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    Ju Lei
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HPCA、ASPLOS、MICRO、DAC、TCAD等计算机体系结构、芯片设计自动化、系统软件领域的国际顶会及期刊上(CCF-A类及以上)发表论文30余篇,论文引用次2000余次(Google Scholar),H-index为21。担任中国计算机学会体系结构专委会委员,容错计算专委会委员。近年来作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目、面上项目在内的国家级科研课题5项,省部级及横向科研课题10余项。先后10余次担任DAC、DATE、RTSS等多个本领域顶级国际学术会议的程序委员会委员,担任ESL、JCSC等SCI期刊副主编。

  • 2005-8 — 2010-10
  • 2001-8 — 2005-6
  • 2011-02-至今



1.  Sun, Zheng. CommanderUAP: a practical and transferable universal adversarial attacks on speech recognition models.  Cybersecurity,  7,  2024. 

2.  纪卓然. POSTER: Accelerating High-Precision Integer Multiplication used in Cryptosystems with GPUs.  2024. 

3.  纪卓然. A Compiler-Like Framework for Optimizing Cryptographic Big Integer Multiplication on GPUs.  2024. 

4.  许硕. Cache-aware Task Decomposition for Efficient Intermittent Computing Systems.  Proceedings - Design Automation Conference,  2024. 

5.  杜泽林. AcceleratingDNN Inference with Heterogeneous Multi-DPU Engines..  the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC),  2023. 

6.  纪卓然. Accelerating Multi-Scalar Multiplication for Efficient Zero Knowledge Proofs with Multi-GPU Systems.  Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems,  2024. 

7.  诸怡兰. FxHENN: FPGA-based acceleration framework for HE-CNN inference.  IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA),  2023. 

8.  Liu, Ke. Design Exploration for Multiple Level Cell based Non-volatile FPGAs.  257-264, 2017. 

9.  Du, Zelin. A comprehensive memory management framework for CPU-FPGA heterogenous SoCs.  IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD),  2022. 

10.  唐朋. Multi-Party Sequential Data Publishing Under Differential Privacy.  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),  35,  9563, 2023. 

11.  唐朋. Differentially Private Publication of Multi-Party Sequential Data.  37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2021,  145, 2021. 

12.  . Work or Sleep: Freshness-Aware Energy Scheduling for Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Interference Consideration.  the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC),  2023. 

13.  周梓梦. Optimizing Worst-Case Data Freshness in RF-Powered Networked Embedded Systems.  IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits And System,  2023. 

14.  李新. SRFTL: An Adaptive Superblock-based Real-time Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory.  332-339, 2014. 

15.  魏倩. Re-LSM: A ReRAM-based Processing-in-Memory Framework for LSM-based Key-Value Store.  2022. 

16.  唐朋. Differentially Private Publication of Multi-Party Sequential Data.  37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2021,  2021. 

17.  张伟. Adaptive Task-based Intermittent Computing System with Parallel State Backup.  IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits And System,  2022. 

18.  张伟. Precise and Scalable Shared Cache Contention Analysis for WCET Estimation.  Proceedings - Design Automation Conference,  2022. 

19.  李新. A comprehensive memory management framework for CPU-FPGA heterogenous SoCs.  IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD),  1, 2022. 

20.  唐朋. Differentially Private Publication of Multi-Party Sequential Data.  37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2021,  145, 2021. 

21.  唐朋. Differentially Private Publication of Multi-Party Sequential Data.  2021. 

22.  刘珂. Applying Multiple Level Cell to Non-volatile FPGAs.  ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,  19,  2020. 

23.  刘珂. Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture for High-Throughput Hash Function in Key-Value Store..  2019. 

24.  贾智平  and 张志勇. Unified DRAM and NVM Hybrid Buffer Cache Architecture for Reducing Journaling Overhead.  2016. 

25.  鞠雷  and 李世清. Automatic data placement for CPU-FPGA heterogeneous multiprocessor System-on-Chips.  Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE),  2019. 

26.  黎峰 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Data aggregation framework for energy-efficient WirelessHART networks.  Journal of Systems Architecture,  2016. 

27.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹  and 贾智平. Write-back aware shared last-level cache management for hybrid main memory.  Design Automation Conference,  2016. 

28.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 宋昌. Hybrid Sratchpad and Cache Memory Management for Energy-Efficient Parallel HEVC Encoding.  IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2015,  2015. 

