, Song Chen, Bari Wulan, Jintao Zhang*

Surface modification of SnO2 nanosheets via ultrathin N-doped carbon layers for improving CO2 electrocatalytic reduction.

Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 421, 130003. (15.1, 1, 2021.4.24)

83. Miaomiao Liu, Yulong He, Jintao Zhang*

Co3Fe7 nanoparticles encapsulated in porous nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers as bifunctional electrocatalysts for rechargeable zinc–air batteries.

Mater. Chem. Front., 2021, 5, 6559–6567. (7.0, 2, 2021.7.9)

82. Xiaomeng Liu, Qishun Huang, Jun Wang*, Lanling Zhao, Haoran Xu, Qing Xia, Deyuan Li, Lei Qian, Huaisheng Wang, Jintao Zhang*

In-situ deposition of Pd/Pd4S heterostructure on hollow carbon spheres as efficient electrocatalysts for rechargeable Li-O2 batteries.

Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32, 2086-2090. (9.1, 2, 2020.11.4)

81. Haoran Xu, Lanling Zhao, Xiaomeng Liu, Deyuan Li, Qing Xia, Xueying Cao, Jun Wang*, Weibin Zhang, Huaisheng Wang, Jintao Zhang*

CoMoP2 nanoparticles anchored on N, P doped carbon nanosheets for high-performance lithium-oxygen batteries.

FlatChem, 2021, 25, 100221. (6.2, 3, 2021.1.1)

80. Xinxin Shu, Maomao Yang, Dongxing Tan, Kwan San Hui, Kwun Nam Hui, Jintao Zhang*

Recent Advances of Carbon-based Cathode Electrocatalysts for Zn-Air Batteries.

Materials Advances, 2021, 2, 96-114 (Invited contribution).

79. Miaomiao Liu, Maomao Yang, XinXin Shu, Jintao Zhang*.

Design Strategies for Carbon-based Electrocatalysts and Application to Oxygen Reduction in Fuel Cells.

Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin., 2021, 37 (9), 2007072 (燃料电池专刊). (10.9, 3, 2021.9.15)


78. Yueqing Wang, Si Chen, Shuya Zhao, Qianwu Chen, Jintao Zhang*. 

Interfacial coordination assembly of tannic acid with metal ions on three-dimensional nickel hydroxide nanowalls for efficient water splitting.

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 15845-15852 (2020 JMCA Emerging Investigators). (14.5, 2, 2020.4.13)

77. Yulong He, Miaomiao Liu, Jintao Zhang*. 

Rational Modulation of Carbon Fibers for High-Performance Zinc-Iodine Batteries.

Adv. Sustainable Syst. 2020, 4, 2000138 (Invited Review). (7.1, 3, 2020.8.13)

76. Song Chen, Jintao Zhang*. 

Redox reactions of halogens for reversible electrochemical energy storage.

Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 9929-9934 (Invited Perspective). (4.0, 2, 2020.6.23)

75. Song Chen, Kang Li, Kwan San Hui and Jintao Zhang*. 

Regulation on Lamellar Structure of Vanadium Oxide via the Polyaniline Intercalation for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery.

 Adv. Func. Mater.,2020, 30, 2003890. (19.0, 1, 2022.10.22)

74. Xiaomeng Liu, Lanling Zhao, Haoran Xu, Qishun Huang, Yueqing Wang, Chuanxin Hou, Yuyang Hou, Jun Wang, Feng Dang, Jintao Zhang*

Tunable Cationic Vacancies of Cobalt Oxides for Efficient Electrocatalysis in Li-O2 batteries.

Adv. Energy Mater.,2020, 10, 2001415. (27.8, 1, 2020.9.2)

73. Haoran Xu, Lanling Zhao, Xiaomeng Liu, Qishun Huang, Yueqing Wang, Chuanxin Hou, Yuyang Hou, Jun Wang, Feng Dang, Jintao Zhang*

Metal-Organic-Framework Derived Core-Shell N-Doped Carbon Nanocages Embedded with Cobalt Nanoparticles as High-Performance Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.

Adv. Func. Mater.,2020, 30, 2006188. (19.0, 1, 2020.9.13)

72. Qianqian Ji, Lei Bi*, Jintao Zhang*, Haijie Cao, George Zhao*. The role of oxygen vacancies of ABO3 perovskite oxides in the oxygen reduction reaction.

Energy Environ. Sci., 2020,13,1408-1428. (32.5, 1, 2020.3.12)

71. Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang*.

Surface coating of electrocatalysts boosts battery performance.

Rare Met., 2020,39,613–615 (Invited highlight). (8.8, 1, 2020.5.15)

70. Maomao Yang, Xinxin Shu, Jintao Zhang*. 

A Defect-rich N, P Co-doped Carbon Foam as Efficient Electrocatalyst toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction.

ChemCatChem., 2020,12, 4105-4111 (Invited Contribution for Special Issue of Phosphorus in Catalysis). (4.5, 3, 2020.5.8)

69. Jizhen Ma, Yueqing Wang, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang* 

The preparation of hierarchical cube-on-plate metal phosphides as bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting.

Chem. Asian J., 2020,15,1500-1504 (Invited Contribution for Special Issue on Interface Chemistry for Electrochemical Energy Applications).(4.1, 3, 2020.4.7)

68. Xinxin Shu, Song Chen , Si Chen, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang*, 

Cobalt nitride embedded holey N-doped graphene as advanced bifunctional electrocatalysts for Zn-Air batteries and overall water splitting. 

Carbon, 2020, 157, 234-243. (10.9, 2, 2019.10.16)

67. Baohua Zhang, Lizhen Sun, Yueqing Wang, Song Chen, Jintao Zhang*

Well-dispersed SnO2 nanocrystals on N-doped carbon nanowires as efficient electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction.

J. Energy Chem., 2020, 41, 7-14. (13.1, 1, 2019.4.29)


66. Kang Li,+ Ziyu Hu,+ Jizhen Ma, Song Chen, Dexu Mu, Jintao Zhang*.

A three-dimensional and stable lithium anode  for high-performance lithium–iodine battery.

