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- [1] 王亚琪. 轻度认知障碍患者的回溯式时距估计. 心理科学, 522, 2024.
- [2] 王亚琪. 轻度认知障碍患者的回溯式时距估计. 心理科学, 47, 522-529, 2024.
- [3] . The role of recognizability in modulating scene consistency effect. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 2023.
- [4] 马文. Language and health studies in the era of holistic health: Achievements and prospects. Language and Health, 2023.
- [5] . The Ability to Use Contextual Information in Object and Scene Recognition in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE, 95, 2023.
- [6] 赵春娟. Patient resistance towards clinicians’ diagnostic test-taking advice and its management in Chinese outpatient clinic interaction. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 2020.
- [7] 马文. Configuring the Professional Touch in Physical Examinations in Chinese Outpatient Clinical Interaction: Talk, Touch, Professional Vision, and Intersubjectivity. Health Communication, 2023.
- [8] 张昊. Sustainable Benefits of High Variability Phonetic Training in Mandarin-speaking Kindergarteners with Cochlear Implants: Evidence From Categorical Perception of Lexical Tones. EAR AND HEARING, 2023.
- [9] 马文. 失语症群体话语沟通:会话过程与临床价值. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2023.
- [10] 马文. 新医科背景下语言康复国际化人才培养模式探索与实践. 中国外语, 2023.
- [11] 马文. 语言科学研究助力国家健康治理:理据与路径. 外语电化教学, 2023.
- [12] 刘青松. 会话交际中的情绪研究:理据、路径与展望. 东北大学学报(社会科学版), 2022.
- [13] 谭淑文. 失语症医患交际中“阻碍源”应对策略的会话分析研究. 《外语教学》, 2022.
- [14] 姚雪丽. 心理治疗会话中阻抗序列的结构特征与生成机制. 医学与哲学, 0, 69-72, 2016.
- [15] 张昊. Phonological Awareness and Working Memory in Mandarin-Speaking Preschool-Aged Children With Cochlear Implants. JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH, 2022.
- [16] 马文. Identifying Transformative Sequences in the Psychotherapeutic Interaction With Chinese Adolescents With Depression: A Conversation Analysis Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.
- [17] 马文. 癫痫鉴别诊断中的会话特征分析. 语言战略研究, 2021.
- [18] Zheng, Xiaolei. A Cross-Sectional Study on Mental Health Problems of Medical and Nonmedical Students in Shandong During the COVID-19 Epidemic Recovery Period. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY, 12, 2021.
- [19] 马文. Science Communication on the Internet: Old Genres Meet New Genres. Discourse Studies, 23, 796, 2021.
- [20] 张帅. Seeking medical services through guanxi in China. PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING, 104, 1789, 2021.