29.  鞠雷 , 戴鸿君 , 李新 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 李兆颖. Set Variation-aware Shared LLC Management for CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Architecture.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 DESIGN, AUTOMATION & TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION (DATE),  79, 2018. 

30.  李新  and 鞠雷. An Implementation of Number Plate Recognition without Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Network.  2017. 

31.  鞠雷  and 李世清. Automatic data placement for CPU-FPGA heterogeneous multiprocessor System-on-Chips.  2019. 

32.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 孙宇清. Position Prediction System Based on Spatio-Temporal Regularity of Object Mobility(Information Systems CCF B期刊, 中科院SCI期刊2区).  Information Systems,  43, 2018. 

33.  赵梦莹 , 鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 宋维宁. EMC: Energy-Aware Morphable Cache Design for Non-Volatile Processors.  IEEE Transactions on Computers,  68,  498, 2019. 

34.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹  and 贾智平. NVM-Based FPGA Block RAM With Adaptive SLC-MLC Conversion.  IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,  2018. 

35.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 蔡晓军 , 贾智平  and 王冠. Shared Last-level Cache Management and Memory Scheduling for GPGPUs with Hybrid Main Memory.  ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,  2018. 

36.  李新  and 鞠雷. Time Mode Based Next Position Prediction System.  2017. 

37.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 张伟. Scope-aware Useful Cache Block Analysis for Data Cache Related Preemption Delay.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23RD IEEE REAL-TIME AND EMBEDDED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (RTAS 2017),  63, 2017. 

38.  赵梦莹 , 鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李静. Maximizing Forward Progress with Cache-aware Backup for Self-powered Non-volatile Processors.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 54TH ACM/EDAC/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC),  2017. 

39.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 巩凡. Cooperative DVFS for energy-efficient HEVC decoding on embedded CPU-GPU architecture.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 54TH ACM/EDAC/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC),  2017. 

40.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 王冠. Shared Last-level Cache Management for GPGPUs with Hybrid Main Memory.  2017. 

41.  张志勇 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷 , 赵梦莹  and 丁宪忠. Unified nvTCAM and sTCAM Architecture for Improving Packet Matching Performance.  ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES,  52,  91, 2017. 

42.  蔡晓军 , 黎峰 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. SLA-aware energy-efficient scheduling scheme for Hadoop YARN.  JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING,  73,  3526, 2017. 

43.  鞠雷 , 刘春光  and 张翔垣. Exploring the Effect of Cu2+ on Sludge Hydrolysis and Interaction Mechanism between Cu2+ and Xylanase by Multispectral and Thermodynamic Methods.  Water Air and Soil Pollution,  228,  2017. 

44.  鞠雷 , 刘春光  and 杨航. Exploring the effect of bisphenol S on sludge hydrolysis and mechanism of the interaction between bisphenol S and alpha-Amylase through spectrophotometric methods.  JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY,  167,  128, 2017. 

45.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. Managing Hybrid On-chip Scratchpad and Cache Memories for Multi-tasking Embedded Systems.  The 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2015),  2015. 

46.  黎峰 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. Data aggregation framework for energy-efficient WirelessHART networks.  Journal of Systems Architecture,  2015. 

47.  贾智平 , 蔡晓军  and 鞠雷. Gateway pheromone based adaptive Internet access scheme for mobile ad hoc networks .  International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing,  2014. 

48.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 蔡晓军. High Performance FPGA Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over Binary Fields .  The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014),  2014. 

49.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. On-demand gateway broadcast scheme for connecting mobile ad hoc networks to the Internet.  2014 International Conference on Smart Computing,  2014. 

50.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. Data Allocation for Embedded Systems with Hybrid On-Chip Scratchpad and Caches.  The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  2013. 

51.  贾智平 , 张瑞华  and 鞠雷. Context-Aware Routing Algorithm for WSNs Based on Unequal Clustering.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  1307, 2013. 

52.  张瑞华  and 鞠雷. Max-Flow/Min-Cut Based Energy Efficient Event Detection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.  《Journal of Computational Information Systems》,  11,  7359, 2015. 

53.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷 , 赵梦莹  and 贾智平. Shared Last-level Cache Management for GPGPUs with Hybrid Main Memory.  Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference,  2016. 