Adv. Mater., 2019, 1902399. (29.4, 1, 2019.6.20)

65. Yiyin Huang,+ Yueqing Wang,+ Cheng Tang,+ Jun Wang, Yaobing Wang,* Qiang Zhang,* Jintao Zhang*.

Atomic Modulation and Structure Design of Carbons for Bifunctional Electrocatalysis in Metal–Air Batteries

Adv. Mater., 2019, 1803800(+Contributed equally, Invited contribution) (32.1, 1, 2018.9.24)

64. Yueqing Wang, Jizhen Ma, Jun Wang, Si Chen, Huaisheng Wang, Jintao Zhang*.

Interfacial Scaffolding Preparation of Hierarchical PBA-based Derivative Electrocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting

Adv. Energy Mater.,2019, 9, 1802939. (27.8, 1, 2018.12.6)

63. Yueqing Wang, Si Chen, Jintao Zhang*.

Prussian Blue Derivatives: Hierarchical Assembly of Prussian Blue Derivatives for Superior Oxygen Evolution Reaction.

Adv. Func. Mater.,2019,1904955. (19.9, 1, 2019.8.15)

62. Song Chen, Xinxin Shu, Huaisheng Wang, Jintao Zhang*.

Thermally driven phase transition of manganese oxide on carbon cloth for enhancing the performance of flexible all-solid-state zinc–air batteries.

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 19719-19727. (11.9, 2, 2019.9.14)

61. Si Chen, Song Chen, Baohua Zhang, Jintao Zhang*.

Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis of N, S Co-doped Porous Carbon with Interspersed Hollow CoO Nanoparticles for Rechargeable Zn-air Batteries

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 16720-1672860. (9.5, 2, 2019.4.15)

60. Si Chen, Lanling Zhao, Jizhen Ma, Yueqing Wang, Liming Dai,* Jintao Zhang*.

Edge-doping modulation of N, P-codoped porous carbon spheres for high-performance rechargeable Zn-air batteries

Nano Energy, 2019, 60, 536-544. (17.6, 1, 2019.3.28)

59. Xiaochun Gao, JinFeng, Dawei Su,* Yuchen Ma, Guoxiu Wang,* Houyi Ma, Jintao Zhang*.

In-situ exfoliation of porous carbon nitride nanosheets for enhanced hydrogen evolution

Nano Energy, 2019, 59, 598-609. (17.6, 1, 2019.3.7)

58. Kang Li, Song Chen, Si Chen, Xien Liu, Wei Pan, and Jintao Zhang*.

Nitrogen, phosphorus co-doped carbon cloth as self-standing electrode for lithium-iodine batteries

Nano Res., 2019, 2019, 12(3): 549–555. (9.9, 1, 2018.12.3)

57. Kang Li, Xuanli Liu, Song Chen, Wei Pan, Jintao Zhang*

A flexible solid-state supercapacitor based on graphene/polyaniline paper electrodes

J. Energy Chem., 2019, 32, 166-173. (13.1, 1, 2018.8.2)

56. Ke Lu, Hong Zhang, Bing Song, Houyi Ma,* and Jintao Zhang*.

Sulfur and nitrogen enriched graphene foam scaffolds for aqueous rechargeable zinc-iodine battery

Electrochim. Acta, 2019, 296, 755-761. (6.6, 2, 2018.11.20)

55. Baohua Zhang, and Jintao Zhang*.

Regulation of Copper of Copper Surface via Redox Reactions for Enhancing Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction.

Journal of Electrochemistry, 2019,. (“CO2 还原专刊邀稿)


54. Baohua Zhang, Zhihao Guo, Zhuang Zuo, Wei Pan and Jintao Zhang*.

The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for efficient electroreduction of carbon dioxide

Appl. Catal. B Environ., 2018, 239, 441–449. (22.1, 1, 2018.8.18)

53. Baohua Zhang, Haixu Wang, Zhuang Zuo, Huaisheng Wang and Jintao Zhang*.

Tunable CoFe-Based Active Sites on 3D Heteroatom Doped Graphene Aerogel Electrocatalysts via annealing gas regulation for Efficient Water Splitting

J. Mater. Chem., 2018, 6, 15728. (11.9, 2, 2018.7.20)

52. Lei Wang,+ Yueqing Wang,+ Mingguang Wu, Zengxi Wei, Lei Wang, Ming Zhuo, Jintao Zhang,* Xiaopeng Han,* Quanhui Liu, and Jianmin Ma*. Nitrogen, Fluorine, and Boron Ternary Doped Carbon Fibers as Cathode Electrocatalysts for Zinc–Air Batteries.

Small, 2018, 14 (20) :e1800737. (+ Contributed equally) (13.3, 1, 2018.4.17)

51. Mingguang Wu,+ Yueqing Wang,+ Zengxi Wei, Lei Wang, Ming Zhuo, Jintao Zhang,* Xiaopeng Han,* and Jianmin Ma*. Ternary Doped Porous Carbon Nanofibers with Excellent ORR and OER Performance for Zinc-air Battery.

J. Mater. Chem. A., 2018, 6, 10918. (+ Contributed equally) (11.9, 2, 2018.5.3)

50. Kequan Chen,* Dangguo Cheng,* Chong Peng,* Dan Wang,* Jintao Zhang* Green Catalytic Engineering: A Powerful Tool for Sustainable Development in Chemical Industry

Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2018, 12(4): 835–837. (Editorial) (4.5, 2, 2018.12.1)

49. Yueqing Wang, Jintao Zhang* Structural engineering of transition metal-based electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting

Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2018, 12(4): 838–854. (Invited) (4.5, 2, 2018.9.13)

48. 陈思, 孙立臻,舒欣欣,张进涛* 石墨烯基催化剂的设计合成与电催化应用

应用化学, 2018, 35 (3): 272-285 (邀请综述)

47. Jizhen Ma, Zhonghua Xiang, Jintao Zhang* Three-dimensional Nitrogen and Phosphorous Co-doped Graphene Aerogel Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction

Sci. China Chem., 2018, 61(5), 592-597. (9.6, 1, 2018.2.10)

46. Kang Li, Jintao Zhang* Recent advances on flexible supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene

Sci. China Mater., 2018, 61(2), 210-232. (Invited) (8.1, 2, 2017.12.15)


45. Ke Lu, Ziyu Hu, Jizhen Ma, Houyi Ma, Liming Dai* and Jintao Zhang* A rechargeable iodine-carbon battery that exploits ion intercalation and iodine redox chemistry

Nature Commun., 2017, 8, 527. 

