- [1] 李增鹏. 隐私保护近邻检测研究. 信息网络安全, 24, 817-830, 2024.
- [2] 李增鹏. 新形态伪随机函数研究. 信息网络安全, 23, 11-21, 2023.
- [3] 李增鹏. 去中心化随机信标研究. 密码学报, 2024.
- [4] 李增鹏. Achieving One-Round Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange over Lattices. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2022.
- [5] 李增鹏. Sustainable and Round-Optimized Group Authenticated Key Exchange in Vehicle Communication. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
- [6] 李增鹏. Quantum-Safe Round-Optimal Password Authentication for Mobile Devices. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022.
- [7] 李增鹏. Funder: Future-Proof Unbiased Decentralized Randomness. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
- [8] Qin, Guiyun. Retrieval Transformation: Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption With Strong Security. IEEE systems Journal, 2023.