54.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Enhance Internet access ability for ad hoc network with on-demand gateway broadcast strategy.  International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,  2015. 

55.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. An Entropy-Based Distributed DDoS Detection Mechanism in Software-Defined Networking.  IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom),  2015. 

56.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 蔡晓军. A Novel Memory Block Management Scheme for PCM Using WOM-code.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),  2015. 

57.  贾智平 , 蔡晓军  and 鞠雷. AIMR: An Adaptive Page Management Policy for Hybrid Memory Architecture with NVM and DRAM.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),  2015. 

58.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Reducing Journaling Overhead with Hybrid Buffer Cache.  International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing,  2015. 

59.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Minimizing Update Bits of NVM-based Main Memory Using Bit Flipping and Cyclic Shifting.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),  290, 2015. 

60.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷 , 黎峰  and 贾智平. SLA-aware energy-efficient scheduling scheme for Hadoop YARN.  The Journal of Supercomputing,  2016. 

61.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. A Novel OpenFlow-Based DDoS Flooding Attack Detection and Response Mechanism in Software-Defned Networking.  International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP),  2015. 

62.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. Fast and Accurate Code Placement of Embedded Software for Hybrid On-chip Memory Architecture.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2014),  2014. 

63.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Unified DRAM and NVM Hybrid Buffer Cache Architecture for Reducing Journaling Overhead.  Design, Automation & Test in Europe,  2016. 

64.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Write-back aware shared last-level cache management for hybrid main memory.  Design Automation Conference,  2016. 

65.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Double Circulation Wear Leveling for PCM-Based Embedded Systems .  10th Annual Conference of Advanced Computer Architecture,  2014. 

66.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Energy Efficient Real-Time Task Scheduling for Embedded Systems with Hybrid Main Memory.  The 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications,  2014. 

67.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. A High-Performance Distributed Certificate Revocation Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014),  2014. 

68.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. A three-stage-write scheme with flip-bit for PCM main memory.  the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference,  328, 2015. 

69.  蔡晓军 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Energy efficient task allocation for hybrid main memory architecture.  Journal of Systems Architecture,  2016. 

70.  蔡晓军 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 赵梦莹. A Novel Page Caching Policy for PCM and DRAM of Hybrid Memory Architecture.  The 2016 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS2016),  2016. 

71.  蔡晓军 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Energy efficient task allocation for hybrid main memory architecture.  Non-Volatile Memory System and Applications Symposium (NVMSA), 2015 IEEE,  2015. 

72.  李新 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. Dependency-based Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Homogeneous Multi-core Clusters.  12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications,  1299, 2013. 

73.  李新 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. Slack-time-aware Energy Efficient Scheduling for Multiprocessor SoCs .  The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  278, 2013. 

74.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. TimSim: A Timestep-based Wireless Ad-hoc Network Simulator.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  1741, 2013. 

75.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Thermal-Aware On-chip Memory Architecture Exploration.  12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  2013. 

76.  李沂滨 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. Binarization-based Human Detection for Compact FPGA Implementation (CCF C类).  The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications,  2013. 

77.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Light-Weight Trust-Based On-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  42, 2013. 

78.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. SRFTL: An Adaptive Superblock-based Real-time Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory. .  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),  332, 2014. 

79.  李新 , 李沂滨 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. An Improved Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Precedence Constrained Tasks in Multiprocessor Clusters.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  8630,  323, 2014. 

80.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. SLA-Aware Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Hadoop YARN.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  2015. 

81.  鞠雷 , 贾智平 , 李新  and 蔡晓军. A data-driven superblock-based flash translation layer.  International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,  2015. 

82.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Energy efficient real-time task scheduling for embedded systems with hybrid main memory.  Journal of Signal Processing Systems,  2015. 

83.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Hybrid Sratchpad and Cache Memory Management for Energy-Efficient Parallel HEVC Encoding.  IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2015,  2015. 

84.  贾智平 , 李新  and 鞠雷. Trust prediction and trust-based source routing in mobile ad hoc networks.  Ad Hoc Networks,  11,  2096, 2013. 

85.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. A Subjective Trust Management Model with Multiple Decision Factors for MANET Based on AHP and Fuzzy Logic Rules.  2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications,  1,  124, 2011. 

86.  张瑞华 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for WSNs via Unequal Clustering.  14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2012),  1,  1226, 2012. 

