Paper Publications
- [17] Kun Hu , Xinyi Cheng , Yuncheng Zhong and Yiping Shao. Performance comparison of two SiPM arrays with matrix or row/column output electrodes for PET and radiation detector applications. 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (NSS/MIC), 2018.
- [18] Xinyi Cheng , Kun Hu and Yiping Shao. Field-programable-gate-array-based distributed coincidence processor for high count-rate online positron emission tomography coincidence data acquisition. Physics in medicine and biology, 66, 2021.
- [19] Houbing Lu , Kun Hu , Xu Wang , Feng Li , Liang Han and Ge Jin. Development of FEB Test Platform for ATLAS New Small Wheel Upgrade. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 63, 2016.
- [20] Kun Hu , Houbing Lu , Xu Wang , Feng Li , Ge Jin and Liang Han. The Improved Design of Multi-channel Thin Gap Chamber Simulation Signal Source for the ATLAS Detector Upgrade. Chinese Physics Letters, 32, 2015.
- [21] Kun Hu , Feng Li , Futian Liang , Lian Chen and Ge Jin. An FPGA-Based Pulse Pile-up Rejection Technique for Photon Counting Imaging Detectors. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 32, 2015.
- [22] Xinyi Cheng , Kun Hu and Yiping Shao. Dual-Polarity SiPM Readout Electronics Based on 1-bit Sigma-Delta Modulation Circuit for PET Detector Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 66, 2019.
- [23] Kun Hu , Houbing Lu , Xu Wang , Feng Li , Futian Liang and Ge Jin. Note: The design of thin gap chamber simulation signal source based on field programmable gate array. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 86, 2015.
- [24] Kun Hu , Feng Li , Futian Liang , Lian Chen and Ge Jin. A low noise front end electronics for micro-channel plate detector with wedge and strip anode. JINST, 11, 2016.
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