Paper Publications
[61] 刘卫国. End-to-end I/O Monitoring on a Leading Supercomputer. 2019.
[62] 刘卫国. Fast and efficient short read mapping based on a succinct hash index. BMC Bioinformatics, 2018.
[63] 刘卫国. BGSA: A Bit-Parallel Global Sequence Alignment Toolkit for Multi-core and Many-core Architectures. Bioinformatics, 2018.
[64] 刘卫国. Redesigning LAMMPS for Peta-scale and Hundred-billion-atom Simulation on Sunway TaihuLight. 2018.
[65] mengxiangxu , Weiguo Liu and 张庆科. 基于随机维度划分与学习的粒子群优化算法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2018.
[66] Weiguo Liu and 殷泽坤. Computing Platforms for Big Biological Data Analytics: Perspectives and Challenges. COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, 15, 403, 2017.
[67] pengying , Weiguo Liu and 张帅. Mapping of option pricing algorithms onto heterogeneous many-core architectures. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, 73, 37, 2017.
[68] Weiguo Liu and 产院东. PUNAS: A Parallel Ungapped-Alignment-Featured Seed Verification Algorithm for Next-Generation Seq.... 2017 31ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS), 52, 2017.
[69] Weiguo Liu and 段晓辉. S-Aligner: Ultrascalable read mapping on Sunway Taihu Light. 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER), 36, 2017.
[70] Weiguo Liu and 兰海东. SWhybrid: A Hybrid-Parallel Framework for Large-Scale Protein Sequence Database Search. 2017 31ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS), 42, 2017.
[71] Weiguo Liu , mengxiangxu and 张庆科. Vector coevolving particle swarm optimization algorithm. Information Sciences, 394, 273, 2017.
[72] 刘卫国. Parallel algorithms for large-scale biological sequence alignment on Xeon-Phi based clusters. BMC Bioinformatics, 2016.
[73] 刘卫国. XMapper - A Parallel Full Comprehensive DNA Read Mapping Algorithm Based on Intel Xeon and Xeon P.... CCF 2015全国高性能计算学术年会, 2015.
[74] 刘卫国. Accelerating Large-Scale Biological Database Search on Xeon Phi-based Neo-Heterogeneous Architect.... 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2015.
[75] 刘卫国. Parallel Monte Carlo Option Pricing Algorithms on Hybrid Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures. HPC China 2014, 2014.
[76] 刘卫国. A New Parallel PROSITE Profile Search Algorithm on Xeon Phi. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2014.
[77] 刘卫国. XSW: Accelerating Biological Database Search on Xeon Phi. IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2014.
[78] 刘卫国. HiPGA: A High Performance Genome Assembler for Short Read Sequence Data. IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2014.
[79] 刘卫国. Accelerating de Bruijn Graph-based Genome Assembly for High-Throughput Short Read Data. IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2013.
[80] gongbin and 刘卫国. GCMR: A GPU Cluster-based MapReduce Framework for Large-scale Data Processing. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2013.