87.  李新 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. 一种面向同构集群系统的并行任务节能调度优化方法.  《计算机学报》,  35,  591, 2012. 

88.  鞠雷. Tenant Onboarding in Evolving Multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service Systems.  2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2012,  1,  415, 2012. 

89.  鞠雷. Performance Debugging of Esterel Specifications.  Real-Time Systems,  48,  570, 2012. 

90.  贾智平 , 李新  and 鞠雷. A Real-Time Flash Translation Layer via Adaptive Partial Garbage Collection.  International Journal of Embedded Systems,  2013. 

91.  鞠雷 , 刘春光  and 周瑞祺. Multi-spectral and thermodynamic analysis of the interaction mechanism between Cu2+ and alpha-amylase and impact on sludge hydrolysis.  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,  24,  9428, 2017. 

92.  李沂滨 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. Binarization-based Human Detection for Compact FPGA Implementation.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  119, 2013. 

93.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Impact of Trust Model on On-demand Multi-path Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  computer communications,  36,  1078, 2013. 

94.  鞠雷  and 李新. An Implementation of Number Plate Recognition without Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Network.  2017. 

95.  鞠雷  and 李新. Time Mode Based Next Position Prediction System.  2017. 

96.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Gateway pheromone based adaptive Internet access scheme for mobile ad hoc networks .  International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing,  2014. 

97.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. On-demand gateway broadcast scheme for connecting mobile ad hoc networks to the Internet.  2014 International Conference on Smart Computing,  2014. 

98.  张瑞华 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Context-Aware Routing Algorithm for WSNs Based on Unequal Clustering.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  1307, 2013. 

99.  鞠雷  and 张瑞华. Max-Flow/Min-Cut Based Energy Efficient Event Detection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.  《Journal of Computational Information Systems》,  11,  7359, 2015. 

100.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Enhance Internet access ability for ad hoc network with on-demand gateway broadcast strategy.  International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,  2015. 

101.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. An Entropy-Based Distributed DDoS Detection Mechanism in Software-Defined Networking.  IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom),  2015. 

102.  鞠雷 , 蔡晓军  and 贾智平. A Novel Memory Block Management Scheme for PCM Using WOM-code.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),  2015. 

103.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. AIMR: An Adaptive Page Management Policy for Hybrid Memory Architecture with NVM and DRAM.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),  2015. 

104.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Reducing Journaling Overhead with Hybrid Buffer Cache.  International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing,  2015. 

105.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. Minimizing Update Bits of NVM-based Main Memory Using Bit Flipping and Cyclic Shifting.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),  290, 2015. 

106.  黎峰 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 蔡晓军. SLA-aware energy-efficient scheduling scheme for Hadoop YARN.  The Journal of Supercomputing,  2016. 

107.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. A Novel OpenFlow-Based DDoS Flooding Attack Detection and Response Mechanism in Software-Defned Networking.  International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP),  2015. 

108.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Unified DRAM and NVM Hybrid Buffer Cache Architecture for Reducing Journaling Overhead.  Design, Automation & Test in Europe,  2016. 

109.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Double Circulation Wear Leveling for PCM-Based Embedded Systems .  10th Annual Conference of Advanced Computer Architecture,  2014. 

110.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Energy Efficient Real-Time Task Scheduling for Embedded Systems with Hybrid Main Memory.  The 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications,  2014. 

111.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. A High-Performance Distributed Certificate Revocation Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014),  2014. 

112.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. A three-stage-write scheme with flip-bit for PCM main memory.  the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference,  328, 2015. 

113.  鞠雷 , 李新 , 贾智平  and 蔡晓军. Energy efficient task allocation for hybrid main memory architecture.  Journal of Systems Architecture,  2016. 

114.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 蔡晓军. A Novel Page Caching Policy for PCM and DRAM of Hybrid Memory Architecture.  The 2016 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS2016),  2016. 

115.  鞠雷 , 李新 , 贾智平  and 蔡晓军. Energy efficient task allocation for hybrid main memory architecture.  Non-Volatile Memory System and Applications Symposium (NVMSA), 2015 IEEE,  2015. 

116.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Dependency-based Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Homogeneous Multi-core Clusters.  12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications,  1299, 2013. 

