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- [47] 钱先航. 官员更替、政治身份与民营上市公司的风险承担. 经济学季刊, 2014.
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- [51] 钱先航. The spatial correlation network of capital flows in China: Evidence from China's High-Value Payment System. China Economic Review, 50, 175, 2018.
- [52] 钱先航 and Fang, Xi. Political incentives and the effectiveness of monetary policy: evidence from China's city commercial banks. Applied Economics Letters, 25, 70, 2018.
- [53] 钱先航 and 曹廷求. Institutional environment and bank loans: Evidence from 25 developing countries. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 26, 84, 2018.
- [54] 曹廷求 and 钱先航. Money Following Trust: Evidence from Chinas High-Value Payment System. International Review of Finance, 2019.
- [55] 钱先航. 地区间信任与集团异地发展——基于企业边界理论的实证检验. 管理世界, 2019.
- [56] 曹廷求 and 钱先航. Money Following Trust: Evidence from China’s High‐Value Payment System. International Review of Finance, 2019.
- [57] 钱先航. 地区间信任与集团异地发展——基于企业边界理论的实证检验. 管理世界, 2019.
- [58] 钱先航. The spatial correlation network of capital flows in China: Evidence from China's High-Value Payment System. China Economic Review, 50, 175, 2018.
- [59] 钱先航 and Fang, Xi. Political incentives and the effectiveness of monetary policy: evidence from China's city commercial banks. Applied Economics Letters, 25, 70, 2018.
- [60] 曹廷求 and 钱先航. Institutional environment and bank loans: Evidence from 25 developing countries. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 26, 84, 2018.