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- [1] 蒋奇. Modeling and experimental analysis of wire-driven continuum surgical robot. JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SURGERY, 18, 2024.
- [2] 杨远钊. A novel bronchoscopic video enhancement and tissue segmentation method based on Eulerian video ma.... Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 91, 2024.
- [3] 王飞文. A miniature triaxial force sensor based on fiber Bragg gratings for flexible endoscopic robot. 测量, 232, 2024.
- [4] 王飞文. Shape Sensing for Continuum Robots Using FBG Sensors Array Considering Bending and Twisting. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24, 1-1, 2023.
- [5] 杨远钊. A novel phase-based video motion magnification method for non-contact measurement of micro-amplit.... Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 215, 2024.
- [6] 杨远钊. A novel video magnification method for revealing subtle signals based on adaptive Laplacian pyram.... 测量, 219, 2023.
- [7] 李继华. Optimal Design and Experiment of Cable-Driven Puncturing Surgery Robot for Soft Needle. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 17, 2023.
- [8] 蒋奇. “智能仪器及装备”课程教学模式探索. 教育现代化, 8, 77-80., 2021.
- [9] 马国耀. 具有边界扰动的不确定Euler-Bernoulli梁方程输出反馈控制. 《控制理论与应用》, 1-8, 2023.
- [10] 晏家梁. Self-uncoupling wrist six-axis force/torque sensor based on Fiber Bragg grating. MEASUREMENT, 215, 2023.