117.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Slack-time-aware Energy Efficient Scheduling for Multiprocessor SoCs .  The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  278, 2013. 

118.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. TimSim: A Timestep-based Wireless Ad-hoc Network Simulator.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  1741, 2013. 

119.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Thermal-Aware On-chip Memory Architecture Exploration.  12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  2013. 

120.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李沂滨. Binarization-based Human Detection for Compact FPGA Implementation (CCF C类).  The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications,  2013. 

121.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Light-Weight Trust-Based On-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  42, 2013. 

122.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. SRFTL: An Adaptive Superblock-based Real-time Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory. .  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),  332, 2014. 

123.  李沂滨 , 鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. An Improved Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Precedence Constrained Tasks in Multiprocessor Clusters.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  8630,  323, 2014. 

124.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Trust prediction and trust-based source routing in mobile ad hoc networks.  Ad Hoc Networks,  11,  2096, 2013. 

125.  鞠雷 , 李新  and 贾智平. A Subjective Trust Management Model with Multiple Decision Factors for MANET Based on AHP and Fuzzy Logic Rules.  2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications,  1,  124, 2011. 

126.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 张瑞华. Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for WSNs via Unequal Clustering.  14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2012),  1,  1226, 2012. 

127.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. 一种面向同构集群系统的并行任务节能调度优化方法.  《计算机学报》,  35,  591, 2012. 

128.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. A Real-Time Flash Translation Layer via Adaptive Partial Garbage Collection.  International Journal of Embedded Systems,  2013. 

129.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李沂滨. Binarization-based Human Detection for Compact FPGA Implementation.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  119, 2013. 

130.  鞠雷 , 李新  and 贾智平. Impact of Trust Model on On-demand Multi-path Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  computer communications,  36,  1078, 2013. 

131.  鞠雷 , 刘春光  and 杨航. Exploring the effect of bisphenol S on sludge hydrolysis and mechanism of the interaction between bisphenol S and alpha-Amylase through spectrophotometric methods.  JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY,  167,  128, 2017. 

132.  鞠雷 , 刘春光  and 张翔垣. Exploring the Effect of Cu2+ on Sludge Hydrolysis and Interaction Mechanism between Cu2+ and Xylanase by Multispectral and Thermodynamic Methods.  Water Air and Soil Pollution,  228,  2017. 

133.  鞠雷 , 刘春光  and 周瑞祺. Multi-spectral and thermodynamic analysis of the interaction mechanism between Cu2+ and alpha-amylase and impact on sludge hydrolysis.  environmental science and pollution research,  24,  9428, 2017. 

134.  赵梦莹 , 鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 宋维宁. EMC: Energy-Aware Morphable Cache Design for Non-Volatile Processors.  IEEE Transactions on Computers,  68,  498, 2019. 

135.  黎峰 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 蔡晓军. SLA-aware energy-efficient scheduling scheme for Hadoop YARN.  The Journal of Supercomputing,  2016. 

136.  张瑞华 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Context-Aware Routing Algorithm for WSNs Based on Unequal Clustering.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  1307, 2013. 

137.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Gateway pheromone based adaptive Internet access scheme for mobile ad hoc networks .  International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing,  2014. 

138.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. A High-Performance Distributed Certificate Revocation Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014),  2014. 

139.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Double Circulation Wear Leveling for PCM-Based Embedded Systems .  10th Annual Conference of Advanced Computer Architecture,  2014. 

140.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Energy Efficient Real-Time Task Scheduling for Embedded Systems with Hybrid Main Memory.  The 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications,  2014. 

141.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. A Real-Time Flash Translation Layer via Adaptive Partial Garbage Collection.  International Journal of Embedded Systems,  2013. 

142.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李沂滨. Binarization-based Human Detection for Compact FPGA Implementation.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  119, 2013. 

143.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李沂滨. Binarization-based Human Detection for Compact FPGA Implementation (CCF C类).  The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications,  2013. 

144.  张志勇 , 贾智平 , 鞠雷 , 赵梦莹  and 丁宪忠. Unified nvTCAM and sTCAM Architecture for Improving Packet Matching Performance.  ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES,  52,  91, 2017. 

145.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 蔡晓军. Shared Last-level Cache Management for GPGPUs with Hybrid Main Memory.  Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference,  2016. 

146.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. AIMR: An Adaptive Page Management Policy for Hybrid Memory Architecture with NVM and DRAM.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),  2015. 

