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- 陈忠鑫. A novel approach applied to fault diagnosis for micro-defects on piston throat. Measurement, 2024.
- 孙永佳. 马铃薯联合收获机车身调平系统设计与试验. 农业机械学报,2005, 2024.
- 高新彪. Auto-Inspection System Using Optimized Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Tunnel Inspection. ELECTRONICS, 2023, 12(18), 2024.
- 陈忠鑫. VasLine: Realize online detection and augmented NIR using deep learning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 126, 2023.
- 金光迪. Surface roughness in grinding outer ring inner raceway of tapered roller bearing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023.
- 陈忠鑫. VasLine: Realize Online Detection and Augmented NIR Using Deep Learning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
- 皇攀凌. Online measurement of the elastic recovery value of machined surface in milling titanium alloy. international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023.
- 陈忠鑫. An ensemble active learning for a fluidized bed granulation in the pharmaceutical industry. 《Journal of Process Control》, 118, 16-25, 2023.
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