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- [121] 蒋奇. Design and study of a vibrating string accelerometer based on fiber Bragg grating. SPIE- The international society for optics and photonics, 2013.
- [122] 蒋奇. Design and research of wrist force sensor based on FBG. Intrenational conference on information and automation, 2013.
- [123] 蒋奇. 倾斜光纤光栅的溶液折射率传感器设计与实验研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2013.
- [124] 蒋奇. Study and design of a low cost optical pickup based on double FBGs.International. Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013.
- [125] 蒋奇. Simulation and experimental study of a three-axis fiber Bragg grating accelerometer based on the .... MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 24, 2013.
- [126] 蒋奇. A comparative Study of refractive index sensor based on bare TFBG and SPR-TFBG. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 49, 2012.
- [127] 蒋奇. High-sensitivity pressure sensor based on tilt fibre Bragg grating radial load effect. China laser, 39, 2012.
- [128] 蒋奇. An accelerometer sensor finite element analysis and design based on fiber Bragg grating. ISPEMI-SPIE, 2012.
- [129] 蒋奇. A comparison study of the sensing characteristics of FBG and TFBG. SENSOR REVIEW, 2013.
- [130] 蒋奇. A high sensitivity vector accelerometer based on three axial fiber Bragg grating. Optica Applicata, 42, 2012.