Li Anhai
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Project Name: : 高强度高寿命活塞智能化加工技术及装备示范-2

Affiliation of Participant(s): : 机械工程学院

Leading Scientist: : Li Anhai

Supported by: : 山东省重大科技创新工程项目

Type of Project: : 应用研究

Nature of Project: : 纵向

Project level: : 省、部委级

Project Participants: : zhaojun

Project Number: : A81BD2CEE976778CE053BE07C2CA1580

Date of Project Approval: : 2019-11-29

Scheduled completion time: : 2021-12-31

Date of Project Completion: : 2021-12-31

Date of Project Initiation: : 2019-05-01

Project Approval Number: : 2019JZZY010114

Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 山东大学

Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status : Employed

School/Department : 机械工程学院

Date of Employment : 2013-07-29

Discipline:Mechanical Engineering

Business Address : 千佛山校区西配楼212

Contact Information : 15965311645

Honors and Titles:

山东大学优秀班主任  2023-07-14

山东大学青年未来计划学者  2018

山东省优秀博士后研究人员  2016

第4届上银优秀机械博士论文奖佳作奖  2014

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