
Title:To be determined



  Yong-Liang Liang (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and English from Tianjin University, Tianjin China, in 2009 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in Shandong University, Jinan China, in 2015.
  From 2015 November to 2019 November, he is a Lecturer with the China University of Petroleum. From 2019 December, he became a Postdoc with Shandong University. His research interests include monitoring and fault diagnosis of transformer, active protection ofgrounding fault in distribution networks, and interg

[1]  Yong-Liang Liang, Ke-Jun Li, Chen-Xian Guo, and Ming-Yang LiEconomic Scheduling of Compressed Natural Gas Main Station Considering Critical Peak Pricing[J]Applied Energy,已录用.

[2]  Y. Liang, K. Li, Z. Ma and W. LeeTypical Fault Cause Recognition of Single-Phase-to-Ground Fault for Overhead Lines in Nonsolidly Earthed Distribution Networks[J]IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 202056(6): 6298-6306.

[3]  Y. Liang, K. -J. Li, Z. Ma and W. -J. Lee, "Multi-label Classification Model for Type Recognition of Single-Phase-to-Ground Fault Based on KNN-Bayesian Method," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2021.3049766.

[4]  梁永亮吴跃斌马钊*, 新一代低压直流供用电系统在“新基建”中的应用技术分析及发展展望中国电机工程学报, 2021, 41(1): 13-24.

[5]  Yongliang LiangXin JinYongduan Xueet alType Recognition of Single-Phase-To-Ground Fault in Non-Solidly Earthed Distribution Networks[J]International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 201929e12071

[6]  梁永亮郭汉琮薛永端基于特征气体关联特征的变压器故障诊断方法[J].高电压技术201945(02)386-392

[7]  Liang YLLin ZRLi KJet alPriority assessment model of on-line monitoring devices investment for power transformers[J]Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems201835(01)589-599

[8]  梁永亮李可军赵建国等.变压器在线监测装置配置优先级评估模型[J].电网技术201640(08)2562-2569

[9]  梁永亮李可军赵建国等.变压器油色谱在线监测周期动态调整策略研究[J].中国电机工程学报201434(9)1446-1453[10]  梁永亮李可军牛林,等.一种优化特征选择–快速相关向量机变压器故障诊断方法[J].电网技术201337(11)3262-3267

[11]  梁永亮李可军牛林等.变压器状态评估多层次不确定模型[J].电力系统自动化201337(22)73-78

[12]  马钊, 梁永亮(通讯作者),尚宇炜,张中一.CIGRE SC6 2020专题报道暨主动配电系统发展动向与展望[J/OL].电网技术:1-9[2021-02-01]. https://doi.org/10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2020.1750.

[13]  杨帆,金鑫,沈煜,梁永亮(通讯作者),等.小电流接地故障多层次分类及其识别模型[J].电力系统自动化,201842(15)186-191

[14]  马春艳,段青,郭宸显,梁永亮(通讯作者),等.计及峰谷分时电价的压缩天然气加气母站经济调度[J].高电压技术202147(02)584-595.


  • 2005.9-2009.6  

    天津大学       电气工程及其自动化       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

  • 2009.9-2015.6  

    山东大学       电力系统及其自动化       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Professional Experience

  • 2019.12-Now


  • 2015.11-2019.12


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