Tian Guohui
Date of Birth:1967-08-27
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Alma Mater:东北大学
Paper Publications
- [61] 张鹤鹏. Facial expression recognition based on deep convolution long short-term memory networks of double-channel weighted mixture. Pattern Recognition Letters, 131, 128, 2020.
- [62] 黄彬. A comprehensive survey on 3D face recognition methods. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
- [63] 田国会. Interactive Application of Location Tracking And Activitity Recognition Based AHRS in Intelligent Space. 554-558, 2014.
- [64] 陈焕朝. Human Behaviour Representation Using OWL in Intelligence Space. 1567-1572, 2015.
- [65] 田国会. 基于WT-UKF的PDR/GPS组合定位算法. Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision, 30, 86-90, 2015.
- [66] 张庆宾. 基于AHRS的人体姿态捕捉系统的设计与实现. 高技术通讯, 23, 1292-1298, 2013.
- [67] 路飞. Learning and Development of Home Service Robots' Service Cognition Based on a Learning Mechanism. Applied Sciences-Basel, 10, 2020.
- [68] 张营. Efficient Dynamic Object Search in Home Environment by Mobile Robot: A Priori Knowledge-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 9466-9477, 2019.
- [69] 韩祥祖. Sign Language Recognition Based on R(2+1)D With Spatial-Temporal-Channel Attention. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, 2022.
- [70] 韩祥祖. Efficient 3D CNNs with knowledge transfer for sign language recognition. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 81, 10071, 2022.