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- [71] 蒋奇. A novel oil level monitoring sensor based on string tilted fiber Bragg grating. 《OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS》, 2011.
- [72] 蒋奇. Thermal Independent Solution Concentration Sensing with Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating. Photonic SPIE, 2010.
- [73] 蒋奇. A Novel Fiber Bragg Grating Accelerometer Based on Fiber Vibrating Wire. Proceedings of the 8th international conference on sensing technology, 2014.
- [74] 蒋奇. 基于FBG振弦的加速度传感设计及试验研究. 《光电子激光》, 26, 1646, 2015.
- [75] 蒋奇. A Kind of Vibration sensor and testing system in Electromechanical Equipment Based on fiber Bragg.... Key Engineering Materials, 2015.
- [76] 蒋奇. A Kind of Biomolecular Probe Sensor Based on TFBG Surface Plasma Resonance. PHOTONIC SENSORS, 5, 102, 2015.
- [77] 蒋奇. 一种温湿度测控系统的设计与模拟. 《化工自动化及仪表》, 2014.
- [78] 蒋奇. Engine Cylinder Head Temperature Measurement Based on Optical Fiber Probe. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 43, 758, 2015.
- [79] 蒋奇. Simulation and design of a fiber Bragg grating flow sensor. SPIE- The international society for optics and photonics, 2013.
- [80] 蒋奇. Design and research of wrist force sensor based on FBG. Intrenational conference on information and automation, 2013.