44. Yueqing Wang, Baohua Zhang, Wei Pan, Houyi Ma* and Jintao Zhang* Three-dimensional Porous Nickel-Cobalt Nitrides Supported on Ni Foam as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting

ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 4170-4177

43. Ke Lu, Bin Song, Yuxin Zhang, Jintao Zhang,* Houyi Ma*. Encapsulation of Zinc Hexacyanoferrate Nanocubes with manganese oxide nanosheets for high-performance rechargeable zinc ion batteries

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 23628.

42. Ke Lu, Bin Song, Kang Li, Jintao Zhang,* Houyi Ma*. Cobalt hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles and MoO3 thin films grown on carbon fiber cloth for efficient flexible hybrid supercapacitor.

J. Power Sources, 2017, 370, 98-105.

42. Xiaochun Gao, Liwei Wang, Jizhen Ma, Yueqing Wang and Jintao Zhang* Facile preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene as an efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2017, 4, 1582-1590.

41. Baohua Zhang, Jintao Zhang* Rational design of Cu−based Electrocatalysts for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide

J. Energy Chem., 2017, 26, 1050-1066 (Invited).

40. Qiang Zhang, Jintao Zhang, Yu Chen Special Issue: Advanced EnergyChemistry for Electrocatalysis (Preface)

J. Energy Chem., 2017, 26(6), A1-A2.

39. Hao Wang, Shuo Dou, Shuangyin Wang, Lei Wang, Taihong Wang, Jianmin Ma*, Jintao Zhang*, Yan Yu* Synthesis of electrocatalytically functional carbon honeycombs through cooking with molecule precursors

Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 6472-6481.

38. Ke Lu, Jintao Zhang*, Yueqing Wang, Jizhen Ma, Bin Song, Houyi Ma* Interfacial Deposition of Three-Dimensional Nickel Hydroxide Nanosheet-Graphene Aerogel on Ni Wire for Flexible Fiber Asymmetric Supercapacitors

ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5 (1), 821–827. 


37. Jintao Zhang, Liming Dai*. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Fluorine Tri-doped Graphene as a Multifunctional Catalyst for Self-Powered Electrochemical Water Splitting

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 128,13490-13494. 

 36. Ke Lu, Ziyu Hu, Zhonghua Xiang, Jizhen Ma, Bin Song, Jintao Zhang,* Houyi Ma*. Cation Intercalation in Manganese Oxide Nanosheets: Effects on Lithium and Sodium Storage.

Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 10448-10452.   (2016.7.26)

35. Ke Lu, Jiantie Xu, Jintao Zhang,* Bin Song, Houyi Ma*. General Preparation of Three-dimensional Porous Metal Oxide Foams Coated with Nitrogen-doped Carbon for Enhanced Lithium Storage.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016, 8,17402-17408. (2016.6.20)

34. Jintao Zhang,* Hongliang Li, Peizhi Guo, Houyi Ma, George Zhao*. Rational design of graphitic carbon based nanostructures for advanced electrocatalysis.

J. Mater. Chem. A., 2016, 4, 8497. (Back cover, Invited contribution)  (2016.6)

33. Zhibin Lei,+ Jintao Zhang,+ Li Li Zhang,+ Ashok Nanjundan, George Zhao*. Functionalisation of chemically derived graphene for improving electrocapacitive energy storage.

Energy & Environmental Science. 2016, 9, 1891-1930. (+Contributed equally) (2016.4.29)

32. Ke Lu, Bin Song, Jintao Zhang,* Houyi Ma*. A rechargeable Na-Zn hybrid aqueous battery fabricated with nickel hexacyanoferrate and nanostructured zinc.

J. Power Sources, 2016, 321, 257-263.   (2016.7.30)

31. Ke Lu, Bin Song, Xiang Gao, Hongxiu Dai,Jintao Zhang, Houyi Ma*. High-energy cobalt hexacyanoferrate and carbon micro-spheres aqueous sodium-ion capacitors.

J. Power Sources, 2016, 303, 347-353.  (2016.1.30)

30. Jintao Zhang, Liangti Qu, Gaoquan Shi, Jiangyong Liu, Jianfeng Chen, Liming Dai*. N, P co-doped carbon networks as efficient metal-free bifunctional catalysts for oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution reactions.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55,2230-2234. (VIP)


29. Jintao Zhang, Liming Dai*. Heteroatom doped graphitic carbon catalysts for efficient electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction.

ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5, 7244-7253.

28. Jintao Zhang, Liming Dai*. Carbon based electrocatalysts for advanced energy conversion and storage.

Science Advances, 2015, 1, e1500564.

27. Jintao Zhang, Zhenghang Zhao, Zhenhai Xia, Liming Dai*. A metal-free bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions.

Nature Nanotechnology, 2015, 10, 444-452.


26. Jintao Zhang, Jing Wang, Jien Yang, Yilei Wang, and Mary B. Chan-Park*. Three-dimensional graphite foam filled with porous polyaniline network for ultrahigh areal capacitance.

ACS Sustainable Chem.Eng. 2014, 2(10), 2291-2296. (Cover Page)

25. Jing Wang, Jintao Zhang, Ashok Kumar Sundramoorthy, Peng Chen, Mary B. Chan-Park*. Solution-Processed FlexibleTransparent Conductors Based on Carbon Nanotubes and Silver Grids Hybrid.

Nanoscale, 2014, 6 (9), 4560.


24. Jintao Zhang, Peng Chen, Bernice H. L. Oh, Mary B Chan-Park*. High capacitive performance of flexible and binder-free graphene–polypyrrole composite membrane based on in situ reduction of graphene oxide and self-assembly. Nanoscale, 2013,5, 9860-9866.

