• 其他栏目


    • 副研究员 博士生导师 硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:中国科学技术大学
    • 学历:研究生(博士后)
    • 学位:理学博士学位
    • 在职信息:在职
    • 所在单位:化学与化工学院
    • 入职时间: 2019-07-05
    • 学科:理论与计算化学
    • 办公地点:山东大学中心校区新生命科学楼北楼430室
    • 电子邮箱:14498343@qq.com





    管兆永,理学博士,博士毕业于中国科学技术大学,师从李群祥教授、杨金龙教授。在清华大学段文晖教授组继续从事二维材料磁性和拓扑性质的研究。后来,前往韩国IBS基础研究院丁峰教授组进行博士后研究工作。主要研究工作集中在磁性,电子结构,谷电子学特性的理论研究。采用DFT方法结合遗传算法计算模拟低维材料,研究低维材料物性,并利用各种手段调控。目前,主要研究低维材料的磁性,拓扑性质,和赝自旋特性,及其探索新型磁性,多铁,拓扑及功能性材料在Nature Physics, Andvanced Functional Materials, Nanoscale,Angew. Chem.Int.Ed.,ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Chemistry of Materials,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C发表文章31篇,第一作者文章20篇,第二作者2篇, 共同通讯1篇,Google学术引用2260余次,单篇最高引用362次,5篇引用超200次,4篇SCI高引用论文。作为理论计算主要完成者的Nature Physics, 受到国内媒体的广泛报道,如《自然-物理》报道物理系在锡烯中发现超导电性-清华大学物理系(tsinghua.edu.cn)清华大学物理系:在锡烯中发现超导电性–


    1.Strain-controllable High Curie Temperature, Large Valley Polarization and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy in 2D Ferromagnetic Janus VSeTe Monolayer.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (47), 53067, 2020. (IF = 10.7, 中科院SCI 1区,Google学术引用51次)


    Strain-Controllable High Curie Temperature, Large Valley Polarization, and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy in a 2D Ferromagnetic Janus VSeTe Monolayer.pdf

    文章链接:Strain-Controllable High Curie Temperature, Large Valley Polarization, and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy in a 2D Ferromagnetic Janus VSeTe Monolayer | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

    2.Prediction 2D Ferromagnetic Janus VSeTe Monolayer with High Curie Temperature, Large Valley Polarization and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni.


    Nanoscale 12, 22735, 2020. (IF = 8.6,中科院SCI 1区,Google学术引用57

    Predicted 2D ferromagnetic Janus VSeTe monolayer with high Curie temperature, large valley polarization and magnetic crystal anisotropy.pdf

    文章链接: Predicted 2D ferromagnetic Janus VSeTe monolayer with high Curie temperature, large valley polarization and magnetic crystal anisotropy - Nanoscale (RSC Publishing)

    3.Nitrogen Enables the Intensity Modulation of Charge Transfer and Spin Paramagnetism in Graphdiyne. 

    Mingjia Zhang, Zhaoyong Guan#, Ze Yang, Xin Hu, X Wang, YZ Long, Changshui Huang*.

    Chemistry of Materials. 32, 9001, 2020. (IF = 9.567, 中科院SCI 1)

    4.Metal-Free Magnetism and Half-Metallicity of Carbon Nitride Nanotubes: A First-Principles Study. 

    Zhaoyong Guan, Jiajun Wang, Jing Huang, Xiaojun Wu, Qunxiang Li*, Jinlong Yang.

    J. Phys. Chem. C. 118, 22491, 2014.  (IF=4.536, 中科院SCI 2区)

    Metal-Free Magnetism and Half-Metallicity of Carbon Nitride Nanotubes_ A First-Principles Study.pdf



    5.Tunable Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphene Flake-Doped Boron Nitride Nanotubes.

    Zhaoyong Guan, Weiyi Wang, Jing Huang, Xiaojun Wu, Qunxiang Li*, Jinlong Yang.

    J. Phys. Chem. C. 118, 28616, 2014.  (IF=4.536, 中科院SCI 2区,Google学术引用32次)

    Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of graphene flake in boron nitride nanoribbons with transverse electric fields First-principles calculations.pdf



    6.Tunable Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Layered Two-Dimensional C2N and MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructure as Photovoltaic Material.

    Zhaoyong Guan, Chao-sheng Lian, Shuanglin Hu, Shuang Ni, Jia Li, Wenhui Duan*.


