Title : Zwitterionic biodegradable physical hydrogel based on ATRP technologyfor effective prevention of Postoperative Tissue Adhesion
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Affiliation of Author(s):药学院
Title of Paper:Zwitterionic biodegradable physical hydrogel based on ATRP technologyfor effective prevention of Postoperative Tissue Adhesion
Journal:Materials Design
Document Code:5020DD94CCBC4FFAA34D178C90A53B58
Number of Words:15
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-03-01
Pre One : A Vanadium-Based Nanoplatform Synergizing Ferroptotic-like Therapy with Glucose Metabolism Intervention for Enhanced Cancer Cell Death and Antitumor Immunity
Next One : Intelligent Self-amplifying Ferroptosis-inducible nanoplatform for enhanced tumor microenvironment reconstruction and combination therapy
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