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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:Shandong University
所在单位:School of Physics
47. X.T. Hao, Multiple-Time Scale Exciton Dynamics in Organic Photovoltaics,Singapore Chemistry National Meeting (ChnmSG5 2023), 28 July 2023, Singapore.
46. X.T. Hao, Exciton and Charge Dynamics in Organic Photovoltaics for Various Application Scenarios, The 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2023), 26-30 June 2023, Singapore.
45. X.T. Hao, Controlled exciton dynamics in nanohybrid heterojunctions based on 2D organic semiconductors,The 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2023), 26-30 June 2023, Singapore.
44. 郝晓涛,有机光伏器件的多尺度激发态动力学,中国化学会第十二届有机固体电子过程暨华人有机光电功能材料学术讨论会,2023年6月7日-10日,中国长春市。
43. 郝晓涛,有机太阳能电池多尺度激发态动力学及稳定性研究,第七届全国分子材料与器件学术研讨会,2023年4月21日-23日,中国北京市。
42. X.T. Hao, Exciton and Charge Carrier Dynamics in Outdoor and Indoor Organic Photovoltaics, The 14th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics (A-COE 2022), 6-9 December 2022, Macau, China.
41. X.T. Hao, 多光照场景有机光伏器件的物理机制,The 2nd International Conference on Optics and Image Processing (ICOIP 2022),2022年5月20日-5月22日,中国泰安市。
40. 郝晓涛,有机光伏材料与器件中的激发态动力学,第三届全国有机场效应晶体管会议,2021年7月29日-8月1日,中国兰州市。
39. 郝晓涛,瞬态吸收和荧光光谱在有机光伏中的应用,第五届全国超快光谱研讨会,2021年7月18日-21日,中国青岛市。
38. 郝晓涛,有机光伏稳定性:激发态动力学演化,中国材料大会2021,2021年7月8日-12日,中国厦门市。
37. 郝晓涛,三元有机光伏器件微结构与激发态物理,第二届光电发展论坛·有机光电材料与器件发展研讨,2020年9月18日-20日,中国南京市。
36. 郝晓涛,有机光伏中多尺度微结构,第三届多维多尺度同步辐射成像技术及应用研讨会,2020年8月2日-4日,中国淄博市。
35. 郝晓涛, 有机太阳能电池多尺度激发态过程,2019年度泰山学术论坛—新型发光材料与器件,2019年12月13-15日,中国聊城市。
34. X.T. Hao, Exciton Dynamics inTernary Organic Solar Cells,The 2th International Conference on Optoelectronics and Measurement (ICOM2019) , 28-30 November 2019, Hangzhou, China.
33. X.T. Hao, Multiple Temporal Scale Exciton Dynamics in Organic Solar Cells , The 11th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics (A-COE 2019), 6-9 November 2019, Taipei, China.
32. 郝晓涛,非富勒烯聚合物太阳能电池多时间尺度光物理过程, 第十一届全国有机发光和光电性质学术会议,2019年9月20-23日,中国北京市。
31. 郝晓涛,大厚度有机光伏器件中形貌调控、激子解离与电荷传输,中国材料大会2019,2019年7月10-14日,中国成都市。
30. 郝晓涛,聚合物光伏异质结形态结构和光物理过程调控,山东省泰山学术论坛—战略新兴产业中的重大物理问题分论坛,2019年7月5-8日,中国青岛市。
29. X.T. Hao, Resolving the Underlying Mechanisms in Ternary Organic Solar Cells, Symposium on Frontiers in Multidimensional Organic Semiconductors,24-26 January 2019,Hana Square Auditorium, Korea University,Seoul, Korea.
28. X.T. Hao, Phase Distribution and Exciton Behavior in Ternary Organic Solar Cells, The 10th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics (A-COE 2018), 5-8 December 2018, Hong Kong, China.
27. 郝晓涛, 三元有机光伏体系中的微纳形态结构、电荷分离和能量转移, 新能源材料与器件第二届学术会议,2018年10月19日-21日,中国长沙市。
26. 郝晓涛,添加绝缘树脂改善有机光伏器件性能,中国材料大会2018,先进微电子与光电子材料分会,2018年7月12-16日, 中国厦门市。
25. 郝晓涛,三元有机太阳能电池中形态结构和光物理过程调控,中国材料大会2018, 太阳能材料与器件分会, 2018年7月12-16日, 中国厦门市。
24. X.T. Hao, Unraveling the fundamental mechanism of synergistic effect in ternary,bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells, SPIE NanoPhotonics Australasia,2017, 10-13 December 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
23. X.T. Hao, Photophysics in plasmon-enhanced organic solar cells, The 11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2017), 12-15 September 2017, Jeju, South Korea.
