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  • 硕士生导师

  • 2013-9 — 2017-6
  • 2014-9 — 2015-9
    University of Exeter
  • 2010-9 — 2013-6
  • 2017-09-至今



1.  Urban-rural differences in key factors of depressive symptoms among Chinese older adults based on random forest model.  Journal of Affective Disorders,  344,  292, 2024. 

2.  中国老年人幸福感影响因素的重要性评估与城乡差异分析.  人口与发展,  30,  2024. 

3.  Relationship between self-concept clarity, mental toughness, athlete engagement, and athlete burnout in swimmers during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.  International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,  2023. 

4.  The relationship between self-concept clarity, athletic identity, athlete engagement and the mediating roles of quality of life and smartphone use in Chinese youth athletes.  Heliyon,  9,  2023. 

5.  Associations among Distress Rumination, Somatic Anxiety, and Suicidal Ideation in Chinese College Students-Shandong Province, China, 2019-2020.  China CDC Weekly,  5,  554, 2023. 

6.  Relationships between physical activity, body image, BMI, depression and anxiety in Chinese college students during the COVID-19 pandemic.  BMC Public Health,  2023. 

7.  Effects of Baduanjin imagery and exercise on cognitive function in the elderly: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.  FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH,  2022. 

8.  Childhood trauma, psychache, and depression among university students: A Moderated Mediation Model.  Frontiers in Psychiatry,  2024. 

9.  The relationship between self-compassion, coping style, sleep quality, and depression among college students.  Frontiers in Psychology, 

10.  The Relationship Between Negative Focused Disposition and Suicidal Ideation Among College Students: The Mediating Effects of Somatic Anxiety, General Distress, and Depression.  FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY,  2022. 

11.  Media Internalized Pressure and Restrained Eating Behavior in College Students: The Multiple Mediating Effects of Body Esteem and Social Physique Anxiety.  Front. Psychol, 

12.  大学生手机使用时长自我监控对手机依赖倾向的影响.  中国心理卫生杂志, 

13.  The quiet eye effect: a test of the pre-programming and online control hypotheses.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY,  19,  S537, 2021. 

14.  The Effect of Yoga Meditation Practice on Young Adults’ Inhibitory Control: An fNIRS Study.  Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,  15,  2021. 

15.  Yoga Meditation Practice Enhances the Cognitive Function of College Students: A Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study.  Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,  53,  313, 2021. 

16.  Mediating Effect of Psychological Resilience on Physical Activity Level and Negative Emotions in College Students.  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,  2021. 

17.  Neurophysiological evidence of how quiet eye supports motor performance.  Cognitive Processing,  2021. 

18.  The quiet eye effect: a test of the pre-programming and online control hypotheses.  International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,  2021. 

19.  Pre-programming or online control? The mechanism underlying quiet eye training. 

20.  Promoting the Mental Health of University Students in China: Protocol for Contextual Assessment to Inform Intervention Design and Adaptation.  JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS,  2021. 

21.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 竞赛压力、注意控制与运动表现关系的理论演进.  心理科学进展,  2021. 

22.  Physical Activity and Resilience among College Students: The Mediating Effects of Basic Psychological Needs.  international journal of environmental research and public health,  18,  2021. 

23.  Association between Mental Health Knowledge Level and Depressive Symptoms among Chinese College Students.  2021. 

24.  Psychological Strain and Suicidal Ideation in Athletes: The Multiple Mediating Effects of Hopelessness and Depression.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,  17,  2020. 

25.  孙国晓  and 张力为. The quiet eye provides pre-planning and online control support for interceptive task performance.  Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology,  38,  458, 2016. 

26.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 运动目标的视觉追踪:静眼研究进展与前瞻.  成都体育学院学报,  2018. 

27.  张力为  and 孙国晓. 体育科学实证研究的逻辑流与证据链.  《体育科学》,  2017. 

28.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 竞赛特质焦虑干扰优势反应抑制的神经准备过程:ERP的证据.  天津体育学院学报,  2015. 

29.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 竞赛特质焦虑干扰抑制功能:对注意控制理论的检验.  心理科学,  2015. 

30.  张力为  and 孙国晓. 运动心理学进展:研究方法.  北京体育大学学报,  2013. 

31.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 加工效能理论到注意控制理论–焦虑运动表现的新诠释.  心理科学进展,  2013. 

32.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 自我决定动机影响运动员心理疲劳:横向与纵向研究的证据.  体育科学,  2013. 

33.  孙国晓  and 张力为. 基本心理需要与运动员心理疲劳:自我决定理论的视角.  天津体育学院学报,  2012. 

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