Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
孔兰菊. WST+iMPT: A High-performance Incremental Verification World State Model for Massive Accounts. 2024.
. A Survey on Federated Recommendation Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, 2024.
刘勖阳. On and Off-Chain Consistency Protocol for Multi-Attribute Assets Based on Data Property Rights. 169-176, 2024.
郭秋曼. Large-amount Blockchain Transaction Conflict Resolution Technology Based on Dependency Graph for Multi-property Assets. 443-450, 2024.
李庆忠. DareChain: A Blockchain-Based Trusted Collaborative Network Infrastructure for Metaverse. International Journal of Crowd Science, 7, 168-179, 2024.
路宇轩. MC-RHotStuff:面向多链基于信誉的HotStuff共识机制. 《计算机研究与发展》, 1-14, 2024.
黄月. Decentralized Federated Learning Via Mutual Knowledge Distillation. 2023.
苏岳瀚. TBPCS: Trustworthy Cross Department BusinessProcess Collaboration Service Based on Blockchain. 2023.
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Research Projects
面向海量并发业务的交易并行执行机理研究, 2021-12-01-2024-11-30
卫生健康科学大数据的跨域共享与安全感知预警, 2021-12-01-2025-11-30
区块链数据可信上链与实时同步技术研究, 2020-10-01-2021-09-30
可自主进化的智能软件平台研发及产业化, 2019-11-01-2021-12-31
云计算大数据分析PaaS平台研发与应用示范, 2015-09-01-2017-12-31
基于天地网络的数字出版资源投送云服务应用测试和集成, 2012-09-01-2015-08-31
面向大数据创新研发的支撑环境关键技术研究与应用示范, 2015-10-01-2017-10-31
职业资格服务体系公共基础支撑平台研发-1, 2010-01-01-2012-12-31
Research Team
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