147.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Dependency-based Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Homogeneous Multi-core Clusters.  12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications,  1299, 2013. 

148.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. On-demand gateway broadcast scheme for connecting mobile ad hoc networks to the Internet.  2014 International Conference on Smart Computing,  2014. 

149.  鞠雷 , 蔡晓军  and 贾智平. High Performance FPGA Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over Binary Fields .  The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014),  2014. 

150.  李沂滨 , 鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. An Improved Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Precedence Constrained Tasks in Multiprocessor Clusters.  Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  8630,  323, 2014. 

151.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. Slack-time-aware Energy Efficient Scheduling for Multiprocessor SoCs .  The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  278, 2013. 

152.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. TimSim: A Timestep-based Wireless Ad-hoc Network Simulator.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  1741, 2013. 

153.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Thermal-Aware On-chip Memory Architecture Exploration.  12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  2013. 

154.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Light-Weight Trust-Based On-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2013,  42, 2013. 

155.  贾智平 , 鞠雷  and 李新. 一种面向同构集群系统的并行任务节能调度优化方法.  《计算机学报》,  35,  591, 2012. 

156.  李新 , 鞠雷  and 贾智平. Trust prediction and trust-based source routing in mobile ad hoc networks.  Ad Hoc Networks,  11,  2096, 2013. 

157.  蔡晓军 , 鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 王冠. Shared Last-level Cache Management for GPGPUs with Hybrid Main Memory.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 DESIGN, AUTOMATION & TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION (DATE),  25, 2017. 

158.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 蔡晓军 , 贾智平  and 王冠. Shared Last-level Cache Management and Memory Scheduling for GPGPUs with Hybrid Main Memory.  ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,  2018. 

159.  鞠雷  and 李世清. Automatic data placement for CPU-FPGA heterogeneous multiprocessor System-on-Chips.  2019. 

160.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 张伟. Scope-aware Useful Cache Block Analysis for Data Cache Related Preemption Delay.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23RD IEEE REAL-TIME AND EMBEDDED TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (RTAS 2017),  63, 2017. 

161.  赵梦莹 , 鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李静. Maximizing Forward Progress with Cache-aware Backup for Self-powered Non-volatile Processors.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 54TH ACM/EDAC/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC),  2017. 

162.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. A Novel OpenFlow-Based DDoS Flooding Attack Detection and Response Mechanism in Software-Defned Networking.  International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP),  2015. 

163.  鞠雷 , 李新 , 贾智平  and 蔡晓军. Energy efficient task allocation for hybrid main memory architecture.  Journal of Systems Architecture,  2016. 

164.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 蔡晓军. A Novel Page Caching Policy for PCM and DRAM of Hybrid Memory Architecture.  The 2016 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS2016),  2016. 

165.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Unified DRAM and NVM Hybrid Buffer Cache Architecture for Reducing Journaling Overhead.  Design, Automation & Test in Europe,  2016. 

166.  鞠雷 , 蔡晓军  and 贾智平. A Novel Memory Block Management Scheme for PCM Using WOM-code.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),  2015. 

167.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. An Entropy-Based Distributed DDoS Detection Mechanism in Software-Defined Networking.  IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom),  2015. 

168.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Reducing Journaling Overhead with Hybrid Buffer Cache.  International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing,  2015. 

169.  鞠雷  and 贾智平. Enhance Internet access ability for ad hoc network with on-demand gateway broadcast strategy.  International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,  2015. 

170.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. Minimizing Update Bits of NVM-based Main Memory Using Bit Flipping and Cyclic Shifting.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),  290, 2015. 

171.  鞠雷  and 张瑞华. Max-Flow/Min-Cut Based Energy Efficient Event Detection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.  《Journal of Computational Information Systems》,  11,  7359, 2015. 

172.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. A three-stage-write scheme with flip-bit for PCM main memory.  the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference,  328, 2015. 

173.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 李新. SRFTL: An Adaptive Superblock-based Real-time Flash Translation Layer for NAND Flash Memory. .  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),  332, 2014. 

174.  鞠雷 , 李新  and 贾智平. Impact of Trust Model on On-demand Multi-path Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.  computer communications,  36,  1078, 2013. 

175.  鞠雷 , 贾智平  and 张瑞华. Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for WSNs via Unequal Clustering.  14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2012),  1,  1226, 2012. 