23. Jintao Zhang, Chunxian Guo, Lianying Zhang, and C. M. Li*. Direct growth of flower-like manganese oxide on reduced graphene oxide towards efficient oxygen reduction reaction.

Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 6334-6336.

22. Jintao Zhang and X. S. Zhao*. A comparative study of electrocapacitive properties of manganese dioxide clusters dispersed on different carbons.

Carbon, 2013,52, 1-9.

21. Chunxian Guo, Lianying Zhang, Jianwei Miao, Jintao Zhang, Chang Ming Li*. DNA-Functionalized Graphene to Guide Growth of Highly Active Pd Nanocrystals as Efficient Electrocatalyst for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells.

Adv. Energy Mater., 2013, 3, 167-171.


20. Jintao Zhang and Chang Ming Li*. Nanoporous metals: fabrication strategies and advanced electrochemical applications in catalysis, sensing, and energy systems.

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 7016–7031.

19. Jintao Zhang and X. S. Zhao*. On the Configuration of Supercapacitors for Maximizing Electrochemical Performance.

ChemSusChem, 2012, 5, 818–841.

18. Jintao Zhang and X. S. Zhao*. Conducting Polymers Directly Coated on Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets as High-Performance Supercapacitor Electrodes.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116,5420–5426.

17. Jintao Zhang, Jizhen Ma, Yong Wan, Jianwen Jiang, and X. S. Zhao*. Dendritic Pt–Cu bimetallic nanocrystals with a high electrocatalytic activity toward methanol oxidation.

Mater. Chem. Phys., 2012, 132, 244–247.

16. Zhibin Lei, Jintao Zhang, and X. S. Zhao*. Ultrathin MnO2 nanofibers grown on graphitic carbon spheres as high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor electrodes.

J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 153–160.


15. Jintao Zhang, Jianwen Jiang, Hongliang Li, and X. S. Zhao. A high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor fabricated with graphene-based electrodes.

Energy& Environmental Science, 2011, 4, 4009–4015.

14. Jintao Zhang, Jianwen Jiang, and X. S. Zhao. Synthesis and Capacitive Properties of Manganese Oxide Nanosheets Dispersed on Functionalized Graphene Sheets.

J.Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 6448–6454. (Top 10 Most Read Articles for Q2 2011 for the Journal of Physical Chemistry C).

13. Jintao Zhang, Wei Chu, Jianwen Jiang and X. S. Zhao. Synthesis, characterization and capacitive performance of hydrous manganese dioxide nanostructures.

Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 125703.

12. Jintao Zhang, Zhigang Xiong and X. S. Zhao. Graphene-metal-oxide composites for the degradation of dyes under visible light irradiation.

J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21,3634-3640.

11. Jizhen Ma, Jintao Zhang, Zhigang Xiong,Yong Yu and X. S. Zhao. Preparation, characterization and antibacterial properties of silver-modified graphene oxide.

J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21,3350-3352.

Before 2010

10. Jintao Zhang, Jizhen Ma, Li Li Zhang, Peizhi Guo, Jianwen Jiang and X. S. Zhao.Template Synthesis of Tubular Ruthenium Oxides for Supercapacitor Applications.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 13608–13613.

9. Jintao Zhang, Jizhen Ma, Jianwen Jiang and X. S. Zhao. Synthesis and capacitive properties of carbonaceous sphere@MnO2 rattle-type hollow structures.

J. Mater. Res., 2010, 25, 1476-1484.

8. Li Li Zhang, Shi Li, Jintao Zhang, PeizhiGuo, Jingtang Zheng and X. S. Zhao. Enhancement of Electrochemical Performance of Macroporous Carbon by Surface Coating of Polyaniline.

Chem. Mater., 2010,22, 1195–1202.

7. CuiCui Qiu, Jintao Zhang and Houyi Ma. Fabrication of monometallic (Co, Pd, Pt, Au) and bimetallic (Pt/Au, Au/Pt) thinfilms with hierarchical architectures as electrocatalysts.

Solid State Sci., 2010, 12, 822–828.

6. Jintao Zhang, Cuicui Qiu, Houyi Ma and Xiuyu Liu. Facile Fabrication and Unexpected Electrocatalytic Activity of Palladium Thin Films with Hierarchical Architectures.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 13970–13975.

5. Jintao Zhang, Houyi Ma, Dongju Zhang, Pengpeng Liu, Fang Tian and Yi Ding. Electrocatalytic activity of bimetallic platinum-gold catalysts fabricated based on nanoporous gold.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2008, 10, 3250–3255.

4. Jintao Zhang, Minghu Huang, Houyi Ma, Fang Tian, Wei Pan, and Shenhao Chen. High catalyticactivity of nanostructured Pd thin films electrochemically deposited on polycrystalline Pt and Au substrates towards electro-oxidation of methanol.

Electrochem. Commun., 2007, 9, 1298–1304.

3. Jintao Zhang, Pengpeng Liu, Houyi Ma, and Yi Ding. Nanostructured Porous Gold for Methanol Electro-Oxidation.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 10382–10388.

2. Wenjing Li, Houyi Ma, Jintao Zhang, XiuyuLiu and Xingli Feng. Fabrication of Gold Nanoprism Thin Films and Their Applications in Designing High Activity Electrocatalysts.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 1738–1745.

1. Wei Pan, Xiaokai Zhang, Houyi Ma, and Jintao Zhang. Electrochemical Synthesis, Voltammetric Beavior, and Electrocatalytic Activity of Pd Nanoparticles.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 2456–2461.


  • 2008-8 — 2012-7
  • 2005-9 — 2008-6
  • 聊城大学
  • 2015-08-至今
  • 2013-09 — 2015-07
  • 2012-01 — 2013-09

1.  王月青. Bionic Mineralization toward Scalable MOF Films for Ampere-Level Biomass Upgrading.  Journal of the American Chemical Society,  2023. 

2.  . Delocalized Electronic Engineering of Ni<sub>5</sub>P<sub>4</sub> Nanoroses for Durable Li-O<sub>2</sub> Batteries.  ADVANCED MATERIALS ,  35,  2023. 

3.  陈松. Coordination Modulation of Hydrated Zinc ions to Enhance Redox Reversibility of Zinc Batteries.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,  2023. 

