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- [261] 李英杰. Synthesis of highly reactive sorbent from industrial wastes and its CO2 capture capacity. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 31, 209, 2015.
- [262] 李英杰. CO2 Capture by Carbonated Carbide Slag Seriflux after Drying in Calcium Looping Cycles. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 31, 204, 2015.
- [263] 李英杰. Studies on CO2 uptake by CaO/Ca3Al2O6 sorbent in calcium looping cycles. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 120, 1519, 2015.
- [264] 李英杰. CO2 capture performance of synthetic sorbent prepared from carbide slag and aluminum nitrate hydrate by combustion synthesis. Applied energy, 145, 60-68, 2015.
- [265] 李英杰. Simultaneous CO2/HCl removal using carbide slag in repetitive adsorption/desorption cycles. Fuel, 142, 21, 2015.
- [266] 路春美 and 李英杰. 循环捕集CO2 后煅烧石灰石的硫化特性. 化工学报, 2015.
- [267] 李英杰. Cyclic carbonation properties of calcium-based industrial wastes during calcium looping cycle. 2nd International Workshop on Oxyfuel FBC Technology, 2012.
- [268] 李英杰. CO2 capture by carbonated carbide slag seriflux after drying in calcium looping cycles. 4th International Workshop on Oxy-fuel FBC Technology, 2014.
- [269] 李英杰. H2S Removal by Cycled Carbide Slag in Calcium Looping Process. 4th International Workshop on Oxy-fuel FBC Technology, 2014.
- [270] 李英杰. 铝饰电石渣循环捕集CO2后的脱氯特性研究. 2014年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会论文集, 2014.
- [271] 李英杰. HCl改善电石渣循环捕集CO2性能研究. 2014年国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会论文集, 2014.
- [272] 李英杰. 流态化下电石渣循环煅烧/碳酸化捕集CO2研究. 《中国电机工程学报》, 34, 4447, 2014.
- [273] 李英杰. 电石渣在煅烧/氯化反应中的HCl脱除特性研究. 《燃料化学学报》, 42, 560, 2014.
- [274] 李英杰. HCl removal using cycled carbide slag from calcium looping cycles. Applied energy, 135, 391, 2014.
- [275] 李英杰. Effect of the presence of HCl on cyclic CO2 capture of calcium-based sorbent in calcium looping process. Applied energy, 125, 246, 2014.
- [276] 李英杰. Studies on adsorption of carbon dioxide on alkaline paper mill waste using cyclic process. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, 82, 46, 2014.
- [277] 李英杰. SO2 retention by highly cycled modified CaO-based sorbent in calcium looping process. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 116, 955, 2014.
- [278] 李英杰. Cyclic CO2 capture of carbide slag modified by pyroligneous acid in calcium looping cycles. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 9, 678, 2014.
- [279] 李英杰. 造纸白泥循环煅烧/碳酸化捕集CO2后的硫酸化特性. 《燃烧科学与技术》, 19, 299, 2013.
- [280] 李英杰. 钙基吸收剂脱除HCl的研究进展. 《化工进展》, 32, 1921, 2013.