Paper Publications
- [233] Cao Fenglin. Psychometric Properties of the Shortened Chinese Version of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, 2710, 2016.
- [234] Cao Fenglin. The association between negative life events, neuroticism and aggression in early adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 2016.
- [235] Cao Fenglin. Brief Psychological Intervention in Patients With Cervical Cancer:A Randomized Controlled Trial. Health Psychology, 35, 1383, 2016.
- [236] Cao Fenglin. Perceived cognitive impairment in Chinese patients with breast cancer and its relationship with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and fatigue. psychooncology, 24, 676, 2015.
- [237] Cao Fenglin. Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Survivors 2 Years After Diagnosis: The Relationship With Adverse Childhood Events and Posttraumatic Growth.. cancer nursing, 39, E32, 2016.
- [238] Cao Fenglin. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in family caregivers of adult patients with acute leukemia from a dyadic perspective. psychooncology, 24, 1754, 2015.
- [239] Cao Fenglin. Test of the stress sensitization model in adolescents following the pipeline explosion. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 62, 178, 2015.
- [240] Cao Fenglin. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in first-time myocardial infarction patients: roles of attachment and alexithymia. Journal of advanced nursing, 71, 2575, 2015.
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