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- [41] 蒋奇. Fiber Bragg grating-based biomimetic whisker for shape and texture recognition. Journal of Instrumentation, 12, 2018.
- [42] 蒋奇 and 马一凡. A robust and high-precision automatic reading algorithm of pointer meters based on machine vision. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 30, 2019.
- [43] 蒋奇 and 冯建航. Slip and roughness detection of robotic fingertip based on FBG. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 287, 143, 2019.
- [44] 蒋奇 and 魏国招. A flexible force sensor based on spheroidal Fabry-Perot micro-cavity. Optik , 181, 483, 2019.
- [45] 蒋奇. Design and Simulation of a Novel FBG Accelerometer. 2018.
- [46] 宋锐 and 蒋奇. Robot Skill Acquisition in Assembly Process using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Neurocomputing, 2019.
- [47] 宋锐 , 蒋奇 and 李贻斌. Modeling Contact State of Industrial Robotic Assembly using Support Vector Regression. 2018.
- [48] 宋锐 , 蒋奇 and 李贻斌. Contact State Classification in Industrial Robotic Assembly Tasks Based on Extreme Learning Machi.... 2019.
- [49] 蒋奇 , 田国会 and 冯建航. Structural Design and Experiment of Robotic Fingertip for Contact Sensing. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2300, 2017.
- [50] 蒋奇 , 张成家 , 林建强 and 欧阳俊. Principle and Experiment of Protein Detection Based on Optical Fiber Sensing. PHOTONIC SENSORS, 7, 317, 2017.