Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
刘国洋. Cosine convolutional neural network and its application for seizure detection. NEURAL NETWORKS, 174, 2024.
刘国洋 and 田岚. EEG-Based Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Classification Using Filter-Bank Differential Entropy Features. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, 2023.
许会芳 and 田岚. A dynamic transfer network for cross-database atrial fibrillation detection. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023.
田岚. In-vitro quantitative measurement and analysis of the photosensitivity of cells to a weak pulse laser. Biomedical Optics Express, 14, 3584, 2023.
刘国洋. MartMi-BCI: A Matlab-based Real-Time Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface Platform. SOFTWAREX, 2023.
田岚. A Mandarin Tone Recognition Algorithm Based on Random Forest and Feature Fusion. MATHEMATICS, 11, 2023.
孟强, 刘国洋 and 田岚. An improved vocoder algorithm based on music harmonics and time sampling. Applied Acoustics, 205, 2023.
刘朝阳. Musical Instrument Timber-evoked EEG Classification Based on Deep Learning. 2024.
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Research Projects
装配式建筑全息投影展示系统, 2023-08-10-2024-08-09
小信号智能信息处理方法与系统实现-2, 2022-11-01-2024-11-30
智慧工地虚拟仿真负载研发-2, 2022-11-01-2024-11-30
智慧工地虚拟仿真负载研发-1, 2022-11-01-2024-11-30
小信号智能信息处理方法与系统实现-1, 2022-11-30-2024-11-30
听觉系统高精密脑机接口及类脑编码调控关键问题研究, 2022-01-01-2024-12-31
(包干项目)仿生听觉音乐感知信号编码机制与脑电评估方法研究, 2021-12-23-2024-12-31
小信号采集与智能信息处理, 2020-06-01-2023-05-31
Research Team
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