176.  鞠雷 , 李新  and 贾智平. A Subjective Trust Management Model with Multiple Decision Factors for MANET Based on AHP and Fuzzy Logic Rules.  2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications,  1,  124, 2011. 

177.  鞠雷  and 李新. An Implementation of Number Plate Recognition without Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Network.  2017. 

178.  鞠雷 , 孙宇清  and 李新. Position Prediction System Based on Spatio-Temporal Regularity of Object Mobility.Information Systems.  Information Systems,  43, 2018. 

179.  鞠雷 , 赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 巩凡. Cooperative DVFS for energy-efficient HEVC decoding on embedded CPU-GPU architecture.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 54TH ACM/EDAC/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC),  2017. 

180.  鞠雷  and 李新. Time Mode Based Next Position Prediction System.  2017. 

181.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Write-back aware shared last-level cache management for hybrid main memory.  Design Automation Conference,  2016. 

182.  黎峰 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. Data aggregation framework for energy-efficient WirelessHART networks.  Journal of Systems Architecture,  2015. 

183.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. SLA-Aware Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Hadoop YARN.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  2015. 

184.  贾智平 , 李新 , 蔡晓军  and 鞠雷. A data-driven superblock-based flash translation layer.  International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,  2015. 

185.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Energy efficient real-time task scheduling for embedded systems with hybrid main memory.  Journal of Signal Processing Systems,  2015. 

186.  贾智平  and 鞠雷. Hybrid Sratchpad and Cache Memory Management for Energy-Efficient Parallel HEVC Encoding.  IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2015,  2015. 

187.  贾智平 , 李新  and 鞠雷. Managing Hybrid On-chip Scratchpad and Cache Memories for Multi-tasking Embedded Systems.  The 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2015),  2015. 

188.  贾智平 , 李新  and 鞠雷. Fast and Accurate Code Placement of Embedded Software for Hybrid On-chip Memory Architecture.  IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2014),  2014. 

189.  贾智平 , 李新  and 鞠雷. Data Allocation for Embedded Systems with Hybrid On-Chip Scratchpad and Caches.  The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications,  2013. 

190.  鞠雷. Tenant Onboarding in Evolving Multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service Systems.  2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2012,  1,  415, 2012. 

191.  鞠雷. Performance Debugging of Esterel Specifications.  Real-Time Systems,  48,  570, 2012. 

192.  赵梦莹 , 贾智平  and 鞠雷. NVM-Based FPGA Block RAM With Adaptive SLC-MLC Conversion.  IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,  2018. 