    J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 3654, 2017. (IF=4.536, 中科院SCI 2区,SCI 高引论文,Google 学术引用210)

    Tunable Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Layered Two-Dimensional C2N and MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructure as Photovoltaic Material.pdf

    文章链接:Tunable Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Layered Two-Dimensional C2N and MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructure as Photovoltaic Material | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (acs.org)

    7.Tunable Electronic and Optical Properties of Single and Few-layer Janus MoSSe van der Waals Structures as photocatalyst for solar water splitting.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni, Shuanglin Hu, Wenhui Duan.

    J. Phys. Chem. C. 212, 6209. 2018. (IF=4.536, 中科院SCI 2, SCI 高引论文,Google学术引用228)


    Tunable Electronic and Optical Properties of Monolayer and Multilayer Janus MoSSe as a Photocatalyst for Solar Water Splitting_ A First-Principles Study.pdf

    文章链接:Tunable Electronic and Optical Properties of Monolayer and Multilayer Janus MoSSe as a Photocatalyst for Solar Water Splitting: A First-Principles Study | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (acs.org)

    8. First-Principles Study of Line-Defect-Embedded Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons Electronic and Magnetic Properties.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuanglin Hu, Chen Si, Wenhui Duan.

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.18,12350,2016. (IF=4.123, 中科院SCI2)

    First-principles study of line-defect-embedded zigzag graphene nanoribbons electronic and magnetic properties.pdf

    文章链接:First-principles study of line-defect-embedded zigzag graphene nanoribbons: electronic and magnetic properties - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing)


    9.Band Gap Opening of Graphene by Forming Graphene/PtSe2 van der Waals Heterojunction

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuanglin Hu, Shuang Ni.

    RSC Advances, 7, 45393, 2017. (IF=3.108, 中科院SCI 3区,Google引用59)

    Band gap opening of graphene by forming a graphene-PtSe2 van der Waals heterojunction.pdf


    10.Insights from First Principles Graphene/g-C2N bilayer: Gap Opening, Enhanced Visible Light Response and Electrical Field Tuning Band Structure.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni

    Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing, 123, 678, 2017. (IF=1.455, 中科院SCI 3)

    Insights from first principles graphene-g-C2N bilayer gap openning,enhanced visable light response and electrical field tunning band structure.pdf


    11.Electronic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Properties of Line-Defect Embedded Graphene Nanoribbons: a First-Principles Study.

    Zhaoyong Guan, Xiaojun Wu*, Qunxiang Li*.

    Nano Life. 02, 124003, 2012

    Electronic, magnetic,and mechanical properties of line-defect embeded graphene nanoribbons a first-principles study.pdf

    12.Tunable Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Monolayer and Bilayer Janus Cr2Cl3I3: A First-Principles Study.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Nannan Luo, Shuang Ni, Chen Si.

    Materials Advances, 1, 244, 2020. (IF=5.0,Googlez学术引用21)

    Tunable electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer and bilayer Janus Cr2Cl3I3 a first-principles study.pdf


    13.First-Principles Study of 3d Transition-Metal-Atom Adsorption onto Graphene Embedded with the Extended Line Defect.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni, Shuanglin Hu.

    ACS Omega, 6, 5900, 2020. (IF=3.512, 中科院SCI 3)

    First-Principles Study of 3d Transition-Metal-Atom Adsorption onto Graphene Embedded with the Extended Line Defect.pdf


    14.Tuning the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphene Flake Embedded in Boron Nitride Nanoribbons with Transverse Electric Fields: First-principles Calculations.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni, Shuanglin Hu.

    ACS Omega, 4, 10293, 2019. (IF=3.512, 中科院SCI 3)

    Tuning the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphene Flake Embedded in Boron Nitride Nanoribbons with Transverse Electric Fields First-Principles Calculations.pdf

    15.Strain-Controllable High Curie Temperature and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy in a 2D Ferromagnetic Semiconductive FeI3 Monolayer.

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni.

    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 3147, 2021. (IF= 4.86,中科院2区,Google学术引用22次

    Strain-Controllable High Curie Temperature and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy in a 2D Ferromagnetic Semiconductive FeI3 Monolayer.pdf

    文章链接:Strain-Controllable High Curie Temperature and Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy in a 2D Ferromagnetic Semiconductive FeI3 Monolayer | ACS Applied Electronic Materials


    16.Prediction of High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy and Carrier Doping-induced Half-metallicity in 2D Ferromagnetic FeX3 (X = F, Cl, Br, I) Monolayer. 