22. 郝晓涛, 有机光电薄膜中的微纳结构与光物理,中国材料大会2017,2017年7月8-12日,中国银川市。
21. 郝晓涛,Spatial and Temporal Visualizing Exciton Dynamics in Organic Photovoltaic Materials, 第十届全国有机发光和光电性质学术会议,2017年7月7日-10日,中国太原市。
20. X.T. Hao, Understanding Morphology and Photophysics in Organic Photovoltaic Bulk Heterojunctions, The 2nd International Conference on Organic Optoelectronics, 11-13 November 2016, Ningbo, China.
19. X.T. Hao, Optical spectroscopy and microscopy on organic optoelectronic thin films, The 17th IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2016), 20-24 October 2016, Qingdao China.
18. X.T. Hao, The morphology and photophysical dynamics in light emitting polymer films, The 18th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence (EL2016), 21-24 July 2016, Taiyuan, China.
17. X.T. Hao, Fundamental Mechanism and Device Performance in Ternary Organic Bulk Heterojunctions, The 8th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films and Surface Coatings (ThinFilms2016), 12-15 July 2016, Singapore.
16. X.T. Hao, Unraveling the Fundamental Mechanism of Synergistic Effect in Ternary Organic Bulk Heterojunctions, IUMRS-MRSS 2016 International Conference on Electronic Materials (ICEM2016), 4-8 July 2016, Singapore.
15. 郝晓涛,聚合物光伏体系中的微纳形态结构、电荷分离和能量转移,2015年泰山学术论坛---纳米光电技术与新能源产业专题,2015年11月6-8日,中国青岛市。
14. 郝晓涛,有机半导体固态微纳结构与光物理过程的关联,第四届低维物理暨第一届有机固体物理研讨会,2015年10月16-18日,中国曲阜市。
13. X.T. Hao, Hydrogenated oxide semiconductor films by sputtering, The 22nd International Conference on Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2015), 20-24 Aug 2015, Moscow.
12. 郝晓涛, Imaging the photophysical dynamics of conjugated polymer films at high spatial and temporal resolution, 有机光电子学研讨会,2015年8月5-6日,湖南衡阳市。
11. X.T. Hao, Nanomorphology and Photophysical Properties in Heterogeneous Polymer Blend Films(Invited talk), The 1st International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, 8-10 Dec 2014, Beijing.
10. X.T. Hao, Photophysical processes in morphology-controllable conjugated polymer based bulk heterojunctions (Invited talk), 8th Asian Photochemistry Conference 2014 (APC 2014), Nov 10-13, 2014, Trivandrum, India.
9. 郝晓涛,第四届全国凝聚态物理青年科学家论坛,2014年11月7-9日,中国上海市。
8. X.T. Hao, Solid state characteristics in morphology-controllable conjugated polymer photovoltaic materials (Invited talk), 2014 Energy Materials Nanotechnology Open Access Week Meeting, Sept 22-25, 2014, Chengdu, China.
7. 郝晓涛, 形态可控共轭聚合物薄膜中的光致激发动力学 (大会邀请报告), 第六届全国信息光学与光子学学术会议暨国际信息光学技术研讨会(CIOP 2014), 2014年7月22-27日, 中国长春市。
6. X.T. Hao, Controllable physical properties in external field induced conjugated polymers films (Invited talk), 2014 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR), June 23 - 27, 2014, Seoul, South Korea.
5. 郝晓涛,The correlation between morphology and electronic structure in conjugated polymer films (邀请报告), 中国物理学会2013年秋季学术会议(CPS2013),2013年9月12-15,中国厦门市。
4. X.T. Hao, Correlating morphology and electronic structure in thin films of heterogeneous polymer blends (Invited lecture), Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2013, 23-28 June 2013, Jeju Island, South Korea.
3. X.T. Hao, Correlating morphology and electronic structure in films of heterogeneous polymer blend nanocomposites (Invited Keynote Lecture), 2nd Nano-S&T, Oct 26-28, 2012, Qingdao, China.
2. X.T. Hao, Investigation of morphology and electronic structures in conjugated polymer films (Invited Keynote Lecture), The 5th VACPS Research Workshop, November 12th, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
1. X.T. Hao, Controllable solid state characteristics of conjugated polymers (Invited Keynote Lecture), Asian International Symposium on Photochemistry (with the 91th Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan), March 26-29, 2011, Yokohama, Japan.
