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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [261] 田国会. 家庭智能空间下基于场景的人的行为理解. 《智能系统学报》, 5, 57, 2010.
- [262] 田国会 and 李晓磊. 基于智能空间的家庭服务机器人SLAM. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 36, 189, 2008.
- [263] 黄彬 and 田国会. 一种基于计算机视觉的日常行为识别方法. 微计算机信息, 5, 264, 2008.
- [264] 田国会. Visual Servoing Using Image Moments and Nonlinear State Error Feedback Control Law. The 22th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 0, 3209, 2010.
- [265] 田国会 and 李晓磊. 协助站起机器人的数据采集及协助力分析. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 36, 220, 2008.
- [266] 周风余 , 田国会 and 杨阳. Design and Implementation of Low-cost Service Robot Mobile Platform for Intelligent Space. IEEE International Confere on Automation and Logistics, 0, 49, 2010.
- [267] 黄彬 , 田国会 and 吴皓. Abnormal Gait Recognition Based on RBF Neural Network. ICAI, 0, 158, 2008.
- [268] 周风余 and 田国会. Bézier Curve Based Smooth Path Planning for Mobile Robot. 《Journal of Information and Computational Science》, 8, 1165, 2011.
- [269] 田国会. A Comparison Study on Path Smoothing Algorithms for Laser Robot Navigated Mobile Robot Path Planning in Intelligent Space. 《Journal of Information and Computational Science》, 7, 2943, 2010.
- [270] 黄彬 , 田国会 and 吴皓. A Method for Fast Fall Detection Based on Intelligent Space. ICAL, 0, 2260, 2008.
- [271] 田国会. Human action recognition in daily living. Journal of Computational and Information Syst, 7, 3599, 2011.
- [272] 田国会. Implementation of ZigBee based Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks in Intelligent Space. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Automation (CCCA), 0, 189, 2011.
- [273] 田国会. The Design and Application of Human Attitude Detector based on Inertial Measurement Unit. Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese Control and and Decision Conference (CCDC2011), 0, 2772, 2011.
- [274] 田国会. Optimal Robot Path Planning Based on Danger Degree Map. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, 0, 1040, 2009.
- [275] 田国会. ZigBee2006协议栈的无线传感执行网络构建. 单片机与嵌入式系统应用, 7, 35, 2009.
- [276] 田国会. ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks based Detection and Help System for Elderly Abnormal Behaviors in Service Robot Intelligent Space. Applied mechanics and materials, 0, 1378, 2011.
- [277] 田国会. ZigBee based Wireless Sensor Networks for Service Robot Intelligent Space. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST), 0, 834, 2011.
- [278] 田国会. Family Environmental Service Oriented Multiple Object Tracking Based on Multi-cue Method. The 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control, 0, 6573, 2010.
- [279] 田国会. A New Object Search and Recognition Method Based on Artificial Object Mark in Complex Indoor Environment. The 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control, 0, 6648, 2010.
- [280] 田国会. A New Homography Decomposition Algorithm and Its Application in Visual Servoing Control [J]. Journal of Information and Computational Scie, 8, 3755, 2011.