4.  . Crystal phase engineering of CoBOx/NiCoP heterostructures as trifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting and urea electrolysis.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  2024. 

5.  陈谦武. Separation E?ect of Graphene Sheets with N, O Codopingand Molybdenum Clusters for Reversible Lithium–IodineBatteries.  Advanced Functional Materials,  2024. 

6.  曹雪莹. Strong p-d Orbital Hybridization on Bismuth Nanosheets for High Performing CO2 Electroreduction.  ADVANCED MATERIALS ,  2023. 

7.  舒欣欣. Bimetal-bridging Nitrogen Coordination in Carbon-based Electrocatalysts for pH-universal Oxygen Reduction.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  2023. 

8.  郭伟健. Thermal-driven Dispersion of Bismuth Nanoparticles among Carbon Matrix for Efficient Carbon Dioxide Reduction.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  2024. 

9.  何玉龙. Shapeable carbon fiber networks with hierarchical porous structure for high-performance Zn-I2 batteries.  Science China-Chemistry,  65,  391-398, 2022. 

10.  谭东兴. Electrochemical-driven reconstruction for efficient reduction of carbon dioxide into alcohols.  CHEM CATALYSIS,  3,  2023. 

11.  陈谦武. Interface engineering enables stable and reversible zinc anode for high-performance Zn–I2 battery.  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  556,  2023. 

12.  陈松. In Situ Formation of Tungsten Nitride among Porous Carbon Polyhedra for High Performance Zinc-Iodine Batteries.  J. Phys. Chem. C,  127,  7609-7617, 2023. 

13.  曹雪莹. Stepwise dispersion of nickel species for efficient coupling of electrocatalytic redox reactions.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  454,  2023. 

14.  舒欣欣. Tuning Co-Catalytic Sites in Hierarchical Porous N-Doped Carbon for High-Performance Rechargeable and Flexible Zn-Air Battery.  advanced energy materials,  13,  2022. 

15.  陈谦武. Interface engineering enables stable and reversible zinc anode for high-performance Zn-I2 battery.  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  556,  2023. 

16.  丁思雨. The dispersion of iron nitride among porous carbon fibers to enhance redox conversion for high-performance zinc-iodine batteries.  CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS Journal,  34,  2023. 

17.  乌兰巴日. Atomic Bridging of Sn Single Atom with Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms for the Selective Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2.  CCS Chemistry,  2023. 

18.  . Hollow CoOX nanoparticle-embedded N-doped porous carbon as an efficient oxygen electrocatalyst for rechargeable zinc-air batteries.  MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,  6,  3706-3715, 2022. 

19.  陈松. Rational design of carbon-based electrocatalysts for enhancing redox reactions in rechargeable metal batteries.  NANO RESEARCH,  16,  4246-4276, 2022. 

20.  田亚冬. A highly conductive gel electrolyte with favorable ion transfer channels for long-lived zinc-iodine batteries.  2041-6520,  14,  331-337, 2022. 

21.  乌兰巴日. To Stabilize Oxygen on In/In2O3 Heterostructure via Joule Heating for Efficient Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction.  Advanced Functional Materials,  33,  2022. 

22.  王月青. Confined interface transformation of metal-organic frameworks for highly efficient oxygen evolution reactions.  能源环境科学,  2022. 

23.  谭东兴. Interface Molecular Functionalization of Cu2O for Synchronous Electrocatalytic Generation of Formate.  Nano Letters,  22,  6298-6305, 2022. 

24.  舒欣欣. Recent advances in the field of carbon-based cathode electrocatalysts for Zn-air batteries.  Materials Advances,  2,  96-114, 2021. 

25.  陈谦武. Interface coating of iron nitride on carbon cloth for reversible lithium redox in rechargeable battery.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  431,  2022. 

26.  曹雪莹. In Situ Characterization for Boosting Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction.  Small Methods,  5,  e2100700, 2021. 

27.  杨茅茂. Toward Flexible Zinc-Air Batteries with Self-Supported Air Electrodes.  small,  17,  e2006773, 2020. 

28.  舒欣欣. The regulation of coordination structure between cobalt and nitrogen on graphene for efficient bifunctional electrocatalysis in Zn-air batteries.  JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,  68,  213-221, 2022. 

29.  乌兰巴日. Atomic Bridging of Metal-Nitrogen-Carbon toward Efficient Integrated Electrocatalysis.  Advanced Functional Materials,  2022. 

30.  . Mott-Schottky contact synergistically boosts the electroreduction of nitrate to ammonia under low-nitrate concentration.  能源环境科学,  2024. 

31.  . Physicochemical Confinement Effect Enables High-Performing Zinc-Iodine Batteries..  Journal of the American Chemical Society,  144,  21683-21691, 2022. 

32.  曹雪莹. Atomic bismuth induced ensemble sites with indium towards highly efficient and stable electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.  science bulletin,  68,  1008-1016, 2023. 

33.  曹雪莹. Atomic Bridging Structure of Nickel–Nitrogen–Carbon for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  61,  e202113918, 2022. 

34.  乌兰巴日. To Stabilize Oxygen on In/In<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Heterostructure via Joule Heating for Efficient Electrocatalytic CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction.  Advanced functional materials,  33,  2023. 

35.  王月青. Bionic Mineralization toward Scalable MOF Films for Ampere-Level Biomass Upgrading.  J. AM. CHEM. SOC.,  145,  20624, 2023. 

36.  陈谦武. Synergic anchoring of Fe2N nanoclusters on porous carbon to enhance reversible conversion of iodine for high-temperature zinc-iodine battery.  Nano Energy,  117,  2023. 

37.  陈谦武. Separation Effect of Graphene Sheets with N, O Codoping and Molybdenum Clusters for Reversible Lithium-Iodine Batteries.  Advanced functional materials,  2023. 

38.  张进涛. Nanostructured porous gold for methanol electro-oxidation.  J. Phys. Chem. C,  111,  10382-10388, 2007. 

39.  Lu, Ke. General Preparation of Three-Dimensional Porous Metal Oxide Foams Coated with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Enhanced Lithium Storage.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  8,  17402-17408, 2016. 

