Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
董秋杰. Laplacian2Mesh: Laplacian-Based Mesh Understanding. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023.
赵俊浩. Automatically modeling piecewise planar furniture shapes from unorganized point cloud. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK Journal, 90, 116, 2023.
窦志扬. Top-Down Shape Abstraction Based on Greedy Pole Selection. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 3982, 2023.
徐瑞. RFEPS: Reconstructing Feature-line Equipped Polygonal Surface. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41, 2023.
王鹏飞. Restricted Delaunay Triangulation for Explicit Surface Reconstruction. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41, 2023.
徐敏峰. Towards globally optimal normal orientations for thin surfaces. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS, 36, 2023.
程景亮. Skeletonization via dual of shape segmentation. COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN Journal, 80, 2023.
付志英. EasyVRModeling: Easily Create 3D Models by an Immersive VR System. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2023.
Published Books
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Research Projects
单板PCB复杂图形等距偏移线快速生成算法研究, 2024-07-14-2025-07-14
钻爆法隧道开挖数字化控制技术研究, 2024-05-15-2025-08-31
砂型缺陷检测技术研究及系统软件开发, 2024-03-08-2026-03-08
机器人装配引导定位技术开发服务, 2023-07-01-2026-07-31
数字正畸基础算法委托开发合同, 2023-02-14-2023-07-14
严格保水密流形的插值型三维重建理论与关键技术研究, 2022-09-07-2026-12-31
面向口腔精准正畸与修复的多模态牙齿数据智能建模与诊断分析, 2021-08-01-2023-07-31
面向知识驱动的数字化牙齿矫正关键问题研究及系统实现, 2018-10-01-2021-09-30
Research Team
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