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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Selected Publications
[1] Chang-Yu Guo , Manzi Huang , Yaxiang Li and Xiantao Wang. Dimension-free inner uniform estimate for quasigeodesics in Gromov hyperbolic John domains.
[2] Chang-Yu Guo , Manzi Huang and Xiantao Wang. Dimension-free Gehring-Hayman inequality for quasigeodesics. 2025.
[3] Xing Cheng , Chang-Yu Guo , Jiqiang Zheng and Yunrui Zheng. Global well-posedness of the energy-critical complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in exterior domains. 2024.
[4] Chang-Yu Guo , Ming-Lun Liu and Chang-Lin Xiang. Lp-regularity of a geometrically nonlinear system in supercritical dimensions. Sci. China Math., 2024.
[5] Chang-Yu Guo , Gui-Chun Jiang , Chang-Lin Xiang and Gao-Feng Zheng. Optimal higher regularity for biharmonic maps via quantitative stratification.
[6] Chang-Yu Guo and Marshall Williams. Geometric function theory: the art of pullback factorization.
[7] Xing Cheng , Chang-Yu Guo and Yunrui Zheng. Global weak solution of 3-D focusing energy-critical nonlinear Schrodinger equation. 2023.
[8] Xing Cheng , Chang-Yu Guo , Zihua Guo , Xian Liao and Jia Shen. Scattering of the three-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with partial harmonic po.... Analysis & PDE, 2024.
[9] Chang-Yu Guo , Changyou Wang and Chang-Lin Xiang. Lp regularity theory for for fourth order elliptic systems with antisymmetric potentials in high.... Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 62, 2023.
[10] Chang-Yu Guo , Chang-Lin Xiang and Gao-Feng Zheng. Lp regularity theory for even order elliptic systems with antisymmetric first order potentials. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2022.
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