40.  Lu, Ke. Cation Intercalation in Manganese Oxide Nanosheets: Effects on Lithium and Sodium Storage.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  55,  10448-10452, 2016. 

41.  Lu, Ke. A rechargeable Na-Zn hybrid aqueous battery fabricated with nickel hexacyanoferrate and nanostructured zinc.  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  321,  257-263, 2016. 

42.  Lu, Ke. High-energy cobalt hexacyanoferrate and carbon micro-spheres aqueous sodium-ion capacitors.  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  303,  347-353, 2016. 

43.  张宝花. Tunable CoFe-based active sites on 3D heteroatom doped graphene aerogel electrocatalysts: Via annealing gas regulation for efficient water splitting.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  6,  15728-15737, 2018. 

44.  李康. Recent advances in flexible supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene.  SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,  61,  210-232, 2018. 

45.  张宝花. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for efficient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,  239,  441-449, 2018. 

46.  何玉龙. Shapeable carbon fiber networks with hierarchical porous structure for high-performance Zn-I-2 batteries.  SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,  65,  391, 2022. 

47.  陈谦武. Interface coating of iron nitride on carbon cloth for reversible lithium redox in rechargeable battery.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  431,  2022. 

48.  曹雪莹. Atomic Bridging Structure of Nickel-Nitrogen-Carbon for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  61,  2022. 

49.  杨茅茂. Toward Flexible Zinc-Air Batteries with Self-Supported Air Electrodes.  Small,  2021. 

50.  杨茅茂. A Defect-rich N, P Co-doped Carbon Foam as Efficient Electrocatalyst toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction.  ChemCatChem,  12,  4105, 2020. 

51.  张宝花. Well-dispersed SnO2 nanocrystals on N-doped carbon nanowires as efficient electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction.  Journal of Energy Chemistry ,  41,  7, 2020. 

52.  曹雪莹. In Situ Characterization for Boosting Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction.  Small ,  2021. 

53.  夏海兵. Bimetallic Diatomic Nanoclusters with Longitudinal Fe-O-Fe Units and Latitudinal Cu-S-Fe-S-Cu Units as Efficien ORR Active Sites.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  14828, 2022. 

54.  乌兰巴日. Electrochemically Driven Interfacial Transformation For High-Performing Solar-To-Fuel Electrocatalytic Conversion.  advanced energy materials,  12,  2022. 

55.  曹雪莹. Defect evolution of hierarchical SnO2 aggregates for boosting CO2 electrocatalytic reduction.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  9,  14741, 2021. 

56.  何玉龙. Rational Modulation of Carbon Fibers for High-Performance Zinc-Iodine Batteries.  ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS,  4,  2020. 

57.  刘苗苗. Co3Fe7 nanoparticles encapsulated in porous nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers as bifunctional electrocatalysts for rechargeable zinc-air batteries.  MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,  5,  6559, 2021. 

58.  张宝花. Surface modification of SnO2 nanosheets via ultrathin N-doped carbon layers for improving CO2 electrocatalytic reduction.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  421,  2021. 

59.  王月青. Interfacial coordination assembly of tannic acid with metal ions on three-dimensional nickel hydroxide nanowalls for efficient water splitting.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  8,  15845, 2020. 

60.  马继臻. Iodine Redox Chemistry in Rechargeable Batteries.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  60,  12636, 2020. 

61.  马继臻. 纳米银、金溶胶的电化学合成及其基本胶体性质 —物理化学综合实验设计.  《大学化学》,  2105062, 2021. 

62.  谭东兴. Strong interactions of metal-support for efficient reduction of carbon dioxide into ethylene.  nano energy,  2021. 

63.  张宝花. Surface modification of SnO2 nanosheets via ultrathin N-doped carbon layers for improving CO2 electrocatalytic reduction.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  421,  2021. 

64.  陈松. Redox reactions of halogens for reversible electrochemical energy storage.  DaltonTrans,  49,  9929, 2020. 

65.  刘苗苗. Design Strategies for Carbon-Based Electrocatalysts and Application to Oxygen Reduction in Fuel Cells.  Acta Physico-chimica Sinica,  37,  2021. 

66.  夏海兵. Fe–Ni Alloy Nanoclusters Anchored on Carbon Aerogels as High-Efficiency Oxygen Electrocatalysts in Rechargeable Zn–Air Batteries.  Small ,  1, 2021. 

67.  马继臻. Iodine Redox Chemistry in Rechargeable Batteries.  ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,  2020. 

68.  马继臻. Surface coating of electrocatalysts boosts battery performance.  RARE METALS Journal,  39,  613, 2020. 

69.  夏青. Phase modulation of 1T/2H MoSe2 nanoflowers for highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalysis in rechargeable Li-O-2 batteries.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  2021. 

70.  刘晓猛. In-situ deposition of Pd/Pd4S heterostructure on hollow carbon spheres as efficient electrocatalysts for rechargeable Li-O-2 batteries.  CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS Journal,  32,  2086, 2021. 

71.  许浩然. CoMoP2 nanoparticles anchored on N, P doped carbon nanosheets for high-performance lithium-oxygen batteries.  FLATCHEM,  25,  2021. 

72.  时金金. Fe ultra-small particles anchored on carbon aerogels to enhance the oxygen reduction reaction in Zn-air batteries.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  9,  6861, 2021. 

73.  舒欣欣. Cobalt nitride embedded holey N-doped graphene as advanced bifunctional electrocatalysts for Zn-Air batteries and overall water splitting.  CARBON,  157,  234, 2020. 

74.  张进涛. Atomic Modulation and Structure Design of Carbons for Bifunctional Electrocatalysis in Metal–Air Batteries.  ADVANCED MATERIALS,  2019. 

75.  张进涛. Thermally driven phase transition of manganese oxide on carbon cloth for enhancing the performance of flexible all-solid-state zinc–air batteries..  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  19719, 2019. 

76.  马继臻. Preparation of Hierarchical Cube-on-plate Metal Phosphides as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting.  Chemistry-An asian journal,  15,  1500, 2020. 

