Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
李驰. Polyvalent anion-induced J-aggregation and its use in ratiometric fluorescence tracking of hypotonic in Arabidopsis. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2024.
. Long-Chain Fluorescent Probe for Straightforward and Nondestructive Staining Mitochondria in Fixed Cells and Tissues. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2024.
吕星宇. A hydrophilic lysosome-nucleolus immigration fluorescent probe for tracking normal cells from apoptosis to necrosis. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 406, 2024.
周士敏. Synthesis, Structures, and Photophysical Properties of Zigzag BNBNB-Embedded Anthracene-Fused Fluoranthene. organic letters, 25, 1573-1577, 2023.
刘阳. Engineering hydrophilic/hydrophobic moieties of ratiometric fluorescence probe to visualize whole cytoplasmic polarity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 459, 2023.
周士敏. Dimesitylboryl-ended oligothiophene with tetrazine as core: Synthesis, structure and Diels–Alder reactivity. CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 108325, 2023.
余志超. Mechanistic investigation on up and down conversion of Er3+ and Gd3+ co-doped YTiNbO6 Phosphors. RSC Advances, 94607, 2023.
郭鹏. Luminescence, energy transfer, colour modulation and up-conversion mechanisms of Yb3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ co-doped Y6MoO12. RSC Advances, 33419, 2023.
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Research Projects
分子探针荧光病理成像诊断常见恶性肿瘤, 2024-01-01-2026-12-31
组合核酸荧光探针快速成像术中病理组织的结构适配与分子设计原理, 2023-07-28-2025-12-31
基于荧光分子探针的肿瘤术中快速病理诊断新技术, 2022-09-30-2024-12-31
组合荧光探针快速精准染色人体肿瘤组织核酸的分子机制与设计原理, 2021-11-24-2022-12-31
高发恶性肿瘤诊治新技术研究-快速、精准、数字化诊断消化系常见恶性肿瘤病理系统研发, 2021-06-01-2022-12-31
精准生物成像的双光子荧光探针的开发及产业化, 2021-01-01-2023-12-31
双光子荧光光谱采集与显微成像系统的开发及产业化, 2021-01-01-2023-12-31
基于细胞膜中磷脂排列特征设计荧光探针观测活细胞脂筏形态变化, 2021-01-01-2023-12-31
Research Team
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