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Shuang Ni.

    J. Phys. Chem. C.,125, 16700, 2021. (IF=4.536, 中科院SCI 2, Google学术引用24次)

    Prediction of High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy, and Carrier Doping-Induced Half-Metallicity in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetic FeX3 (X = F, Cl, Br, and I) Monolayers.pdf

    文章链接:Prediction of High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy, and Carrier Doping-Induced Half-Metallicity in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetic FeX3 (X = F, Cl, Br, and I) Monolayers | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (acs.org)


    17.Molecular recognition of the self-assembly mechanism of glycosyl amino acetate based hydrogel.

    Yi. Zhou, Jiamei Liu, Hui Li, Heng Zhang*, Zhaoyong Guan*, Yanyan Jiang*.  

    ACS Omega, 6, 21801, 2021. (IF=3.512, 中科院SCI 3)

    Molecular Recognition of the Self-Assembly Mechanism of Glycosyl Amino Acetate-Based Hydrogels.pdf

    文章链接:Molecular Recognition of the Self-Assembly Mechanism of Glycosyl Amino Acetate-Based Hydrogels | ACS Omega


    18.Enhanced Photocatalytic Mechanism for the Hybrid g-C3N4/MoS2 Nanocomposite.

    Jiajun Wang, Zhaoyong Guan, Jing Huang, Qunxiang Li*, and Jinlong Yang.

    J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 7960, 2014. (IF=8.867, SCI 高引论文,中科院SCI 1区,Goolge引用352)


    Enhanced photocatalytic mechanism for the hybrid.pdf

    19.Electronic and Optical Properties of TiO2 Nanotubes and Arrays: A First-Principles Study.

    Qiangqiang Meng, Zhaoyong Guan, Jing Huang, Qunxiang Li*, and Jinlong Yang.

    Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 16, 11519, 2014. (IF=4.123, 中科院SCI 2)

    Electronic and optical properties of TiO2 nanotubes and arrays a first-principles study .pdf


    文章链接:Electronic and optical properties of TiO2 nanotubes and arrays: a first-principles study - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing)

    20.Transport Spin Polarization of Magnetic C28 Molecular Junctions.

    Ke Xu, Jing Huang, Zhaoyong Guan. Qunxiang Li*, Jinlong Yang.

    Chem. Phys. Lett. 535, 111, 2012. (IF=1.815, 中科院SCI3)

    Transport spin polarization of magnetic C28 molecular junctions.pdf

    21.Superconductivity in Few-Layer Stanene.

    Menghan Liao, Yunyi Zang, Zhaoyong Guan, Yan Gong, Kejing Zhu, Ding Zhang*, Yong Xu*, Ke He, Xu-Cun Ma, Shou-Cheng Zhang, and Qi-Kun Xue

    Nature. Physics. 14, 344, 2018. (IF= 22.806, 中科院SCI 1区,SCI高引论文,Google学术引用211)



    Superconductivity in few-layer stanene.pdf

    文章链接:Superconductivity in few-layer stanene | Nature Physics

    22.Synthesis, Electronic Structure of Boron-Graphdiyne with sp Carbon Skeleton and Its Application in Sodium Storage.

    Ning Wang, Xiaodong Li, Zeyi Tu, Fuhua Zhao, Jianjiang He, Zhaoyong Guan, Changshui Huang*, Yuanping Yi, Yuliang Li*

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 3968, 2018. (IF=11.994, 中科院SCI 1,Google学术引用157)

    23.Realizing an Epitaxial Monolayer Stanene with an Insulating Band Gap.

    Yunyi Zang, Tian Jiang, Yan Gong, Zhaoyong Guan, Menghan Liao, Zhe Li, Lili Wang, Wei Li, Canli Song, Ding Zhang, Yong Xu*, Ke He*, Xucun Ma, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Qi-Kun Xue


    Adv. Func. Mat. 1802723, 2018. (IF=12.124, 中科院SCI 1区,Google学术引用53次)

    Realizing an Epitaxial Decorated Stanene with an Insulating Bandgap.pdf

    24.Fcc versus Non-fcc Structural Isomerism of Gold Nanoparticles with Kernel Atom Packing Dependent Photoluminescence.