77.  王月青. Hierarchical Assembly of Prussian Blue Derivatives for Superior Oxygen Evolution Reaction.  Advanced Functional Materials,  2019. 

78.  张宝花. 氧化还原刻蚀铜表面对二氧化碳电催化还原性能的研究.  《电化学》,  497, 2019. 

79.  刘晓猛. Tunable Cationic Vacancies of Cobalt Oxides for Efficient Electrocatalysis in Li-O(2)Batteries.  Advanced Energy Materials,  2020. 

80.  李红. Controlled chelation between tannic acid and Fe precursors to obtain N, S co-doped carbon with high density Fe-single atom-nanoclusters for highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction in Zn-air batteries.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  8,  17136, 2020. 

81.  许浩然. Metal-Organic-Framework Derived Core-Shell N-Doped Carbon Nanocages Embedded with Cobalt Nanoparticles as High-Performance Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.  Advanced functional materials,  30,  2020. 

82.  陈松. Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis of N, S Co-doped Porous Carbon with Interspersed Hollow CoO Nanoparticles for Rechargeable Zn-air Batteries..  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  16720, 2019. 

83.  陈松. Regulation of Lamellar Structure of Vanadium Oxide via Polyaniline Intercalation for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery.  Advanced functional materials,  30,  2020. 

84.  马继臻. Three-dimensional nitrogen and phosphorous Co-doped graphene aerogel electrocatalysts for efficient oxygen reduction reaction.  Science China Chemistry,  25,  592, 2018. 

85.  鹿可. Sulfur and nitrogen enriched graphene foam scaffolds for aqueous rechargeable zinc-iodine battery.  ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,  296,  755, 2018. 

86.  马继臻 , 张进涛  and 李康. A 3D and Stable Lithium Anode for High-Performance Lithium-Iodine Batteries.  ADVANCED MATERIALS Journal,  31,  2019. 

87.  张进涛  and 陈松. Thermally driven phase transition of manganese oxide on carbon cloth for enhancing the performance of flexible all-solid-state zinc-air batteries.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  7,  19719, 2019. 

88.  张进涛  and 王月青. Hierarchical Assembly of Prussian Blue Derivatives for Superior Oxygen Evolution Reaction.  Advanced functional materials,  29,  2019. 

89.  王俊  and 张进涛. Atomic Modulation and Structure Design of Carbons for Bifunctional Electrocatalysis in Metal-Air Batteries.  Advanced Materials,  2019. 

90.  张进涛. Structural engineering of transition metal-based electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting.  Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.,  2018. 

91.  张进涛. Ternary Doped Porous Carbon Nanofibers with Excellent ORR and OER Performance for Zinc-air Battery.  journal of materials chemistry A,  2018. 

92.  张进涛. Recent advances on flexible supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene.  SCIENCE CHINA Materials,  2018. 

93.  张进涛. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for e?cient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Appl. Catal. B Environ.,  2018. 

94.  陈思 , 赵兰玲 , 马继臻  and 张进涛. Edge-doping modulation of N, P-codoped porous carbon spheres for high-performance rechargeable Zn-air batteries.  NANO ENERGY,  2019. 

95.  张进涛. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for e?cient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,  2018. 

96.  张进涛. Nitrogen, Fluorine, and Boron Ternary Doped Carbon Fibers as Cathode Electrocatalysts for Zinc–Air Batteries.  Small,  2018. 

97.  张进涛 , 马继臻  and 王俊. Interfacial Scaffolding Preparation of Hierarchical PBA-Based Derivative Electrocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting.  Adv. Energy Mater.,  2018. 

98.  张进涛. Green Catalytic Engineering: A Powerful Tool for Sustainable Development in Chemical Industry.  Frontier Chemical Science & Engineering,  2019. 

99.  张进涛. Structural engineering of transition metal-based electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting.  Frontier Chemical Science & Engineering,  12,  838, 2019. 

100.  张进涛  and 马继臻. Three-dimensional Nitrogen and Phosphorous Co-doped Graphene Aerogel Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction.  SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,  2018. 

101.  陈思  and 张进涛. 石墨烯基催化剂的设计合成与电催化应用.  应用化学,  2018. 

102.  张进涛  and 张宝花. Tunable CoFe-based active sites on 3D heteroatom doped graphene aerogel electrocatalysts via annealing gas regulation for efficient water splitting.  journal of materials chemistry A,  6,  15728, 2018. 

103.  陈思  and 张进涛. Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis of N, S-Codoped Porous Carbon with Interspersed Hollow CoO Nanoparticles for Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  11,  16720, 2019. 

104.  马继臻 , 张进涛  and 高晓春. Facile preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene as an efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst.  Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,  4,  1582, 2017. 

105.  马继臻 , 马厚义 , 张进涛  and 鹿可. A rechargeable iodine-carbon battery that exploits ion intercalation and iodine redox chemistry.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,  8,  2017. 

106.  张进涛  and Wang, Hao. Synthesis of electrocatalytically functional carbon honeycombs through cooking with molecule precursors.  International journal of hydrogen energy,  42,  6472, 2017. 

107.  马厚义 , 张进涛  and 鹿可. Encapsulation of zinc hexacyanoferrate nanocubes with manganese oxide nanosheets for high-performance rechargeable zinc ion batteries.  journal of materials chemistry A,  5,  23628, 2017. 

108.  张进涛 , 马继臻 , 马厚义  and 鹿可. Interfacial Deposition of Three-Dimensional Nickel Hydroxide Nanosheet-Graphene Aerogel on Ni Wire for Flexible Fiber Asymmetric Supercapacitors.  ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,  5,  821, 2017. 

109.  张进涛 , 马厚义  and 鹿可. Cobalt hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles and MoO3 thin films grown on carbon fiber cloth for efficient flexible hybrid supercapacitor.  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  370,  98, 2017. 

110.  张进涛. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Fluorine Tri-doped Graphene as a Multifunctional Catalyst for Self-Powered Electrochemical Water Splitting.  Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,  2016. 

111.  张进涛  and 李康. Nitrogen, phosphorus co-doped carbon cloth as self-standing electrode for lithium-iodine batteries.  NANO RESEARCH,  12,  549, 2019. 

