Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
姜立平. Design and application of grooved grinding head for improving the machined surface quality of ceramic composites. Ceramics International, 2024.
吝水林. Modelling of axial thrust force considering 3D rolling deformation. 国际机械科学, 284, 2024.
于锡潼. Surface integrity analysis of Si3N4 under cryogenic assisted femtosecond laser ablation. Ceramics International, 2024.
杨佩菁. Dual cross-linking mechanism of sodium alginate composite hydrogel for adhesive microneedle patch preparation. Colloids and Surfaces A, 700, 2024.
冀寒松. Micro-milling machinability prediction for crystalline materials via numerical-analytical hybrid modelling and strain rate-dependent grain-scale simulation. Journal of manufacturing processes, 124, 972-984, 2024.
Duan, Caiyun. Research on cutting lubrication performance of textured tools considering slip boundary conditions. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 16, 2024.
吝水林. Modelling of axial thrust force between rolls in strip mill. 国际机械科学, 272, 2024.
张会荣. Structural design and performance study of permanent magnet safety coupling based on magnetorheological transmission technology. FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS, 10, 2024.
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Research Projects
高端数控机床核心零部件与切削刀具-1, 2024-06-03-2027-06-02
电力装备车间的高保真建模与数字孪生系统开发, 2024-07-01-2024-12-31
超快激光精密加工及装备研发, 2024-01-01-2026-12-31
人工智能在轮胎外观缺陷检测中的创新应用, 2022-08-01-2024-07-31
覆冰条件下风电桨叶防除冰涂层研究, 2023-12-26-2024-12-31
山东省高档数控机床技术创新中心, 2023-06-01-2026-06-30
高档数控龙门螳铣加工中心直角铣头关键技术研发, 2023-06-01-2026-06-30
宏微耦合系统智能控制理论与技术研究, 2023-01-01-2025-12-31
Research Team
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