Paper Publications
- [49] Qiang Wu and Liu Ju. Classification of sMRI Data in Alzheimer’s Disease Based on UMPCA and Laplacian Score. The International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), 2013.
- [50] sunguoxia , Qiang Wu , Liu Ju and 孔祥茂. Hybrid Pyramid U-Net Model for Brain Tumor Segmentation. 2018.
- [51] Qiang Wu and 吴雪梅. Appearance-Based Gaze Block Estimation via CNN Classification. 2017 IEEE 19TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING (MMSP), 2017.
- [52] Qiang Wu , Xu Hongji and 刘朝晨. 一种基于TMS320C6713的语音信号频域盲分离算法. 数据采集与处理, 2012.
- [53] Qiang Wu and Sun Fengrong. Measurement of left ventricular torsion using block-matching-based speckle tracking for two-dimensional echocardiography. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 22, 2013.
- [54] 辛雨航. Semi-supervised Regularized Discriminant Analysis for EEG-Based BCI System. INTELLIGENT DATA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING - IDEAL 2017, 10585, 516, 2017.
- [55] Qiang Wu , Liu Ju and 王朔. Tensor Optimal Scoring for Alzheimer's Disease Detection. 2017 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL COMPUTATION, FUZZY SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY (ICNC-FSKD), 161, 2017.
- [56] Qiang Wu , Liu Ju and 许晓文. Whole Brain fMRI Pattern Analysis Based on Tensor Neural Network. IEEE ACESS, 2018.
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