Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
董辰凯. A comprehensive overview of decommissioned lithium-ion battery recycling: Towards green and economical. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2024.
赵博. Low concentration of bromide ions improves sulfadiazine phytoremoval and attenuates its phytotoxicity. Science of The Total Environment , 893, 2024.
亓峥. Metabolic characteristics and markers in viable but nonculturable state of Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced by chlorine stress. Environmental Research, 2023.
亓峥. Glyoxylate cycle maintains the metabolic homeostasis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in viable but nonculturable state induced by chlorine stress. Microbiological Research, 2023.
王佳丽. Iodide ions enhancing sulfamerazine degradation by horseradish peroxidase/H2O2: Degradation products, degradation mechanism and toxicity assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023.
董敏. Bromide ion enhancing the phytodegradation of emerging phenolic pollutants and its mechanisms mediating wheat resistance to phenolic pollutants stress. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023.
亓峥. Metabolism differences of biofilm and planktonic Pseudomonas aeruginosa in viable but nonculturable state induced by chlorine stress. Science of The Total Environment , 821, 2022.
王佳丽. <p>Iodide ions enhancing sulfamerazine degradation by horseradish peroxidase/H2O2: Degradation products, degradation mechanism and toxicity assessment</p>. Journal of Cleaner Production, 337, 2022.
Published Books
Research Projects
山东化友水处理技术有限公司清洁生产审核, 2024-04-26-2025-05-31
(包干项目)新污染物的生物转化及其生态毒性, 2024-01-01-2026-12-31
山东新和成氨基酸有限公司清洁生产第二轮审核, 2024-02-28-2025-12-31
华业玻璃基于物联网+自动控制技术研发玻璃加工废水资源化利用的智能设备及其示范, 2024-03-20-2026-07-31
水培蔬菜内源性溴代有机物的来源及其生物溴化机制, 2023-08-24-2027-12-31
基于物联网+自动控制技术研发玻璃加工废水资 源化利用的智能设备及其示范, 2023-08-07-2026-07-31
挥发性有机污染物转化/降解技术的研发, 2023-03-30-2025-12-31
区域土壤重金属污染的生物暴露途径与毒性效应, 2022-12-07-2026-09-30
Research Team
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