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- [181] 李英杰. Cyclic CO2 capture of carbide slag modified by pyroligneous acid in calcium looping cycles. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 9, 678, 2014.
- [182] 李英杰 and 路春美. 循环捕集CO2 后煅烧石灰石的硫化特性. 化工学报, 2015.
- [183] 李英杰. Cyclic carbonation properties of calcium-based industrial wastes during calcium looping cycle. 2nd International Workshop on Oxyfuel FBC Technology, 2012.
- [184] 李英杰. CO2 capture by carbonated carbide slag seriflux after drying in calcium looping cycles. 4th International Workshop on Oxy-fuel FBC Technology, 2014.
- [185] 李英杰. CO2 Capture by Carbonated Carbide Slag Seriflux after Drying in Calcium Looping Cycles. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 31, 204, 2015.
- [186] 李英杰. Studies on CO2 uptake by CaO/Ca3Al2O6 sorbent in calcium looping cycles. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 120, 1519, 2015.
- [187] 赵建立 , 李英杰 , 韩奎华 , 牛胜利 and 路春美. Dissolution Characteristics of Calcium-based Alkaline Industrial Wastes. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 46, 827, 2013.
- [188] 李英杰 and 路春美. Sequential SO2/CO2 Capture of Calcium-Based Solid Waste from the Paper Industry in the Calcium Looping Process. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 51, 16042, 2012.
- [189] 李英杰 and 路春美. Thermal analysis of cyclic carbonation behavior of CaO derived from carbide slag at high temperature. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 110, 685, 2012.
- [190] 李英杰 and 路春美. CO2 capture by carbide slag from chlor-alkali plant in calcination/carbonation cycles. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 9, 117, 2012.
- [191] 赵建立 , 李英杰 and 路春美. CO2 capture using carbide slag modified by propionic acid in calcium looping process for hydrogen production . International journal of hydrogen energy, 38, 13655, 2013.
- [192] 李英杰 , 韩奎华 , 路春美 and 赵建立. 流化床锅炉温度条件下钙基工业废弃物的固硫反应性能. 化工学报, 61, 712, 2010.
- [193] 李英杰. 基于钙循环的燃煤电站燃气/蒸汽联合循环捕集CO2系统模拟. 《煤炭学报》, 36, 118, 2011.
- [194] 李英杰. Thermodynamic Simulation of CO2 Capture for IGCC Power Plant Using Calcium Looping Cycle. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 34, 946, 2011.
- [195] 李英杰 , 赵建立 , 韩奎华 and 路春美. 石灰石和白云石高温循环脱除CO2过程分析. 化工学报, 62, 1693, 2011.
- [196] 李英杰 and 路春美. Capture Behavior of Limestone Modified with Pyroligneous Acid (PA) during Calcium Looping Cycle. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 50, 10222, 2011.
- [197] 路春美 and 李英杰. CO2 capture performance using limestone modified with propionate acid during calcium looping cycle. The 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 0, 1, 2011.
- [198] 李英杰 , 赵建立 , 韩奎华 and 路春美. Sulfation behavior of white mud from paper manufacture as SO2 sorbent at fluidized bed combustion temperatures . Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 107, 241, 2012.
- [199] 李英杰 and 路春美. Reactivation Properties of Carbide Slag as a CO2 Sorbent during Calcination/Carbonation Cycles. The 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 0, 1, 2011.
- [200] 路春美 and 李英杰. 硝酸锰对钙基吸收剂循环煅烧碳酸化捕集CO2的影响. 《煤炭学报》, 36, 1391, 2011.