Date of Birth:1985-10-28
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:山东大学
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
韩心晴. Tailoring the Electronic Structures and Spectral Properties of ZnO with Irradiation Defects Generated Under Intense Electronic Excitation: A Combined Experimental and DFT Approach. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024.
Zeng, Cuihua. Ultrafastly activated needle coke as electrode material for supercapacitors. PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, 32, 786-792, 2024.
Shen, Shangkun. The Mechanisms of Inhibition Effects on Bubble Growth in He-Irradiated 316L Stainless Steel Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting. Materials, 16, 2024.
刘泳. Fine-tuning of plasmonics by Au@AuY/Au core–shell nanoparticle monolayer for enhancement of third-order nonlinearity. Applied Surface Science, 631, 2023.
刘泳. Structure Formation and Regulation of Au Nanoparticles in LiTaO3 by Ion Beam and Thermal Annealing Techniques.. Nanomaterials , 12, 2023.