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- [61] 蒋奇. 一种新型光纤Bragg光栅流量传感器的仿真与实验研究. 光子学报, 43, 2014.
- [62] 蒋奇. High-sensitivity pressure sensor based on tilt fibre Bragg grating radial load effect. China laser, 39, 2012.
- [63] 蒋奇. Design and experiment study of solution refractive index sensor based on TFBG-SPR. SPIE- The international society for optics and photonics, 2013.
- [64] 蒋奇. Design and study of a vibrating string accelerometer based on fiber Bragg grating. SPIE- The international society for optics and photonics, 2013.
- [65] 蒋奇. Study and design of a low cost optical pickup based on double FBGs.International. Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013.
- [66] 蒋奇. A high sensitivity vector accelerometer based on three axial fiber Bragg grating. Optica Applicata, 42, 2012.
- [67] 蒋奇. Microdisplacement Sensor Based on Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Transversal Load Effect. IEEE sensor Journal, 11, 1776, 2011.
- [68] 蒋奇. Research on Pressure Tactile Ssensing Technology Based on Fiber Bragg Grating Array. PHOTONIC SENSORS, 5, 263, 2015.
- [69] 蒋奇. Theoretical and experimental investigation of fiber Bragg gratings with different lengths for ult.... PHOTONIC SENSORS, 2016.
- [70] 蒋奇. Research and design of a novel, low-cost and flexible tactile sensor array. Measurement, 2016.