19. X.T. Hao, Morphology Control and Photophysics in Ternary Organicsolar Cells (Oral), International Conference of Synthetic Metal 2018 (ICSM 2018), 1-6 July 2018, Busan, Korea.
18. X.T. Hao, Ternary organic solar cells: optimizing phase distribution and revealing photophysical processes, The 9th International Conference On Technological Advances Of Thin Films and Surface Coatings (ThinFilms2018), 17-20 July 2018, Shenzhen, China.
17. X.T. Hao, Photophysical Dynamics in Organic Photovoltaic Bulk Heterojunctions, 13th International Symposium on Functional Pi-Electron Systems (F-pi 13), 4-9 June 2017, Hong Kong, China.
16. X.T. Hao, Nanoscale Morphology and Ultrafast Photophysics in Organic Photovoltaic Bulk Heterojunctions (Oral),, International Conference of Synthetic Metal 2016 (ICSM 2016), 26 June-1 July 2016, Guangzhou, China.
15. 郝晓涛,有机光伏材料的固态微纳结构与光致激发动力学,第九届全国暨华人有机分子和聚合物发光学术会议暨第一届有机电子学术会议,2015年11月11-15日,中国南京市。
14. X.T. Hao, Physical Processes in Films of Conjugated Polymer-Based Nanocomposites (Oral), 4th Nano-S&T, Oct 29-31, 2014, Qingdao, China.
13. X.T. Hao, W.L. Xu, F. Zheng, H. D. Jin, Photoinduced dynamics in morphology-controllable conjugated polymer films , (Oral), Thin Films 2014, 15-18 July, 2014, Chongqing, China.
12. W.L. Xu, F. Zheng, X.T. Hao, Correlating Morphology and Photophysical Process in Polymer Bulk Heterojunction Films Processed with Solvent Additive (Oral), Thin Films 2014, 15-18 July, 2014, Chongqing, China.
11. F Zheng, W.L. Xu, X.T. Hao, Conjugated polymer blend films based on non-polar solvents soluble base washed graphene oxide for organic photovoltaic (Oral), Thin Films 2014, 15-18 July, 2014, Chongqing, China.
10. X.T. Hao, Morphologically controllable photophysical properties of heterogeneous polymer blend films used in organic solar cells (Oral), SPIE Photonics Europe, 14 - 17 April 2014,Brussels, Belgium
9. X.T. Hao, Imaging light emitting polymer films at high spatial and temporal resolution (oral), 34th Australasian Polymer Symposium, 7-10 July 2013, Darwin, Australia.
8. X.T. Hao, Spatio-Temporal Imaging of Light Emitting Conjugated Polymer Thin Films (oral), 10-14 Oct 2012, Hong Kong, China.
7. X.T. Hao, Photophysical processes in films of heterogeneous polythiophene-based blend nanocomposites (oral), The 6th Asian Photochemistry Conference, 12-15 Nov. 2012, Osaka, Japan.
6. X.T. Hao, T.A. Smith, K. P. Ghiggino, Time Resolved Fluorescence Imaging of Conjugated Polymer Thin Films (oral), BioPhysChem 2011, 3-6 December 2011, Wollongong, Australia.
5. X.T. Hao, Fluorescence lifetime imaging of aggregates and ordering in light emitting conjugated polymer thin films (Oral), The 6th Asian Photochemistry Conference, 14-18 Nov. 2010, Wellington, New Zealand.
4. X.T. Hao, Controllable Photophysical Behaviour in Conjugated Polymer Thin Films (Oral), The 11th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC11), 6-10 Dec. 2009, Cairns, Australia
3. X.T. Hao, N. Chan, T.A. Smith, D.E. Dunstan, Macromolecular Ordering in Thin Films of Conjugated Poly(phenylene vinylene) Derivatives (Oral), The 5th Asian Photochemistry Conference, 1-4 Nov. 2008, Beijing, China.
2. X.T.Hao, T.Hosokai, N. Mitsuo,S. Kera,K. Sakamoto, K.K. Okudaira,N. Ueno, Control Electronic States Spreading Outside the Conjugated Polymer Surface,(Oral) MRS Fall Meeting, 27 Nov.-1 Dec., 2006, Boston, USA.
1. X.T. Hao, T.Hosokai, N. Mitsuo,S. Kera,K. Sakamoto, K.K. Okudaira,N. Ueno, Probing electronic states existing outside of p-conjugated polymer surface, (Oral) International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM), Dublin, Ireland, July 2-7, 2006.