1. 一种基于GPU空间资源共享的任务调度方法

2. 基于新鲜度感知的无线供能通信网络能量调度方法及系统

3. 一种满足差分隐私的多方序列数据发布方法及系统

4. 基于高层次综合的国密算法SM4加速处理方法及系统

5. 基于ZYNQ异构计算平台的以太坊部署方法及系统

6. 基于FPGA的全同态加密深度学习推理方法及系统

7. 基于HEVC的DVFS控制方法、系统、处理器及存储设备

8. 一种使用机械臂自动更换电池与充电的小型无人机停机箱设备

9. 基于深度学习目标检测的车载无人机精准降落技术

10. 基于Cache感知的NVP性能优化备份方法及系统

11. 非易失处理器备份容量设定、内存备份方法及系统

12. 基于嵌入式系统混合主存的页面管理方法

13. 实时闪存转换层使用的自适应局部垃圾回收方法

14. 基于信息熵的DDoS攻击分布式检测与响应方法

15. 一种基于FPGA的椭圆曲线标量乘法加速电路及其算法

16. 面向混合主存嵌入式系统的低能耗EDF实时任务调度方法

17. WirelessHART网络中基于集群的数据聚合与路由方法及其通信网络

18. 面向SDN的基于OpenFlow-DPM的DDoS溯源与源端过滤方法

19. 面向多任务嵌入式系统的片上便笺式存储器管理方法

20. 上下文相关的非均匀分簇路由算法

21. Ad Hoc网络中基于信任的按需多路径矢量路由算法

22. 基于服务等级协议的YARN资源分配和节能调度方法及系统

23. Ad Hoc网络环境下一种高效的分布式证书撤销算法

24. 一种Ad Hoc网络环境下的分布式证书撤销方法

25. 面向嵌入式片上异构存储器的细粒度数据分配方法

26. 一种面向CPU-FPGA异构多核片上系统的自动数据布局技术

27. 一种针对HEVC视频编码的多核混合存储管理方法

28. 一种面向CPU-FPGA异构多核片上系统的自动数据布局技术

29. WirelessHART网络中基于集群的数据聚合与路由方法及其通信架构

30. 非易失处理器备份容量设定、内存备份方法及系统

31. 一种混合TCAM架构系统及流表处理方法

32. Ad Hoc网络中基于信任的按需多路径矢量路由算法

33. 上下文相关的非均匀分簇路由算法

34. 一种针对HEVC视频编码的多核混合存储管理方法

35. 基于服务等级协议的YARN资源分配和节能调度方法及系统

36. 面向混合主存嵌入式系统的低能耗EDF实时任务调度方法

37. 一种Ad Hoc网络环境下的分布式证书撤销方法


1. 基于GPU的CKKS Bootstrapping 加速技术研究, 2025/01/01-2025/12/31

2. 基于同态加密的隐私信息检索协议移植, 2024/09/01-2025/08/31

3. 海洋机器人领域高可靠实时操作系统关键技术研究, 2024/08/23-2029/12/31

4. 基于GPU加速的键值数据隐私信息检索技术研究, 2024/07/01-2025/06/30

5. 基于软硬件协同设计的隐私计算通用FPGA算子库研究, 2023/09/01-2024/08/31

6. 面向全同态加密的跨硬件平台编译框架研究, 2023/08/24-2027/12/31

7. GFJG-KM20230018, 2022/12/23-2026/06/30

8. 基于软硬件协同设计的全同态计算FPGA加速器研究, 2022/10/10-2023/10/10

9. 存算一体架构的软硬件协同任务调度与布局优化技术研究, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31

10. 自主可控RISC-V 嵌入式CPU 设计及产业化, 2022/10/01-2025/12/31

11. GFJG-KM20220032, 2022/03/11-2022/11/30

12. CCF-华为胡杨林基金存储领域专项项目, 2022/05/20-2023/04/30

13. 基于 FPGA 的物联网边缘节点目标检测关键技术研究, 2020/12/16-2022/12/31

14. 山东省网络空间安全技术创新中心-2, 2020/01/01-2022/12/31

15. 面向人工智能数据隐私的安全技术研究, 2020/12/16-2022/12/31

16. 山东省网络空间安全技术创新中心-3, 2020/01/01-2022/12/31

17. 面向存内计算架构的自动化代码生成与优化方法研究, 2020/11/03-2023/12/31

18. 物联网设备固件中密码模块的自动化识别与分析, 2019/08/31-2020/07/31

19. SystemCache管理策略技术合作项目, 2019/04/11-2021/04/10

20. 调控系统按需建模与广域数据分布式处理技术, 2017/07/01-2020/12/31

21. 面向自供能嵌入式系统非易失处理器的关键技术研究, 2016/08/17-2019/12/31

22. 物联网网关可信服务与多协议动态可配置关键技术研究, 2015/07/01-2017/12/31

23. 基于龙芯多路处理器平台的数据处理实时性研究, 2015/01/01-2016/12/31

24. 基于相变存储器的非易失主存关键技术研究, 2014/12/01-2017/12/31

25. 基于嵌入式程序分析的栈空间优化技术研究, 2016/11/18-2019/06/30

26. 四分仓空气预热器的换热动态分析程序, 2015/01/01-2020/06/30

27. 低速无线个域网与IPv6网络互联的关键问题研究, 2013/10/01-2016/10/31

28. 基于异构计算的嵌入式系统中混合内存架构关键技术研究, 2017/08/01-2020/06/30

29. 基于多模态大数据的空气质量监测与分析平台研究及设计, 2015/01/01-2017/12/01

30. 低速无线个域网与IPV6网络互联系统的设计与实现, 2013/11/27-2015/12/01

31. 基于模型驱动的信息物理融合系统实时性分析方法研究, 2012/12/29-2015/12/31

32. 面向嵌入式可信网络的实时性分析研究, 2012/08/17-2015/12/31

33. 数据密集型程序在多核系统上的最差情况执行时间分析, 2011/07/01-2014/07/01

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