Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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朱浩君. Optimization of optical properties of nanocomposite films incorporating CWO and ITO nanoparticles for energy-saving window applications. Applied Optics, 63, 7311-7322, 2024.
胡乐川. Theoretical investigation of VO2 smart window with large-scale dynamic infrared emittance adjustment for adaptive thermal management. Solar Energy, 277, 2024.
李晓宁. Ellipsometry-transmission measurement of the complex refractive indices for a series of organic solvents in the 200-1700 nm spectral range. Infrared Physics & Technology, 125, 2022.
. Adaptive Thermal Management Radiative Cooling Smart Window with Perfect Near-Infrared Shielding. small, 2024.
. Amorphous Tungsten Oxide Nanodots for Chromatic Applications. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024.
贾成伟. Polarized radiative transfer in seawater-in-oil emulsions floated on seawater considering the impact of oil absorption on seawater droplet scattering. Applied Optics, 62, 4660, 2023.