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Alma Mater:山东大学-耶鲁大学联合培养
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
张宇,男,山东大学/耶鲁大学联合培养博士, 山东大学 教授,硕士/博士研究生导师。
长期从事先进电子材料、器件、生物传感芯片和装备(如:新型二维/纳米材料和器件,GaN材料和器件,微流控生物芯片及其装备)的研发和产业化工作,主持和参与国、省、市科研和产业化基金10余项,包含国家重点研发计划项目,自然基金项目,产业化项目,校企合作项目等,以通讯作者发表学术论文30余篇,包括Small methods,advanced health materials,NPJ 2D materials and applications, nano-micro letters等期刊,其中影响因子大于10的7篇,中科院1区16篇,中科院2区6篇。学术成果在国内/国际会议上口头报告或张贴报告20余次,得到业内的认可和好评。申请国际和中国发明专利30余项,,已授权10余项,其中1项国际专利授权给国际知名公司进行产业化,1项生物芯片技术授权国内一家公司进行产业化推广。
Prof. Yu Zhang obtained joint Ph.D in Electrical Engineering at Yale University and Shandong University. His research focus on novel electronic materials and devices for biosensor and optoelectronics, such as 2D materials and devices, GaN materials and devices, microfluidics. In recent 5 years, Prof. Yu Zhang has published more than 30 research papers in English such as Small methods,advanced health materials,NPJ 2D materials and applications, nano-micro Letters etc. and applied more than 30 inventions with more than 10 granted in China and US. The developed nanoporous technology was licensed to international company for production. The developed biochip technology was licensed to a Chinese company for production.