112.  张进涛  and Huang, Yiyin. Atomic Modulation and Structure Design of Carbons for Bifunctional Electrocatalysis in Metal-Air Batteries.  ADVANCED MATERIALS Journal,  31,  2019. 

113.  马继臻 , 王俊 , 张进涛  and 王月青. Interfacial Scaffolding Preparation of Hierarchical PBA-Based Derivative Electrocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting.  Advanced Energy Materials,  9,  2019. 

114.  张进涛. Ternary Doped Porous Carbon Nanofibers with Excellent ORR and OER Performance for Zinc-air Battery.  journal of materials chemistry A,  2018. 

115.  张进涛. Recent advances on flexible supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene.  SCIENCE CHINA Materials,  2018. 

116.  张进涛. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for e?cient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Appl. Catal. B Environ.,  2018. 

117.  张进涛. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for e?cient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,  2018. 

118.  张进涛. Nitrogen, Fluorine, and Boron Ternary Doped Carbon Fibers as Cathode Electrocatalysts for Zinc–Air Batteries.  Small,  2018. 

119.  马继臻 , 王俊  and 张进涛. Interfacial Scaffolding Preparation of Hierarchical PBA-Based Derivative Electrocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting.  Adv. Energy Mater.,  2018. 

120.  张进涛. Green Catalytic Engineering: A Powerful Tool for Sustainable Development in Chemical Industry.  Frontier Chemical Science & Engineering,  2019. 

121.  张进涛. Structural engineering of transition metal-based electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting.  Frontier Chemical Science & Engineering,  12,  838, 2019. 

122.  马继臻  and 张进涛. Three-dimensional Nitrogen and Phosphorous Co-doped Graphene Aerogel Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction.  SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,  2018. 

123.  张进涛. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for e?cient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Appl. Catal. B Environ.,  2018. 

124.  马继臻 , 王俊 , 张进涛  and 王月青. Interfacial Scaffolding Preparation of Hierarchical PBA-Based Derivative Electrocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting.  Advanced Energy Materials,  9,  2019. 

125.  张进涛  and 陈思. Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis of N, S-Codoped Porous Carbon with Interspersed Hollow CoO Nanoparticles for Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries.  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  11,  16720, 2019. 

126.  张进涛  and Huang, Yiyin. Atomic Modulation and Structure Design of Carbons for Bifunctional Electrocatalysis in Metal-Air Batteries.  ADVANCED MATERIALS Journal,  31,  2019. 

127.  张进涛  and 李康. Nitrogen, phosphorus co-doped carbon cloth as self-standing electrode for lithium-iodine batteries.  NANO RESEARCH,  12,  549, 2019. 

128.  赵兰玲 , 马继臻 , 张进涛  and 陈思. Edge-doping modulation of N, P-codoped porous carbon spheres for high-performance rechargeable Zn-air batteries.  NANO ENERGY,  2019. 

129.  张进涛  and Wang, Hao. Synthesis of electrocatalytically functional carbon honeycombs through cooking with molecule precursors.  International journal of hydrogen energy,  42,  6472, 2017. 

130.  马继臻 , 马厚义 , 张进涛  and 鹿可. A rechargeable iodine-carbon battery that exploits ion intercalation and iodine redox chemistry.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,  8,  2017. 

131.  马继臻 , 张进涛  and 高晓春. Facile preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene as an efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst.  Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,  4,  1582, 2017. 

132.  马厚义 , 张进涛  and 鹿可. Encapsulation of zinc hexacyanoferrate nanocubes with manganese oxide nanosheets for high-performance rechargeable zinc ion batteries.  journal of materials chemistry A,  5,  23628, 2017. 

133.  张进涛  and 张宝花. Tunable CoFe-based active sites on 3D heteroatom doped graphene aerogel electrocatalysts via annealing gas regulation for efficient water splitting.  journal of materials chemistry A,  6,  15728, 2018. 

134.  张进涛 , 马厚义  and 鹿可. Cobalt hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles and MoO3 thin films grown on carbon fiber cloth for efficient flexible hybrid supercapacitor.  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  370,  98, 2017. 

135.  张进涛  and 陈思. 石墨烯基催化剂的设计合成与电催化应用.  应用化学,  2018. 

136.  张进涛 , 马继臻 , 马厚义  and 鹿可. Interfacial Deposition of Three-Dimensional Nickel Hydroxide Nanosheet-Graphene Aerogel on Ni Wire for Flexible Fiber Asymmetric Supercapacitors.  ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,  5,  821, 2017. 

137.  张进涛. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Fluorine Tri-doped Graphene as a Multifunctional Catalyst for Self-Powered Electrochemical Water Splitting.  Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,  2016. 

138.  张进涛. Nitrogen, Fluorine, and Boron Ternary Doped Carbon Fibers as Cathode Electrocatalysts for Zinc–Air Batteries.  Small,  2018. 

139.  张进涛. Green Catalytic Engineering: A Powerful Tool for Sustainable Development in Chemical Industry.  Frontier Chemical Science & Engineering,  2019. 

140.  马继臻  and 张进涛. Three-dimensional Nitrogen and Phosphorous Co-doped Graphene Aerogel Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction.  SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,  2018. 

141.  马继臻 , 王俊  and 张进涛. Interfacial Scaffolding Preparation of Hierarchical PBA-Based Derivative Electrocatalysts for Efficient Water Splitting.  Adv. Energy Mater.,  2018. 

142.  张进涛. Ternary Doped Porous Carbon Nanofibers with Excellent ORR and OER Performance for Zinc-air Battery.  journal of materials chemistry A,  2018. 

143.  张进涛. The ensemble effect of nitrogen doping and ultrasmall SnO2 nanocrystals on graphene sheets for e?cient electroreduction of carbon dioxide.  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,  2018. 

144.  张进涛. Recent advances on flexible supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene.  SCIENCE CHINA Materials,  2018. 

145.  张进涛. Structural engineering of transition metal-based electrocatalysts for efficient water splitting.  Frontier Chemical Science & Engineering,  12,  838, 2019. 

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