



目前是IEEE会员,IEICE会员,山东省声学学会理事。 担任国家自然科学基金评审专家,国家科技部科技项目评审专家,山东省科技发展计划评审专家。

  • 2007-9 — 2009-8
  • 2013-1 — 2014-2
  • 2013-1 — 2014-2
     仿生智能实验室  美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 
  • 2007-9 — 2009-7
     山东大学 山东省科学院 
  • 2005-7 — 至今
     信息科学与工程学院  山东大学 
  • 2018-4 — 至今
  • 2018-8 — 至今







(1) 马昕.Acoustic Emission Based Fault Detection of Substation Power Transformer.Applied Sciences-Basel.2022,12 (5):1

(2) 马昕.Adaptive Deconvolution-Based Stereo Matching Net for Local Stereo Matching.Applied Sciences-Basel.2022,12 (4)

(3) 马昕.Acoustic Emission Based Fault Detection of Substation Power Transformer.Applied Sciences-Basel.2022,12 (5)

(4) 马昕.Adaptive Deconvolution-based stereo matching Net for Local Stereo Matching.APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL.2022,12 (4)

(5) 马昕.Acoustic Emission Based Fault Detection of Substation Power Transformer.APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL.2022,12 (5)

(6) 马昕.Approximate Variational Bayesian Method for Robust Parameter Estimation of AR Models With Outliers.Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology.2020 (126)

(7) 马昕.Special acoustical role of pinna simplifying spatial target localization by the brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus.PHYSICAL REVIEW E.2020,102 (4)

(8) 马昕.Special acoustical role of pinna simplifying spatial target localization by the brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus.Physical Review E.2020 (Volume: 102 Issue: 4 )

(9) Xin Ma.Special acoustical role of pinna simplifying spatial target localization by the brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus.Physical Review E.2020 (Volume: 102 Issue: 4)

(10) 马昕.Using Dictionary Pair Learning for Seizure Detection.International Journal of Neural Systems.2019,29 (4)

(11) Sen Zhang, Xin Ma*, Hongwang Lu, Weikai He, and Weidong Zhou. Accurate Target Localization by using Artificial Pinnae of brown long-eared bat. (arXiv:1902.10291)[J]. 2019.

(12) 程浩.A Study of Speech Feature Extraction Based on Manifold Learning.26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT26), PTS 1-5.2019,1187

(13) 马昕.Variational Bayesian learning for removal of sparse impulsive noise from speech signals.Digital SignalProcessing.2018

(14) Using dictionary pair learning for seizure detection. Xin Ma, Nana Yu, Weidong Zhou. International Journal of Neural Systems. Vol. 28, No. 7 (2018).

(15) Variational Bayesian learning for removal of sparse impulsive noise from speech signals. Wan, Hongjie, Ma, Xin and Li, Xuebin. Digit. Signal Process. 73 (2018),106--116; MR3737879.

(16) Experimental Analysis of Space Acoustic Field Positioning Characteristics of Plecotus Auritus Pinna Model.Sen Zhang , Xin Ma* , Yufeng Pan,Hongwang Lu. Proceedings of International Conference on Geo-spatial Knowledge & Intelligence 2017, Beijing, P.R. China, CCIS, volume 848

(17) 马昕.The acoustical role of vocal tract in the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pusillus.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA.2016

(18) 马昕.马铁菊头蝠声道声学特性的数值分析.《声学学报》.2015,40 (5):710

(19) 马铁菊头蝠声道声学特性的数值分析. 李庭,马昕*.声学学报,2015,40(5):710 ~ 716

(20) Dual reference point temperature interrogating method for distributed temperature sensor. Xin Ma* , Fang Ju, Jun Chang, Weijie Wang, Zongliang Wang. Laser Phys. Lett., 2013, 10: 102–105

(21) 马昕.马铁菊头蝠声道声学特性的数值分析.《声学学报》.2015,40 (5):710

(22) 马昕.Using Multiple Reference Points in Raman Based Distributed Temperature Sensor for Eliminating DC Interference.Sensors Journal, IEEE.2014,14 (1):295

(23) Multiple Reference Points Temperature Interrogating Method for Distributed Temperature Sensor. Xin Ma* , Jun Chang, Zongliang Wang, Weijie Wang, Weijie Wang, Ting Li. IEEE. Sensors Journal, 2014, 163(7): 295-301

(24) 马昕.Dual reference point temperature interrogating method for distributed temperature sensor.Laser Physics Letter.2013

(25) Latent NonSmooth Representations for Suppression of Acoustic Noisy Components Based on Multilinear Analysis. Qiang Wu, Ju Liu, Xin Ma* , Deling Ran. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013, 9(5): 1783–1790.

(26) Numerical Research on the Acoustic Features of the Vocal Tract in a Horseshoe Bat. Ting Li, Xin Ma*. International Conference on Computer. Sciences and Application (CSA) IEEE. 2013, Wuhan, P.R. China, 2013.10.14-10.15

(27) AMS Based Spectrum Subtraction with Confidence Interval Test,Xin Ma*, weidong Zhou. Proceeding of IFMBE 2008, P.R. China

(28) Robust Speech Recognition Based on AMS Spectrum Subtraction and Confidence Interval Test,Xin Ma*, weidong Zhou, Ju Fang,Proceedings of ICISE Nanjing, P.R. China, 2009.012.26-28

(29) Speech feature extraction based on wavelet modulation scale for robust speech recognition. Xin Ma*, Weidong Zhou, Fang Ju, Qi Jiang. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4233, 2006, p 499-505.

(30) Robust Speech Dynamic Minimum Subband Spectral Subtraction and Its Application in Robust Speech Recognition Xin Ma*, Yuhua Peng,Proceedings of ICICIC 2006

(31) Robust speech feature extraction based on dynamic minimum subband spectral subtraction. Xin Ma*, Weidong Zhou, Fang Ju. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol.345, 2006, p1056-61.

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