    Shengli Zhuang, Lingwen Liao, Jinyun Yuan, Nan Xia, Yan Zhao, Chengming Wang, Zibao Gan, Nan Yan, Lizhong He, Jin Li, Haiteng Deng, Zhaoyong Guan, Jinlong Yang, Zhikun Wu*.

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201813426. SCI期刊论文 (IF:11.994中科院SCI 1)

    Fcc versus Non-fcc Structural Isomerism of Gold Nanoparticles with Kernel Atom Packing Dependent Photoluminescence.pdf


    25.Tuning the Properties of Graphdiyne through Introducing Electron Withdrawing/Donating Groups.

    Chipeng Xie, Xiuli Hu, Zhaoyong Guan, Xuan Li, Fuhua Zhao, Y Song, Yang Li, X Li, Ning Wang, Changshui Huang*, Yuling Li*.

    Angewandte Chemie 132, 1-6, 2020. (IF=11.994, 中科院SCI 1)

    26.First-Principles Investigation of Nonmetal Doped Single-Layer BiOBr as a Potential Photocatalyst with Low Recombination Rate.

    MNAK Mohammed Obeid, Do Minh Hoat, Hamad Rahman Jappor, Chuong Nguyen, Zhaoyong Guan.

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 66, 166, 2020. (IF=4.123, 中科院SCI 2区,Google学术引用72次)

    First-principles investigation of nonmetal doped single-layer BiOBr as a potential photocatalyst with a low recombination rate.pdf

    27.The Alignment Dependent Properties and Applications of Graphene Moiré Superstructures on Ru (0001) Surface.

    Leining Zhang, Jichen Dong, Zhaoyong Guan, Xiuyun Zhang, Feng Ding*.

    Nanoscale 66, 11-19, 2020. (IF = 8.7, 中科院SCI 1)

    The alignment-dependent properties and applications of graphene moiré superstructures on the Ru(0001) surface.pdf



    28.Carrier Doping Modulates 2D Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Mn2Ge2Te6 Monolayer High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy

    Ziyuan An, Ya Su, Shuang Ni,* Zhaoyong Guan*

    J. Phys. Chem. C. 126, 11330-11340, 2022 

    Carrier Doping Modulates 2D Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Mn2Ge2Te6 Monolayer, High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy.pdf

    文章链接:Carrier Doping Modulates 2D Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Mn2Ge2Te6 Monolayer, High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (acs.org



    29. Van der Waals Stacked 2D Layered Co2Ge2Te6 with High Curie Temperature, Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy. 

    Zhaoyong Guan,* Linhui Lv, Ziyuan An, Ya Su,Yanyan Jiang, Xuming Wu, Shuang Ni*

     J. Phys. Chem. C. 2023. 127,5991-6001.


    Van der Waals Stacked 2D-Layered Co2Ge2Te6 with High Curie Temperature and Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy.pdf

    文章链接: Van der Waals Stacked 2D-Layered Co2Ge2Te6 with High Curie Temperature and Large Magnetic Crystal Anisotropy

    30. Tailing Magnetoelectric properties of Cr2Ge2Te6 by Engineering Covalently bonded Cr Self-intercalation: Ferromagnetic Half-metal.

    Zhaoyong Guan,* Linhui Lv, Ziyuan An,Yanyan Jiang, Ya Su

    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2023,5,2999-3009


    Tailing the Magnetoelectric Properties of Cr2Ge2Te6 by Engineering Covalently Bonded Cr Self-Intercalation Ferromagnetic Half-Metal.pdf



    31. Carrier Doping Modulate Magnetoelectronic, and Magnetic Anisotropic Properties of Two-Dimensional MSi2N4 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) Monolayers

    Ziyuan An, Linhui Lv, Ya Su,* Yanyan Jiang, Zhaoyong Guan*

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2004, 26,4208-4217.


    Carrier Doping Modulate Magnetoelectronic, and Magnetic Anisotropic Properties of Two-Dimensional MSi2N4 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) Monolayers.pdf

    文章链接:Carrier Doping Modulate Magnetoelectronic, and Magnetic Anisotropic Properties of Two-Dimensional MSi2N4 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) Monolayers - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing)

    32. Tailing Magnetoelectric Properties of 2H-MoS2 by Engineering Covalently Bonded Mo Self-intercalation: Ferromagnetic Materials

    Zhaoyong Guan*, Fangyu Zhang, Linhui Lv, Chao Jia, Weiyi Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Xingxing Li, Ya Su

    ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 2024,6,6,4066-4079.



