Tian Guohui
Date of Birth:1967-08-27
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Alma Mater:东北大学
Paper Publications
- [61] 张营. Safe and Efficient Robot Manipulation: Task-Oriented Environment Modeling and Object Pose Estimation. 《IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT》, 70, 2021.
- [62] 张营. Efficient Dynamic Object Search in Home Environment by Mobile Robot: < italic > A Priori </italic > Knowledge-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 9466, 2019.
- [63] 田国会. 一种先验知识引导的基于二阶段渐进网络的自主抓取策略. 机器人, 2020.
- [64] 田国会. 面向服务机器人的物品知识自主构建方法. 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》, 2020.
- [65] 田国会. Intelligent Decision Model for Home Robot Based on Structured and Unstructured Data Processing. 2019.
- [66] 刘少鹏. An Indoor Scene Classification Method for Service Robot Based on CNN Feature. JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS, 2019, 2019.
- [67] 田国会. 一种服务机器人选择性认知方法. 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》, 49, 82, 2019.
- [68] 田国会. 智能家庭中一种基于本体的机器人服务认知机制. 山东大学学报 (工学版), 49, 45, 2019.
- [69] 田国会. Skeleton based action recognition using pose change map and convolutional neural networks. 2019.
- [70] 田国会. Scene Regions Guided Pose Estimation Using an Improved Voting Method in Cluttered Scenes. 2019.