    文章链接:Tailing Magnetoelectric Properties of 2H-MoS2 by Engineering Covalently Bonded Mo Self-intercalation: Ferromagnetic Materials


    33. Strain-controllable Electronic, Magnetic Properties, and Magnetic Anisotropy Energy in 2D Ferromagnetic Half-metallic MGT Monolayer. 

    Linhui Lv, Fangyu Zhang,  Diancong Qi, Zihao Xu, Weiyi Wang, Ya Su, Yanyan Jiang, Zhaoyong Guan*

    Journal of Applied Physics. 2025. 137. 014304.


    Strain-controllable electronic, magnetic properties, and magnetic anisotropy energy in a 2D ferromagnetic half-metallic MGT monolayer


    34. Tailoring the Magnetoelectric Properties and Enhancing Magnetic Anisotropy of TiS2 Bilayers by Self-intercalation: A DFT Study. (封面文章)

    Fangyu Zhang,Linhui Lv, Zihao Xu (物理系本科生), Diancong Qi, Weiyi Wang, Ya Su, Yanyan Jiang, Zhaoyong Guan*

     J. Phys. Chem. C. 2025. 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c06216.

    Visual 2.jpg


    文章链接:Prediction of the TiS2 Bilayer with Self-Intercalation: Robust Ferromagnetic Semiconductor with a High Curie Temperature | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

    35. Tailing Magnetoelectric Properties of 1T-CrTe2 by Engineering Covalently Bonded Cr Self-intercalation: Ferromagnetic Materials.

     Zihao Xu (物理系本科生), Fangyu Zhang, Linhui Lv,  Diancong Qi, Weiyi Wang, Ya Su, Yanyan Jiang, Zhaoyong Guan*

    In Preparation.

    36. The Magnetic, Electronic Properties and Magnetic Anistropy Properties of 1T-TaSe2 with Self-Intercalation.

    Zihao Xu (物理系本科生), Fangyu Zhang, Linhui Lv,  Diancong Qi, Weiyi Wang, Ya Su, Yanyan Jiang, Zhaoyong Guan*

    In Preparation.


    2003-2007 山东师范大学物理系 学士  指导教师:王传奎教授

    2007-2010 中国科学技术大学化学院 硕士,指导教师:李群祥教授,杨金龙院士

    2010-2015 中国科学技术大学化学院  博士,指导教师:李群祥教授,杨金龙院士

    2015-2017 清华大学物理系 博士后,指导教师:段文晖院士

    2017-2018 中国工程物理与核物理研究所,访问学者,指导教师:胡双林教授

    2018-2019 韩国IBS基础科学研究中心,博士后,指导教师:丁峰教授

    2019-至今 山东大学化学院,副研究员


    1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:石墨烯/过渡金属硫化物面内异质结接触特性和电子结构的理论研究,Grant No. 11904203

    2. 山东大学基本科研业务经费,Grant No. 2019GN065

    3. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目:石墨烯/MoS2面内接触特性的理论研究和量子调控,Grant No. ZR2023MA019






    3.国家重点研发计划项目,项目名称: 二维新型量子体系的设计、调控和原型器件探索,清华大学 






    刘昱辰   2016级本科化学专业)保送山东大学刘文剑教授课题组-硕博连读

    王宇哲   2016级本科化学专业)保送山东大学-硕博连读

    刘涛       2016级本科化工专业)考取四川大学研究生

    徐子皓  (2022级本科物理系基地班) 

    于博文  (2021级化学强基班)保送山东大学,进组进行2025年毕业设计。

    李新川  (2021级化学基地班)保送西湖大学李秋珵研究员组,进组进行2025年毕业设计

    张兴宇  (2021级化学基地班)2025年本科毕业设计


    吕林慧 (2022级硕士)本科毕业于曲阜师范大学,硕士在读

    张方宇 (2023级硕士)本科毕业于山东大学,硕士在读

    亓殿聪 (2024级硕士)本科毕业于山东大学,硕士在读

    安耔源 (2021级硕士)本科毕业于山东大学,毕业去向:烟台万华集团。






    2019.07 -- 2024.10

    山东大学化学与化工学院      山东

